Effectively Clean Search Results

How To: Clean your oven effectively

Ovens get filthy pretty quickly, and that can stink up your kitchen and your food. Watch this video for an in-depth guide to cleaning your grill with cheap household products, restoring flavor to your food and a pleasant smell and appearance to your most important food cooker.

How To: Use a power washer to clean your deck

Interested in renting a power washer to clean gunk from your deck or even have one on hand but want be sure you don't inadvertently damage your home? If so, this DIYer's guide is for you: with it, you'll learn how to use a power washer safely and effectively when cleaning a deck.

How To: Create a clean and stylish flyer in Photoshop

Having a clean, stylish, and visually appealing layout is the key to effectively conveying information on flyers. In this Photoshop tutorial, we will plan, layout, and construct a good looking flyer that can be used for virtually anything. Learning how to create a flyer is a skill that can come in handy often, and after watching this tutorial, you should be able to create your own.

How To: Use a Cyclone tool to clean your bike chain

Cleaning your bike chain is an arduous but necessary part of regular bike maintenance. The Cyclone chain cleaner, or any of its competitors, make the process a lot easier to do without taking the chain off the bike. This video features a professional bike mechanic demonstrating how to use one such product effectively, saving you time.

How To: Perform a hang-clean to build your traps and shoulders

In this video, Darin L. Steen teaches how to perform the hang-clean exercise, which is a weightlifting technique that is good for working out the shoulders. Learn how to correctly perform this movement so that you can practice it yourself at home. You will also learn tips such as common mistakes, and things to watch out for, so that you can perform this exercise safely and effectively. This video follows Steen's methods of "muscle confusion"; that is variations to keep workouts unique, causin...

How To: Clean your sigma makeup brush rolls

Cleaning makeup brush rolls can be quite challenging and frustrating. MakeupByRenRen teaches us an easy and quick technique on how she cleans her sigma makeup brush rolls. Things you will need: an oil-based facial cleanser or a regular olive oil and paper towel. Grab a paper towel and damp it with your oil-based facial cleanser or regular olive oil. Gently rub the paper towel on the surface of your dirty makeup brush rolls. Make sure that you go in every direction to effectively remove all th...

How To: Create furniture polish from scratch

This video describes how to make a cheap and effective furniture polish from scratch. To start, you should find some sort of dispenser to put the polish in. The video suggests an oil and vinegar dispenser because it works effectively with the furniture polish. Put a funnel in the container to make pouring easier, and add 1/4 cup of organic olive oil (make sure it is organic for cleaning). Then add 1/4 cup of vinegar and 20-30 drops of essential oil. The olive oil will keep the wood looking ni...

How To: Clean-up & organize your Windows Vista start menu

The instructor from ClearTechInfo shows how to clean up and organize the Windows Vista start menu. He shows how the start menu consists of links to programs and not the program itself. He shows how to manage those links by removing those links, add new ones or rename existing ones, or move folders into other sub folders. He shows how to pin or remove frequently used programs to the main start menu. He advises to categorize similar programs under common folders, like 'Media Players,' 'Utilitie...

How To: Effectively remove CD & DVD scratches with toothpaste

In this tutorial, we learn how to effectively remove DVD and CD scratches by using toothpaste! First, you will need to grab the CD or DVD that is scratched and then grab a tube of toothpaste. Next, rub some toothpaste onto the middle of your item. Now rub your finger on the toothpaste until the toothpaste covers the entire DVD or CD. Now, let the item sit for just a few minutes, and grab a clean, dry, and very soft wash cloth. After a few minutes, gently rub off the toothpaste with the soft w...

How To: Do an intense fat loss workout

This step-by-step video tutorial will show you how to do a high weight, low rep workout that will burn fat effectively. Yuri Elkaim of MyFitterU will show you six high intensity exercises in a circuit fashion that will have you slimmer in no time. Yuri will walk you through each exercise, including the dumbbell clean, box jumps, and speed skate lateral lines, with basic and simple instructions to make sure you do this workout safely and effectively. Visit Yuri's website for a 12-week workout ...

How To: Thoroughly clean your keyboard

A lot of things come into contact with our keyboards throughout the day: dirty fingers, food, beverages, dust..they are full of germs and crumbs of who knows what. In this 4 part tutorial, learn how to take your keyboard apart and clean it completely. This process should bring your keyboard back to its original glory. So, follow along and clean up your workspace.

