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How To: Apple's iOS 17.5 Gives Your iPhone 32 New Features and Changes — Here's Everything You Need to Know About

Apple's latest iPhone software update — iOS 17.5 — is finally ready for prime time. Released on May 13, it includes at least 32 new features and changes you need to know about, from a new game and offline news access to new wallpapers and anti-stalking capabilities.

How To: Your iPhone Has a Secret Button That Can Run Hundreds, Even Thousands of Actions — But You Have to Unlock It First

An invaluable button on your iPhone can do hundreds, even thousands, of amazing things, but most iPhone users don't even know it exists. You can't push it. You can't click it. You can't press it. But it's the largest button on your iPhone, more powerful than the versatile Side button, and it's hiding in plain sight.

Android 10 Changelog: 60 New Features You Should Know About

|Choose Your View: Quick Bullet Points | Detailed Descriptions Android's newest major update is a special one — it's the tenth full version of the world's most commonly used operating system. The latest release, dubbed simply Android 10 (codename Android Q), was first showcased as a beta back in March 2019, so we've been digging around in it for several months. There's one dramatic visual change, plus there are a lot of goodies in general.

News: Culver City Seido's Approach to Improving Your Fitness

The point of any workout is to stress your body and initiate an adaptive training response. Period. What are appropriate levels of stress necessary to achieve the adaptive response? In terms of the cardiovascular system, studies have shown that it usually takes about two minutes to get the heart rate into the training zone. Once there, the heart shows an adaptive response after five more minutes of training in the zone. Total minutes needed to get an adaptive response from your heart? Seven.

How To: Control a Movie Plot with Your Emotions

Not in the mood for a sappy ending? Well, strap in because "Emotional Response Cinema Technology" lets your own body physiology control the movie music, the special effects, and even the movie ending. A collaboration between BioControl Systems, Filmtrip, and the Sonic Arts Research Center at Queen's University Belfast, the technology was recently showcased at the SXSW film festival in Austin, TX, where the newly minted horror film Unsound interacted with the audience through wires connected t...

News: Segway + Skateboard + Tank Threads = SICK Off-Road Shredder

I don't know how else to say it. In a word, the DTV (Dual Tracked Vehicle) Shredder from BPG Werk is just plain awesome. "Built as a first response modular platform to better equip the soldier to deal with crisis situations, the DTV is a new class of vehicle that can handle any terrain at high speed. It’s low center of gravity and rugged design make it ideal for a wide variety of applications including, reconnaissance, rescue/recovery, mobile surveillance/offensive platform, med-evac, rapid r...

How To: Treat Chronic Inflammation

Inflammation in your body is not a bad thing if it is localized and temporary, as it is your body's natural healing response to an injury or illness. When the inflammatory response does not turn off and becomes chronic, that is when your body's healthy cells and tissues are in danger of long-term damage.

News: Alex Responds to Obama’s Text Editor’s So Called ‘Mistake’

An apology for the “mistake” in Barack Obama’s official biography that said he was ‘Born in Kenya’ has conveniently been rushed out onto the world scene in rapid-response to the bombshell published today at Breitbart.com and made truly viral at the Drudge Report, along with a new media fiction theorizing that the “mistake” may well have given birth to ‘birther rumors’ in the first place.

News: Followup to Previous Post

So after I wrote my post yesterday, I got sent two links in response, both some pretty awesome and in-depth analysis of the costumes in Rapunzel. It's pretty awesome, I think, to see such detailed costumes in an animated movie - right down to the patch on Flynn's bag and the embellishments on Rapunzel's bodice.