Environment Disaster Search Results

News: New App Won't Let Your Money Go to Companies You Disagree With

We're all passionate about something. Maybe it's the environment. Stopping poverty. Finding the best taco joint ... Whatever your cause, the last thing we want is to support companies whose practices go against what we believe. After all, you can't trust someone who doesn't like tacos. So it can be difficult to know which companies to avoid; there are just too many doing too many shady things to keep track of. Until ...

News: Touch & Feel Things That Don't Exist with Dexmo's Exoskeleton Gloves

One of the disadvantages of the digital world is that you can't pick it up and touch it. While that can feel like less of a problem in virtual reality, where you're already holding controllers, mixed reality environments—like the one you'd experience in Microsoft's HoloLens—suffer from a lack of physical connection with the digital objects that appear in your real world. Dexmo aims to solve that problem with a relatively intimidating new controller that encompasses your hands.

Botnets and RATs : Precautionary Measures and Detection (Part 2)

Hola my fellow hackers! I promised you the tutorials on setting up RAT's and Botnets, but before jumping into those, i want you to know about the precautionary measures and detection of RATs which might be on the system without your prior knowledge. Of course the Anti-virus do most of the job but there are some RATs which slips past the Anti-viruses (This is where Hacker's skill come into play).

How To: The Trick to Hearing Your Friends Better at Loud Clubs & Concerts (And Having Them Hear You)

You may not notice it when you're intoxicated and banging your head to the music, but when you're at a club or concert, your ears are getting seriously damaged. The noise level is usually above most people's pain threshold for sound, which begins around 120 to 140 decibels. At that level, it only takes a few minutes to damage your hearing. For me, there's something even worse than long-term hearing loss in a loud environment—not being able to hear or talk to your friends.

How To: Make Your Nexus 7's Brightness Auto Adjust to Your Preferred Levels in Different Environments

When it comes to our smartphones and tablets, we're always on the lookout for ways to beat the oh so common rapid battery depletion problem that affects practically every mobile device. We'll do anything and everything to keep our battery life at an optimum, from turning off certain features (Wi-Fi and Bluetooth) to removing widgets and applications that use an exorbitant amount of CPU. One of the most popular and efficient ways of saving battery is to lower the screen brightness. Usually, we...

How To: New Malware App Turns Your Android Phone's Camera into a Data Stealing Spy

Robert Templeman from the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Crane, Indiana and several of his friends from Indiana University recently developed an Android application that is capable of gathering pictures and videos from mobile devices in order to reconstruct a user's environment in 3D. The malware would come coded inside of a camera application that the user would download. The malware, called PlaceRaider, would then randomly take pictures throughout the day and carefully piece them together ...

How To: Prepare for a hurricane or typhoon

This video on typhoon preparedness comes from Andersen Air Force Base in Guam, where typhoons are common. The key to surviving a typhoon or other disaster is preparation. Stock up on enough food and supplies to last your family for about a week. Routinely check expiration dates on food, water and batteries and rotate your stock. Be sure window screens are in place and in good condition in the event the power is off for several days.

How To: Install a hard drive in a 13" MacBook Pro (2009)

To install a hard drive in a 13" (13 inch) Macbook Pro laptop computer released in 2009 you will make sure to first transfer all data off the drive then discharge any static electricity from your hands making sure your are in a static free work environment. Next you will remove the old hard drive, to do this flip over the laptop and remove the 10 screws around the edge of the device with a #00 Phillips screwdriver starting with the three longer screws on the top right. Next, lift off the bott...

How To: Defeat the Corrupted in Prince of Persia (2008)

If you're having difficulty dispatching any of the Corrupted from 2008's Prince of Persia, this helpful battle guide from IGN might be just what you need. If forewarned is forearmed, this video tutorial will arm you to the teeth with the necessary knowledge to beat each of Ahriman's four lieutenants – the Hunter, Warrior, Alchemist & Concubine.

How To: Apply four styles of lighting

This video tutorial will show you how to apply four styles of lighting. This video teaches you how to apply four styles of lighting, namely Rembrandt, Beauty, Cameo and filling in from the Key Side. You will learn about high contrast lighting schemes, dealing with the amount of contrast used to highlight a person's face, as well as spotlight effects, and how these tend to draw the viewer into the scene. You will be shown how the Rembrandt Lighting setup contains three steps, namely taking a K...

How To: Make an Anonymous Facebook Profile to Keep Your Personal Data Private

Between the Cambridge Analytica scandal and the revelation that Facebook logs your calls and text history on Android, many are considering joining the #DeleteFacebook movement. But it can be difficult to leave the site, because so much of its content is only available to active users. If you want to keep in the loop without sacrificing your privacy, you'll want to follow the steps below.