Equally Much Needed Search Results

How To: How To Change Your Zune Software's Equalizer

Every song is not created equal. So, every song should not be treated equally by your digital music player. We'll tell you how to customize your Zune software's equalizer to get the most from your music. This video will show exactly how to change your Zune software's equalizer. How To Change Your Zune Software's Equalizer.

How To: Make an accurate boomerang

In this Home & Garden video tutorial you will learn how to make an accurate boomerang. Material required are 4-6mm thick ply wood or hard board or paper-mache, saw and some spray paint. Search for and download boomerang plans from the internet. The boomerang has three protrusions or handles equally spaced with each protrusion being 14cm long and the diameter of the circle at their ends being 4.5cm. Trace the plan on the plywood and cut it out with a ‘U’ shaped saw. Next draw out the line for ...

News: Shocking Videos Reveal Truth Behind Syrian “Freedom Fighters

No one can deny that Bashar Al-Assad’s regime has been responsible for violence. But in failing to equally acknowledge the fact that NATO-backed rebels have also carried out innumerable atrocities is not only dishonest, it represents a deliberate effort by the press to manipulate the narrative of unfolding events in Syria as a one-sided war crime rather than the truth – which is the fact that Syria is in a state of civil war.

News: Rotating Kitchen Makes One Huge Mess

Remember the room with a rotating view? Dutch artist Zeger Reyers brings us an equally interesting installation, created for the exhibition Eating the Universe at the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Germany. The kitchen has been rotating since November 27th, 2009, and will continue to do so until February 28th, 2010.

How To: Apply light sources to 3D projects in Photoshop

Pixel Perfect is the "perfect" show to help you with your Photoshop skills. Be amazed and learn as master digital artist Bert Monroy takes a stylus and a digital pad and treats it as Monet and Picasso do with oil and canvas. Learn the tips and tricks you need to whip those digital pictures into shape with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. In this episode, Ben shows you how to apply light sources to 3D projects in Photoshop.

How To: Make a rainbow birthday cake

Lactose Overdose demonstrates how to make a rainbow cake. Use either a store bought mix or use your own recipe. A white cake mix works the best. You will also need two canisters of white frosting and food coloring. Make the cake according to the directions or recipe instructions. Divide the batter equally into four mixing bowls. Add 10 drops of food coloring in your desired shades to each bowl and mix by hand. Place a large spoon into each bowl. Using half a spoonful, layer the colors on top ...

How To: Arrange a dozen red roses for Valentine's Day

Making a rose arrangement is not difficult, but there is some skill to it. In this video tutorial from Fresh Flower Ideas, learn the tips and tricks of creating an arrangement with a dozen red roses for Valentine's Day. In this tutorial, a dozen red Freedom roses are used, but you can use whatever grade and type you want. You will also need sprigs of babies breath, leather leaf, and tree fern. To begin, clean off the stems and the rest of each rose. Add once piece of leather at an angle in th...

How To: Roller skate backwards

Skating backwards can be challenging but an instructor from Expert Village shows us two easy ways to learn. Several important things to keep in mind before you begin is to not be afraid of falling, make sure your body is relaxed, and your knees should not be locked. Now, from a standing position and weight equally distributed on both legs, slowly push your legs out to the side then back again in a sort of figure eight and then repeat. This will slowly propel you backwards. Another way to skat...

How To: Cook a flavorful water veggie soup without using stock

Today we are making water soup. Now this may conjure up images of a flavorless meal. In this how to video Mark Bittman from the New York Times shows how to make a flavorful soup without using stock. This recipe is equally delicious as any other stock based soup out there. Mix in onions, carrots, zucchini, garlic and fresh parsley. Cook a flavorful water veggie soup without using stock.

News: Cardboard Mechanics

We love it when everyday material is used in a new and unexpected application. Cardboard is something most of us take completely for granted. We need it when we're moving, and that's about it. When Frank Gehry created the cardboard chair in 1972, he blew the minds of both the furniture and the design world. So strong. So durable. So fluid.

How To: Make an Escher-esque tessellation

In this video, we learn how to make an Escher-esque tessellation. Start with construction paper, then make an equilateral triangle onto it. Next, make a shape on one end of the triangle, making any shape you would like. Now cut your shape out, then trace it onto another piece of construction paper. After this, rotate the shape over on the second piece of paper, then trace it out again. The lines should match up equally. You will then have one side left, which you will use to make any shape yo...

How To: Rig a quadruped with the Auto Rig Tool in Houdini

This five part Houdini 9 video series covers an entire rigging workflow using the H9 Quadruped Auto Rig shelf tool. Take an in-depth look at setting up joint controls, creating proxy geometry, generating animation and deformation rigs, and painting weights. The concepts presented in this tutorial series will apply equally as well to a Biped Auto Rig set up.

How To: Get lucious full lips with exercises & no procedures

In this video from FaceworksUK we learn how to get luscious full lips with exercises and no procedures. Make a pout with your lips so there is small gap between them. Push the pout outwards so both lips are extended as far as they can go equally. Keep pushing as far and as hard as you can. The focus point in the gap between your lips. Keep you lips slightly apart. Relax your lips. Make a pout and push out as far as it can and keep pushing out. Don't relax. Hold for 10. Now relax. Pout with th...

News: Why Does America Call it Soccer?

Nobody anywhere calls the sport "soccer". But here we are, the only ones in South Africa that do not call it some variation on foot and ball. And of course, if you've pondered this before, you are probably equally befuddled that the game we call football is not even played with one's foot in the first place. American football ought to be called handball...

News: I love all my guns...equally

I am not an NRA person.  But I do believe in my sovereign right to own and carry my potato guns where I please.  I put them in my trunk and cruise. I really have no clue what would happen if I my trunk was searched...and a cop saw three potato guns, hairspray, and a 5 pound bag of russets.

How To: Even 8 More DIY Gift-Wrapping Ideas for Christmas Presents

Want to wrap your Christmas gifts in a memorable way? Give your gift recipient a DIY super-secret book safe, and while you are at it, hide a small gift inside the the secret safe. Or, if you plan on giving a gift card, create a snow globe out of a mason jar and water and glitter, and insert the gift card at the bottom of the jar so that it is held upright by superglue.

How To: Create bevels in Xara Web Designer

The video shows us how to create bevels in Xara web designer. Firstly using the rectangle tool hold down the Ctrl key to create a square. The problem with the Xara web designer is that it hasn't got a convert to edit the shape features which actually means that you cant select individual nodes with the shape editor tool which may create some other line. However you can select individual nodes by going to arrange/combine shapes/add shapes with selecting the rectangle. And by doing changes the ...