Email Notifying Search Results

Goodnight Byte: HackThisSite, Realistic 4 - Real Hacking Simulations

Last Friday's mission was to accomplish solving HackThisSite, realistic 4. The fourth in a series of realistic simulation missions was designed to be exactly like a situation you may encounter in the real world. This time, we are told "Fischer's Animal Products is a company that slaughters animals and turns their skin into overpriced products which are then sold to rich bastards! Help animal rights activists increase political awareness by hacking their mailing list."

How To: Send SMS Messages with Python

In this article, I'll show you how to send SMS messages with Python. You'll need Python 2.7 or later, urllib and urllib2. The code basically uses an online text messaging service to "POST" html data, as if a person was entering the data themselves. The uses for something like this are unlimited. For example, I modified the basic code so I would receive a text message letting me know every time someone rang my doorbell. The program could interface with Arduino through a serial port, and send d...

How To: Add Sticky Notes to Your Email Threads in Gmail

Notes for Gmail now allows you to insert sticky notes directly onto your email threads in Chrome. The browser extension, currently in beta, allows you to annotate your emails as a whole (thread)—or individually. You can add as many sticky notes as you would like and they all appear at the top of the webpage for easy accessibility. To download the application, go to this page and request an invitation. They add users everyday—I was added almost instantly after I applied. Once you've downloaded...

How To: Print Your Emails in Style with This Steampunk Tape "Ticker Machine"

Last year, Instructables user Horatius.Steam created Dr. Brain, a small computer connected to a model brain that can tell stories and have Skype conversations. But one thing it couldn't do was print, so to solve that problem, he came up with this awesome Steampunk "Ticker Machine". A wooden base and glass dome make up the housing for a thermal printer, and the driver is hidden in a paper tube that's painted to look like wood. A slot at the bottom feeds the paper out from under the dome and a ...

Goodnight Byte: HackThisSite Walkthrough, Part 3 - Legal Hacker Training

Welcome to the Goodnight Byte for HackThisSite, Basic Mission 4. In Friday's session, we tackled some coding in Gobby. Nothing special, just a few modifications to the NullBot script we made a few session ago, and some education on regular expressions. Apart from coding, we did our scheduled HackThisSite mission. We had to take on some JavaScript, which was a new thing for Null Byte. This mission taught us about client-side HTML manipulation through JavaScript injections. This just means that...

News: Mobile Game Developer Fined $50,000 by FTC for Soliciting Emails from Minors

Children under the age of 13 possess insight that can blow the minds of their elders, but not the wherewithal to make important life choices for themselves. This is exactly why there are strict rules against marketing cigarettes to them. In 2000, a law went into effect called the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act that institutes similar consumer protections for our youth's online identities, prohibiting companies from soliciting personal information from children under 13 years of age ...

Whistleblower: The NSA is Lying–U.S. Government Has Copies of Most of Your Ema

National Security Agency whistleblower William Binney reveals he believes domestic surveillance has become more expansive under President Obama than President George W. Bush. He estimates the NSA has assembled 20 trillion "transactions" — phone calls, emails and other forms of data — from Americans. This likely includes copies of almost all of the emails sent and received from most people living in the United States. Binney talks about Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act and challenges NSA Dir...


Unless you avoid the news entirely, you've almost certainly heard about the hacking sprees that have been taking place over the past several weeks. Tens of thousands of usernames, passwords and email addresses have been released online for anyone to download. Thankfully, it seems that one kind soul has put all that compromised info to good use.

News: Public Sharing on Google Docs

Yesterday, I got an email from my mom. She asked if there was a way to send her colleagues a bunch of links to online documents, rather than weighing down an email with attachments. I knew that Google Docs had what she was looking for. As I started to write her an explanation, I thought, "Hm, I wonder if Google has one of their handy little YouTube videos on this topic."

News: Come on Zynga please reply to my emails

I have had my upgraded storage shed missing for two weeks now. I have emailed many times. You still will not reply to me, what is with this. Maybe if you looked after the people that play you wouldn't need to come up with a silly detective game to get some players back that have had a bad deal from you. This is not very professional . All I want is my shed and all its contents back that I earned by fair means I don't think that is to much to ask

How To: How The Internet Works

Sure, you go online to email and shop and do research. But have you ever been curious about how the internet actually works? Don't worry, you don't need a degree in computer science to get a handle on how your info gets from point A to point B. Learning the basics of the internet will give you a whole new appreciation for all those emails and chat messages that seem to magically appear. Get ready, because we're about to enter the wonderful world of digital data!

News: Email

When I tried to send a free gift back to my friend, I got this popup I clicked skip the first time, and it came up twice more. So I logged in, it imported my contacts...

How To: Add Your Gmail Inbox to Your Google Search Results

Google is rolling out a new feature that will integrate your Gmail account with Google searches. The feature will add results pulled from your email correspondences to create more "personalized" Google search results. Google is currently doing a test run of the service. To activate it for your account, head on over to this page to sign up. It's currently restricted to the English version of the site, and for those with email addresses (not available on Google Apps accounts). And be...

How To: Get Refunds for Mobiles Apps from Android, Apple and Amazon

Nowadays, there's a mobile app for just about everything—but that doesn't mean it should be on your smartphone. Not diggin' what SPB Shell 3D did to your home screen? Accidentally purchased Angry Sperms instead of Angry Birds? Want to try out the upcoming Smuggle Truck without committing? You may have to fork out the funds for those paid apps, but by no means should you be willing to just throw your money away. This guide will tell you how to get it back.

How To: Create links in Dreamweaver CS3

This video shows you how to create email links, text links, and image links to internal and external pages on a website using Dreamweaver CS3. You learn how to use the Link box, folder icon, and Point-to-File icon in the Property inspector to create links for text or images. You also learn how to add e-mail links using the Insert bar. Create links in Dreamweaver CS3.

News: Planet Poem Poetry Competition!

April is poetry month! During April Planet Poem will host the first Planet Poem poetry competition. People will be able to post two poems to our world. Two groups of four students will vote on the winner. The grand prize winner will win a French Beret!

How To: Join the Fight Against SOPA and PIPA

Amazingly, a lot of people I know haven't even heard of SOPA or PIPA. Now, every English-reading person with an internet connection will finally have those two four-letter acronyms emblazoned in their minds. For the entire day today, Wikipedia's English-language site will be in total blackout in protest against the proposed legislation in the United States. And that's not all. MoveOn, Reddit, BoingBoing, Mozilla, WordPress, TwitPic and other popular websites are down today in protest.

Don't Get Doxed: 5 Steps to Protecting Your Private Information on the Web

If you follow the Anonymous, Occupy, and IT security scenes, you have no doubt heard about a dox release. What is it? How can it hurt you? And most importantly, how can you protect yourself from it? Some of these steps might seem common sense, while others will be an ah-ha! moment. Your private info is both your biggest weakness and your biggest weapon in your battle to remain anonymous. You must learn how to use it as both.

News: Update Facebook from Google+ without an extension

Justin Bee outlines a method to update Facebook from your Google+ account without actually having to go download an extension. Basically you set up your Facebook account to receive your Google+ posts as email to your Facebook Wall. There's a limitation though - text will truncate after 50 characters, so make sure your messages to Facebook users are short and sweet.

News: Book

The Worlds World might be making a recipe book with our recipes and yours.If you have a good recipe and would like to see it in shops then email or reply