Energy Session Search Results

How To: Become a fruitarian and eat a healthy raw fruit diet

Fruitarians eat only raw fruit and seeds, both for their health—they think cooked food is toxic—and for the environment’s, since they believe that eating vegetables “kills” the plant. This is similar to raw foodist idealogy of eating all live vegan diet. Try it out and you might find you have more energy and lose weight. It's also high in anti-oxidants. They also eat primarily organic and non- GMO (genetically modified foods). This is an eco-friendly diet that uses less energy to get nutrients.

How To: Figure Out Your Total Calorie Burn in Apple's Health App

If you transition to an Apple Watch from another wearable like Fitbit, you might be a bit confused by the new calorie burn counter. Instead of ending your day with thousands of calories burned, your watch says you've burned just hundreds. Could it be you're less active with your Apple Watch? Probably not. It's more likely because of the different way the watch counts your calories.

How To: Make an electrophorus and use it to create electricity from your cat

An electrophorus is a type of capacitor that generates electrostatic energy. Most of you probably know this force as static electricity, the domain of door handles and polyester shirts. It can be used for all sorts of other fun science experiments though, and this video will show you how an old hard drive, some plastic, Styrofoam, foil, a cat, and other simple materials can be used to make a a simple functioning electrophorus.

How To: Force Mozilla Firefox to save your browser sessions more frequently

Interested in making Firefox save your browser state more frequently to protect against crashes and outages? This clip will show you how it's done. It's easy! So easy, in fact, that this handy home-computing how-to from the folks at Tekzilla can present a complete overview of the process in about two minutes' time. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Spell and grammar check text in Firefox and Chrome

Why invest time and energy proofreading everything you write when your web browser can do it for you (and quite competently at that)? With Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome (and the After the Deadline browser extension), setting up automatic spell and grammar checking is an easy task. This home-computing how-to from Tekzilla will walk you through the process. Avoid careless mistakes and needless embarrassment with this how-to.

How To: Improve your blood pressure with yoga

Do you suffer from high blood pressure and hyper tension? Do you happen to suffer from low blood pressure? In this excellent video, you'll learn some breathing techniques and yoga moves to help stabilize your blood pressure. Improve you energy and feel all around more centered. This is a great video to help release all your tension and stress.

How To: Build a solar powered USB charger

Want to stop wasting energy charging your USB devices? Transform some cheap solar-powered garden lights into your very own solar USB charger. For step-by-step instructions on replicating this hack yourself, watch this video tutorial. Just watch to see how to build your own solar-powered USB charger with a few solar panels from those garden lights and some floppy disk wiring.

How To: Insulate your attic

In this tutorial, we learn how to insulate your attic with Eric Johnston. To figure out if you have enough insulation, you need to measure the depth of the insulation that you have. Generally, you should have around 22" of insulation in attics. The highest percentage of energy loss is through the attic, even if it's a new home. You can use a blown in insulation system that is easy to install and will not cause a huge mess. With this, you will be able to have your home be much warmed and you w...

How To: Entice more opportunities with feng shui at home

In this video we learn how to entice more opportunities with feng shui at home. First, find your focus room with an energy map to find the career area. This room is from the front door walking in. Use water, because this is the element for positive career changes. Put a painting of depth that makes you feel like the wall is not right in front of you. Also, add a table with rounded corners and musical instruments or something that you need for your career. This will ensure that you walk into a...

How To: Use solar thermal microgeneration

Solar Thermal Microgeneration may be used to reduce your hot water bill, fossil fuel use, and lower your carbon footprint. For water heating, water is collected from solar panels. It is used to heat the water, as it filters through the water heater. Some areas require all new homes to provide an energy rating to buyers. Solar thermal panels harness the suns energy and reducing the need for fossil fuels to heat water. You will need the combination of solar panels, a traditional water heater, a...

How To: Heat your home and save energy

In this video, we learn how to heat your home and save energy. Any gaps around the door can lower the temperature dramatically, so make sure you have weather stripping along the sides, bottom and top of the door. You should also make sure this stripping is on your windows as well. Just by having all these in your home, you will save a lot of money on your bills. Also, you need to make sure your control system is set onto one temperature all the time. If it stays at one constant temperature, y...

How To: Replace the a Whirlpool oven lamp easily

Checking the status of your meal is a good idea, especially if you want to use less energy. Oven lamps make this easy, by offering a view of what's going on inside your appliance. But when the bulb goes out, then you have a little problem on your hands. Opening the oven door is easy, but you allow a great amount of heat to leave resulting in energy loss.

How To: Let go of your coffee addiction

In this tutorial, we learn who to let go of your coffee addiction with Natasha. Coffee may make you feel really good and like you can't get through the day without it. There is hope to get off of coffee and let go of the addiction you have. Think about how you want good things running through your body and you want natural energy, not energy you get from artificial products. Caffeine isn't good for your body and can damage you internally. Within a week of quitting coffee, you will start to fe...

How To: Add solar to your home

Each day, more and more people are going "green" and taking the necessary actions to make sure they don't leave a big footprint on the Earth. One way of doing this is by adding solar energy to your home. This is a great way to save money on your energy bill and gives you a good feeling. So in this tutorial, you'll find out what it takes to buy solar panels and how it works in your home. So check out the video above and good luck!

