English Tools Search Results

How To: Use eyedropper tool with InDesign CS2

InDesign's Eye Dropper Tool offers more than meets the eye. With InDesign CS2 you can sample just about anything thing and re-apply it over and over again. In this video we'll learn how to sample colors from images and apply those colors to text, and we'll also see a neat trick that allows you to sample frame attributes and apply them to other frames.

How To: Get started with Adobe ImageReady

Many Photoshop users have no idea ImageReady is there or let alone what it's used for. In this video we will take a look at how to create web rollovers from a Photoshop file. ImageReady is a web optimization tool as well as a good tool for creating animations from your layered Photoshop files.

How To: Install the Command Line Developer Tools Without Xcode

OS X is built upon a UNIX foundation, which grants you access to the benefits that UNIX offers, including the standard toolkit (make, gcc, clang, git, perl, svn, size, strings, id, and a lot more) via the command line developer tools, which are an essential if you're a developer. Aside from developers, the command line tools can offer benefits to normal users as well, like the ability to purge RAM for better performance.

News: Announcing the Null Byte Suite!

Hello, everyone. If you've been following my recent articles, you'll know that I've been rather busy lately working on a project, a rather large one. I've been working with Pheonix750 and Ciuffy to build the Null Byte suite of tools! I got the green light from our admin a while ago, and we've been developing like mad ever since! I'm very excited to launch this project. So, let's start by explaining what it is...

My OS: Bugtraq II Black Widow

Welcome back my precious hackerians. Today i would like to promote an OS which i have been using for the past couple months. I'm not talking about Backtrack 5 or Kali Linux. Something even more promising:

How To: Make someone look fat with Photoshop

Well, usually people are looking to go from fat to thin, but sometimes it's fun to see what a person would look like if they were on a full Twinkie diet. Well, this tutorial shows how to use the liquify tool in Adobe Photoshop to add weight to someone to make them look pudgey, overyweight, fat or even downright obese. The tool is easy to use and the video shows clearly how to turn that beach babe into a Jenny Craig "before" photo! Check it out and YOU can make people look fat in photos.

How To: Learn about the tools and components used in basic electronics

Electronics are the most important new thing people have created in the last hundred years, and learning how to use them will make you much more able to function in modern society. If you want to learn about electronics without going to a class or anything so formal, this excellent video series will teach you everything you need to know to get started. This video, the first in the series, will teach you about the basic tools and components you'll need to work on electronics projects, includin...