Enormous Array Search Results

News: Pyro-Spirograph-Drawings

Rosemarie Fiore is badass. She makes art with pyrotechnics, amusement park rides, Atari, guns, and pinball machines. Though all of her work is cool, I have to say my favorite piece is Fiore's larger than life spirograph, made from an amusement park ride, entitled "Good Time Mix Machine".

News: Gadgets Exploded in Mid-Air

Ever wonder what's inside those old vintage typewriters and analog phones? Canadian photographer Todd McLellan dissects old electronics and then captures their innards— some assembled in a painstakingly orderly array, others caught in a mid-air explosion. More images and process video here (under "New Work").

How To: Create a meteor crash landing in After Effects

Check out this instructional video that demonstrates how to create a meteor crash landing effect using After Effects software. Using a skylight is an easy solution to soften shadows, but for faster rendering try using an array of point lights in a dome pattern above your scene with shadows on. Create ground destruction in 3D Max using particle flow. Watch this After Effects tutorial to learn how to create a meteor crash landing effect for your film! Create a meteor crash landing in After Effe...

How To: Build a parametric truss system in Revit

This Revit software tutorial shows how to array a series of voids to create a changing truss system. Rather than thinking of the modeling in components what we are doing here is modeling a solid and using Revit’s cut geometry tool to slice a solid into stick members. The only catch to this techniques is that each truss has a slight slant on the top and bottom. This is something we can look past since it will be lost in the line weight. Once this model needs to transfer to a higher lever of pr...

News: Touchscreen Made With Blocks of Ice

Far away in Finland, where the ice is plentiful and the temperature is bitter cold, the Finnish Nokia team have created the world's first touchscreen display made entirely of ice. Constructed with massive slabs of river ice, the display was first shaped into neat square slabs with a chainsaw, and then smoothed into a watchable surface with a powerful heat gun.

How To: Use the mirror modifier in 3ds Max

This 3D software tutorial shows you how to use the mirror modifier (same as the mirror tool) in 3ds Max. The mirror modifier allows for procedural mirroring of objects. As a one time operation thesymmetry modifieris better but, that being said, if stacked, the mirror modifier can then be used as almost a procedural radial array. Like most modifiers, Mirror can be applied to sub-objects which again takes advantage of 3ds Max’s procedural and/or parametric modeling capabilities. Watch and learn...

News: Origami X-Ray Skeletons of Endangered Animals

The ancient craft of origami gets an update in Oritsunagumono, where environmentalism meets photoelectricity for the first time. Its name translates into "things folded and connected," and its agenda aims to bring awareness of the environmental impact of pollution to native marine wildlife in Japan's coastal waterways.

News: Get YouTube's New Layout Today with a Simple JavaScript Hack

As many of you may have noticed, nearly every Google product (i.e. Gmail, Google search, etc.) has gone through a bit of a makeover since the release of Google+. Big blocky buttons and enormous font sizes are apparently the thing of the future, and with a cool JavaScript hack, you can have a goofy YouTube, too! Now, I'm actually just being a bit facetious, the new YouTube is really the only thing that I like out of all of Google's recent redesigns. It looks pretty sleek.

News: Gigantic Carpet of 750,000 Begonias (Assembled in Just 4 Hours!)

Every summer the city of Brussels assembles an enormous carpet of begonias, under the advisement of one hundred experienced gardeners. The project is planned far in advance, with illustrations and scale models based on a chosen theme (previously chosen have been the arms and shield of a town or commemoration of important events). This year's theme features Saint Michael striking down the dragon, the official protective image of the city, founded over 1,000 years ago.

News: Conrad Schnitzler - Conrad and Sohn

What more is there to say about the almighty Conrad Schnitzler? One of the original founders of Tangerine Dream and Kluster (later Cluster), his contributions to the world of German experimental electronic music have been enormous. With album, cassette, and cd releases miles long, his discography would take a lifetime and a pretty penny to catch up to. 'Conrad and Sohn' is a pretty unique release, even for Schnitzler. The album was a private press release that he did with his son in 1981. App...

How To: Do the Land O'Lakes Indian Butter (Boob) Trick

The artwork for Minnesota's Land O' Lakes butter packaging is classic, dating back to 1928 when it was first created by Brown & Bigelow illustrator Arthur C. Hanson. The logo was updated ("modernized") once in 1939, again in the '50s, and has undergone minor modifications here and there since. The legendary packaging is good for two rather nerdy tricks: A) a very trippy optical illusion and B) a very infantile boob illusion.

News: PixelProspector Returns in Style with 75 Free Indie Games in 5 Minutes

After a decent amount of downtime, one of the best indie game sites on the internet has finally relaunched! PixelProspector is a one-man gaming blog and YouTube channel devoted to the weird and beautiful world of indie games. In the first half of 2010, it received a huge boost in popularity from its video 235 Free Indie Games in 10 Minutes, a hypnotic montage of the best indie games the site had to offer at that point. And to celebrate the relaunch of the blog, which now has an improved desig...


FEATURED DOCUMENTARY: Exit Through the Gift Shop, the first film directed by reclusive street-art legend Banksy, is a little puzzle-box of a documentary. It's perfectly designed and pitched to be enjoyable on multiple levels: on one as an entertaining, illuminating mini-history of "street art" and on another - one entirely more convoluted and entertaining - as a light-hearted "up yours" to both street artists and their patrons.

Classic Commodore 64 Reborn: Get a 2011 PC in Retro Skin

Back in 1982, the Commodore 64 home computer was released by Commodore International for $595 (which would now be close to $1,300). It featured an 8-bit microprocessor, 16-color video microchip, awesome sound chip, parallel and serial capabilities, and a whopping 64 kilobytes of memory, all of which helped make it the best selling home computer from 1983 to 1986. It surpassed anything IBM had out at the time. Its greatest competitors were the Apple II and Atari 8-bits, 400 and 800. And it had...

News: Monsters in My Pocket

A few friends and I were recently sitting around and talking about old action figures we had when we were kids. We talked about Visionaries, Super Naturals, Battle Beasts, and others. Finally, we got around to talking about Monster in My Pocket. As a confirmed monster fanatic, Monster in My Pocket was obviously a favorite of mine, and it's the first place I ever heard of several monsters, including the Baba Yaga, who I was later to get to know much better via Hellboy.

HowTo: Screw the President (Well, Sorta)

Whether you're an Obama lover or Obama hater, here's your chance to, ahem, screw him, somewhat literally. The president starred in the recent Sex Culture Festival in the southern city of Guangzhou, China. The screen-printed blow up doll is shown photographed next to his fellow adult toy compatriots.

News: The Barrel of a Gun Has Never Tasted So Sweet

In keeping with today's theme of dark and twisted sweets (edible blood slides), check out this German gun-sucking art project. For a piece entitled Freeze: Revisited, Florian Jenett and Valentin Beinroth made handgun replicas crafted from ice, in an array of flavors, including coke, black currant, licorice, and cherry.

News: Coffee Shop Desk Top

Have on of the guys go into a coffee shop where lots of people are working on their sleek laptops and have him assemble an enormous, old, clunky computer and printer right there while everyone watches.