How To: Reduce your refrigerator energy usage

This video shows several tips that will help you cut down the electricity usage of your refrigerator. Think about what you want from the fridge before opening the door, instead of standing there with the door open while deciding what you want. Set the temperature of your fridge only as cold as necessary, and allow 24 hours for any temperature changes to take effect. Keep exterior condensation switches off unless you need them. Make sure the door gasket is clean and in good condition. Clean it...

How To: Build a Newman cool motor

In this three-part video tutorial, learn how to build a "Newman Motor". From the website of Joseph Newman, this motor is an "electromagnetic motor that runs cool (unlike all conventional motors) and harnesses the

How To: Lift your spirits with feng shui in your home

Elizabeth Chamberlain with Space Lift demonstrates how to lift your spirits with feng shui in your home. First, find your focus room with your energy map. Lay the energy map on top of your home floor plan and see that the self knowledge area is in the lower left section of your home along the line of your front door. In this case, the self knowledge area is the bedroom closet. There's no hiding in feng shui. You can't throw stuff into a closet and hope that it won't affect you. Clutter clogs ...

How To: Attract more business with feng shui

Elizabeth Chamberlain with Space Lift demonstrates how to attract more business with feng shui. To attract more business you need helpful people to hire you or to spread the word about your goods and services. The travel of information is also important in business. Your house should address these areas. First, find the focus room on your energy map by laying the energy map on top of your home floor plan. The travel and helpful people area is in the lower right corner of your home, standing i...

How To: Meet hot women by being playful & goofy

David Wygant discusses how to meet hot women by being playful and goofy. Being playful and goofy during everyday life will attract attention from women. Women often wants to know who you really are. Being goofy shows that you are being playful. It also shows that you are being yourself and attracting positive energy. Women will want to be around you to discover this positive energy for themselves. You don't need pickup lines to meet and attract hot women. Simply be yourself and focus on havin...

How To: Begin a raw food diet

Yuri Elkaim, author of "Eating for Energy", explains how to begin a raw food diet. First, understand what you want. If you want to lose weight, be healthy or have more energy, the raw food diet will be great for you. If you take a simple approach to incorporating more fresh foods into your diet, it will be easier to manage and more sustainable. Keep it simple and fresh. Don't focus on recipes that require complicated preparation. To transition from a cooked food diet, just add in one more fru...

How To: Make room for love with feng shui at home

Elizabeth Chamberlain, with Space Lift, demonstrates how to make room for love with feng shui at home. First, find your focus room with your energy map by laying the energy map on top of your floor plan. The love area is the far right corner from the front door, facing in. If the love area turns to be an outside area like a patio, clean it up. Remove the cacti and pointy plants to reduce arguments in the relationship. Clear out any unfinished materials and projects. Next, complete the area by...

How To: Prune tomato plants to increase production

One way to increase production in tomato plants is pruning. Pruning your tomato plants will decrease the amount of energy needed for leaf production and increase the amount of energy that goes into your tomato, which provides a a larger and better tasting tomato. Trimming off branches that are not used and are not in direct sunlight achieves more efficiency by directing sugars into the fruit and not into the other branches. Watch this time lapse how-to video, follow along with the tips, and s...

How To: Determine the launch velocity of a metal ball

This experiment uses a ballistic pendulum to determine the launch velocity of a metal ball. This is compared to a measurement of the launch velocity found using projectile motion. You may wish to emphasize why energy is not conserved in the initial impact of the ball into the ballistic pendulum, but momentum is, and conversely why energy is conserved as the pendulum rises but momentum is not conserved.

How To: Use Meterpeter on OS X

Hello all, this is my first submission to null byte! I noticed something a little strange, particularly that whenever Meterpreter is discussed, it is virtually always in the context of Windows. Granted, the Windows Meterpreter is more powerful than the version that can run on OS X (it has several more commands/options), but I think it is still worth noting how to do it. I've even seen some people mistakenly say that Meterpreter can only be run on Windows, which is not true. Meterpreter can ea...

How To: Get addons and plugins for Google Chrome

In order to get add-ons and plug-ins for Google Chrome, you to go to Chrome Plugins. Type the address into your browser. Then, press Enter. Scroll down the list. Choose and add-on that you want: for example, Click & Clean. Click on the one that you would like to choose. Find "Download Latest Version" and click on it. Wait for it to download and click on it. There are lots of options. Click & Clean allows you to clean your browser with only one click. Session Save allows you to save the sessio...

How To: Build a MoCap and Pose library in Blender 2.4 or 2.5

In Blender, you can build up a library of Actions, Poses, and IK Target motion based on real-world motion capture sessions. These session files are freely available and cover hundreds of everyday motion. Use these libraries to study and augment your hand-animation skills, or use directly to animate your character. Whether you're new to the Blender Foundation's popular 3D modeling program or a seasoned graphic artist just interested in better acquainting yourself with the application, you're s...

How To: Study for the QuickBooks advanced certification test

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to prepare for the Advanced Certification exam in an interactive day long, live session with an Advanced Certified Pro advisor! Get a jump start on becoming a QuickBooks Advanced Certified Pro Advisor. Learn how advanced certification can help you grow your business and continue to improve your skills. You will understand what advanced certification is, why it is important to your practice and how it can benefit you and your clients. Learn how to effi...

How To: Bend a spoon

Now, not everyone can bend the spoon in their first try. Though some people do it in the first time , others take a few trials before they do it. But everybody , surely can bend it. This is how...