How To: Clean laminate floors safely

The basic idea of cleaning laminate floors is to use a dry or damp mop or cleaner for cleaning spills and as little moisture as possible. Laminate floors are resistant products and are made to last, but they also are sensible to moisture and thus it can produce damage. Also very important for defending against stains like tomato sauce and red wine is to be vigilant and clean them immediately. The longer a stain like that sits, the longer it is the probability of being permanent, so the best a...

How To: Clean an in-ground DE fIlter

This how to video, made by Teddy Bear Pools & Spas, demonstrates how to clean in-ground pool DE filters. Cleaning the DE filter on your in-ground pool helps your pool run more efficiently during those long summer months. Watch and learn how easy it is to clean the filter with water and cleaning solution.

How To: Clean an above ground DE filter

This how to video, made by Teddy Bear Pools & Spas, demonstrates how to clean above ground pool DE filters. Cleaning the DE filter on your above ground pool helps your pool run more efficiently during those long summer months. Watch and learn how easy it is to clean the filter with water and cleaning solution.

How To: Properly wash your hands with sanitizer or soap

Hand washing is something you learn from a young age, but how do you know you are doing it correctly? Keeping your hands clean is one of the best things you can do to keep others and yourself healthy. In this tutorial, Memorial Health will teach you the best way to wash your hands and prevent the spread of germs. There are two ways to clean germs from your hands: soap and water and alcohol-based handrubs. Watch this video to find out how to use both effectively. The video will show you how a ...

How To: Clean an Apple keyboard with Mr. Clean Magic Eraser

Keyboards get really dirty from your hands, food, spilled drinks, pens, pencils and everything else that winds up on your desk. This video will show you a great way to clean you white Apple keyboard (wireless or wired) so that it shines like you just bought it. All you need is a handy cleaning product called Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. This will get all of the dirt off of your white keys that come with Mac computers. Make sure to clean the keys and the inside between all of these keys as well. Ma...

How To: Clean your PC or laptop screen in 1 minute or less

You can clean your laptop or computer screen in under a minute with no problem. To clean your screen you will need some anti-static cleaning spray to clean the screen. This spray doesn't cost very much. Spray some of the cleaning spray onto the screen. Use a clean soft cloth to wipe the screen dry and get all the dirt and grim off of the computer screen. When you wipe it down make sure that you are very gentle. It doesn't take much pressure to get the screen clean.

How To: Clean a deer

Planning a hunting trip sometime soon? Become a hardcore hunter by killing & cleaning your game out in the wild. In this two-part tutorial, learn how to clean (or butcher) a deer when camping outdoors.

How To: Clean latex paint off your paintbrushes

Despite your best efforts, do your paintbrushes always end up too stiff to reuse? Keep them forever with these cleaning tips. You will need water, a clean rag, a paintbrush comb, a clean container, liquid fabric softener, a rubber band, and a ruler. Watch this video interior design tutorial and learn how to clean latex paint off paintbrushes.

How To: Drain and clean a hot tub spa

This eleven-part video tutorial discusses how to drain and clean a hot tub spa. It goes over the process step-by-step from turning off the circuit breaker to restarting the spa. It also gives helpful tips on cleaning the tub, working with spa chemicals and avoiding air locks that will make the process a lot more smooth sailing even for a novice spa cleaner.

How To: Make cheap homemade cleaning solution for your PC

Are you sick of spending a ton of money on not so great cleaning supplies? Well, if cleaning the screens around your home are the problem, check out this tutorial. In this video you will learn how to make a super effective cleaning solution for your TV, PC, laptop, iPod screens, etc for about a dollar! This couldn't be easier to do, and your screens will be clear and shiny in no time.

How To: Get permanent marker stains out of your carpet

To follow along with this video, you will need a few supplies: a spray bottle filled with lukewarm water, a couple of clean white blotting towels, and a product called Legacy of Clean. To remove the stain you begin by applying a few drops of Legacy of Clean onto the stain. Use the blotting cloth to agitate the product into the carpet fibers by rubbing it a bit. Then find a new clean spot on the towel, place it over the stain and apply pressure from your fist to blot the stain. You will see th...

How To: Use natural products to clean your home without toxins

We all want to spic and span our kitchen countertops, our tile floors, and our bathrooms. But for the most part we can bet you've been unwittingly using storebought detergent cleaners or bleach. While these cleaners are in fact excellent at removing grime and buffing your dirty floors to a Midas touch perfection, they also come filled to the brim with known cancer-causing agents, synthetic chemicals, and other gnarly, hard to pronounce crap.

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