Efficiently Educated Search Results

How To: Spot a Heavy Drinker with Eye Contact

Did you know that your face shows others how much alcohol you drink? Whether you've never had a sip of booze with those around you or you're known as the party animal of the group, the genes that shape your appearance also show others just how much you enjoy liquor. Pinpointing the big drinker in any setting is easy to determine: you just need to make eye contact.

News: Google Joins Netflix in Shaming ISPs into Faster Service

Netflix releases monthly reports on major ISPs relating to how well their service works on each provider. The purpose is to educate the public on their choice of service provider, but since many of us hardly have any choice at all when is comes to an ISP, it backhandedly works to shame them (if they're even capable of feeling shame under all those millions of dollars).

How To: What Is Wordpress ? [Beginner]

WordPress started in 2003 with a single bit of code to enhance the typography of everyday writing and with fewer users than you can count on your fingers and toes. Since then it has grown to be the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world, used on millions of sites and seen by tens of millions of people every day.

News: New App Makes Networking More Like Online Dating

Shapr is a new networking app that aims to help professionals connect more efficiently, and draws much of its format from dating-focused social networking apps. Shapr could be especially useful for those who have recently moved into their industry or location, and for those seeking employers or employees. For example, the app already has 65,000 users just in New York City alone.

How To: Reverse Shell Using Python

Hi Folks. This is my first post. I will teach how to create a server and client python reverse shell using sockets and python language. The script i'll post here is going to be very simple, and from here you'll have the possibility to adapt to your own purpose. For example, my original script can download files, upload files, make changes to registry, create user accounts and more. I'm sure you could do it on your own too.

Food Tool Friday: Meet the Big Green Egg—The Ultimate Cookout Machine

At first glance, the Big Green Egg looks like it was created by Dr. Seuss or some other whimsy-driven being, like Zooey Deschanel. And while this earthenware cooker may look cute, it produces serious results that can rival the best barbecue or grill. In fact, it's got quite a large cult following. Entrepreneur and former Navy serviceman Ed Fisher fell in love with the taste of food cooked in kamodos (traditional domed, covered earthenware vessels in Japan) and began to import them for sale in...

How To: The Best Way to Peel a Mango

For the longest time, I only ever did one thing with mangoes. I would cut off a chunk of the fruit, squeeze some lime over it, and eat it straight out of my hands as though it were a watermelon slice. I didn't do this because I loved devouring mango in the messiest way possible; I did it because I had no clue how to peel a mango. As such, I never cooked with mango: I ate it directly off the peel, or didn't eat it at all.

How To: Permanently Browse in Desktop Mode on Android

The majority of Android web browsers carry a "desktop mode" feature that makes mobile websites look like normal computer versions. Mobile versions are designed to work faster and more efficiently on smartphones, but sometimes the desktop version looks better on large displays or has additional features not included in the mobile one.

Slated: An iOS Keyboard That Lets You Text in Any Language You Want on Your iPhone

Many of us were required to take a foreign language in school, but sadly, many of us are far from fluent in said language. To be a better citizen of the world, learning popular and rare languages would be dope, but in reality, that's probably never going to happen. If you ever do find yourself in a situation where you're messaging people who don't speak your language, there's an app that can help you.

How To: Demonstrate Newton's law of inertia

This short video clip shows seven demonstrations of Isaac Newton’s first law of motion– the law of inertia. Newton’s law of inertia states that objects moving at constant velocity will continue moving at constant velocity, unless acted upon by an outside unbalanced force. Six of these demonstrations (excluding number six) are from Tik Liem’s book Invitations to Science Inquiry.

How To: Change your air filter on a 2008 Ninja motorcycle

In this tutorial, we learn how to change your air filter on a 2008 Ninja motorcycle. You will need: a number 5 Allen wrench, a screwdriver, and a new air filter. First, take the side cover off your bike with your screwdriver. After you remove this, set it down to the side as well as everything else that comes with it. Now, remove the air cover from the filter and set the screws to the side. Next, find your air filter and remove it from it's space. After this, replace the old filter with the b...

How To: Peel apples

Though apple skins are healthy, some recipes call for peeled apples. These apple peeling tips will show you how to remove the skin safely and efficiently. The first thing that you will need is a sharp paring knife. Now, before we continue, a quick safety tip: Whenever you are using a sharp knife you always want to cut with the blade facing away from you. If you are cutting with the blade toward yourself and you slip you will increase your chances of an accident.

How To: Disassemble an HP iPAQ hx2100, 2400 or 2700 series PDA

Accidents will happen. This brief how-to will guide you through the process of disassembling your HP iPAQ hx2100, hx2190, hx2400 or hx2700 series pocket PC quickly and efficiently without damaging any of the components, the first necessary step of any successful repair. This tutorial will also be of use to those who wish to learn more about the guts of their iPAQ PDAs without actually disassembling their units.

How To: Disassemble an HP iPAQ rw6800 series PDA

Accidents will happen. This brief how-to will guide you through the process of disassembling your HP iPAQ rw6815, rw6818, rw6828 series pocket PC quickly and efficiently without damaging any of the components, the first necessary step of any successful repair. This tutorial will also be of use to those who wish to learn more about the guts of their iPAQs without actually disassembling their units.

How To: Disassemble an HP iPAQ hx2000 series PDA

Accidents will happen. This brief how-to will guide you through the process of disassembling your HP iPAQ hx2000, hx2100, hx2110,hx2115, hx2141s, hx2190 (hx2190a, hx2190b), hx2400, hx2410, hx2490 (hx2490b, hx2490c), hx2495b, hx2700, hx2750, hx2755, hx2790 (hx2790b, hx2790c) or hx2795b series pocket PC quickly and efficiently without damaging any of the components, the first necessary step of any successful repair. This tutorial will also be of use to those who wish to learn more about the gut...

How To: Disassemble an HP iPAQ h3870 series PDA

Accidents will happen. This brief how-to will guide you through the process of disassembling your Hewlett Packard iPAQ h3870, h3875, h3835, h3860 or h3830 series pocket PC quickly and efficiently without damaging any of the components, the first necessary step of any successful repair. This tutorial will also be of use to those who wish to learn more about the guts of their iPAQs without actually disassembling their units.

How To: Disassemble an HP iPAQ h2210 or h2215 series PDA

Accidents will happen. This brief how-to will guide you through the process of disassembling your HP iPAQ h2210 or h2215 series pocket PC quickly and efficiently without damaging any of the components, the first necessary step of any successful repair. This tutorial will also be of use to those who wish to learn more about the guts of their iPAQs without actually disassembling their units.

How To: Do finger tutting

In this tutorial, we learn how to do finger tutting. There are different positions in tutting to help you get to a new one, creating new paths while learning. First, place both your arms on top of each other, then move them adjacent to each other by raising them and popping them. The praying position is also very popular. When you are tutting, think about common positions that are used a lot, then think of how you can get to the tutting by doing different switches and use your fingers more ef...

How To: Here's Why You Need to Add Python to Your Hacking & Programming Arsenal

Choosing which programming language to learn next can be a truly daunting task. That's the case regardless of whether you're a Null Byter just beginning a career in development and cybersecurity or you're a seasoned ethical hacking and penetration tester with years of extensive coding experience under your belt. On that note, we recommend Python for anyone who hasn't mastered it yet.