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How To: Perform the "Drop Spark" Zippo lighter trick

In this clip, learn how to perform the Drop Spark with your Zippo. This trick requires a fast hand and practice but when you do master it, it's pretty cool. Basically, you will be dropping your lighter to spark it, so that it looks like you lit the flame effortlessly. Follow along and impress your friends the next time they ask for a light.

How To: Create a blow-dry hairstyle inspired by Cheryl Cole

Cheryl Cole is known for her many talents, but her hairstyles tend to get overlooked, but the fact is, Cole has had some wonderful, elegant hairdos in her lifetime, one of which is her blow-dried hair. Primp Powder Pout provides this hairstyling tutorial to teach you how to recreate the blow-dry hairdo which Cole effortlessly flaunts. If you do this properly, this look could last a couple days!

How To: Make white slips for wall vases and other pots

Adding slips to your vases gives them a subtle artistic flair without detracting from the beauty of the flowers within. Simon Leach is here to teach you how to add a white slip to your ceramics, using the wall vases that he has been working on as examples. You may not be able to do it so effortlessly, but as Simon always says, keep practicing!

How To: Install any version of Linux on your computer

Tired of Windows? Want to see what all the buzz is about Linux but you're not a computer expert? In this video, you'll learn how to use a free program called "Wubi" that lets you effortlessly install any flavor of Linux onto your Windows PC, without changing or damaging your existing Windows installation! Wubi handles all the installation and configuration for you, and allows you to dual-boot both Windows and Linux on the same computer.

How To: Move your partner side to side on the dance floor

Gina Deambrazio and Gino Spizatti demonstrate the cross body lead which allow you to move your partner side to side on the dance floor. This salsa move takes the female partner from one side to the other. The man must stay as still as possible, so that the woman may move around effortlessly.

How To: Create & save layouts in CINEMA 4D

This tutorial will show you how to create and save layouts in CINEMA 4D. The process is similar to doing the same in After Effects 7.0 in which panes and panels within the application can be moved around quickly and effortlessly to create a custom workspace, or several different workspaces that are custom tailored to the way you work.

How To: Create loose, beachy waves with a deep waver

Unlike its name suggests, beachy waves aren't an easy, carefree hairstyle you can achieve simply by hitting up the beach for a day and letting the sun and surf do its work. In fact, if you did just that you'd probably end up with fried, damanged, and dry hair that doesn't look the least "beachy" and pretty.

How To: Create a loose updo for a beach wedding

For both the bride and groom and the guests, beach weddings are a little messier to deal with. And when it comes to dressing and getting your hair and makeup ready, there are the additional considerations of practicality (you're going to be trotting on sand, after all) including how to do your hair so the wind won't whip it into a frizz cloud and how to apply makeup so it won't all slide off before the "I Do."

How To: Quit smoking cigarettes with meditation

Roy Masters demonstrates the hypnotic process behind effortlessly quitting smoking. He explains that if one can meditate and come to a conscious level of smoking, one can realize the harmful effects of smoking. One technique he employs is having a person take a puff on a cigarette but keep the smoke in their mouth. Becoming conscious of the fact that the smoke is poisonous makes it much harder to breathe in the smoke. By practicing this technique, one can effectively quit smoking.

How To: Make a front side-braid

The front side-braid is best known as the Lauren Conrad braid. Conrad loves working the effortlessly cool, braided bohemian hairstyles, and for good reason. This front side-braid style is the perfect combination of practicality and beauty. It gets all the pesky hair out of your face while creating beautiful nymph-like pleats.

How To: Develop applications for the Apple iPhone

This is a lengthy, detailed series on iPhone development, for which you'll need an Intel-based Mac computer, running Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or higher. Then, before you actually get started developing for the iPhone, you'll need to register as a developer with Apple. Then, you'll need to download Xcode and the iPhone SDK. Once you have all this, you can start developing iPhone applications!

How To: Develop black and white 120 roll film

This four-part video describes, in great detail, how to develop black-and-white 120 film. With photo labs becoming rarer by the day, knowing how to do this yourself will become increasing important if you want to continue to take and develop pictures with film. Developing 120 is a bit different than developing 35 millimeter, so if you can already do that still watching this video! Thankfully, the presenter demonstrates the process in full light. Bear in mind it will be very dark when you do t...

How To: Use CakePHP to create and develop websites

CakePHP is the Ruby on Rails of the PHP world, an open-source web application framework that allows users to create really cool websites and software without spending money on expensive programs. This extensive video series will teach you everything you need to know about working with CakePHP and should make your website a lot more interesting.

How To: Chop fresh minced garlic

Do you like adding garlic to every recipe you make. We'll you are definitely not alone. Learning how to mince garlic will take your love for garlic to the next level. This homemade solution will keep you away from the store bought variety, and will show how to create the perfect minced garlic effortlessly.

How To: Load 120 film into a Paterson plastic reel

Many people have trouble loading 120 film into developing reels when they are first starting. In the darkroom, it's tricky business to wind film and load it into a developing tank. Find out what works for you and repeat the process until it becomes second nature. If you are interested in developing your own photographs, you will need to know this process backwards and forwards, using all types of film, reels and developing tanks.

How To: Develop black and white film in the dark room

Developing black-and-white film is an arcane, but very rewarding and useful process if you want to make really good-looking prints from your film. This two-part video goes over the entire process, from chemical measurement and selection to the actual process of developing the film. A must-watch for any would-be film photographer.

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