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News: Google's New Home Assistant Is an Amazon Echo Killer

Google first introduced Google Home, its latest smart product in the works, at the company's I/O conference in May 2016. It will directly compete against Amazon's Echo, which has so far been a success with over 3 million devices sold, and it was even featured as FBI Agent Dom's only real friend in the second season of Mr. Robot. Google may have their work cut out for them, but we're betting Home will knock Echo out of the water. Google Home is a personal assistant with a built-in speaker and ...

News: How to Get Unlimited YouTube & Google Play Movies on T-Mobile

Google dropped its opposition to T-Mobile's Binge On service due to some favorable policy changes at the magenta carrier. From now on, YouTube and Google Play Movies will happily work with the feature. Binge On rolled out late last year, allowing many customers to receive unlimited video streaming at 480p. That's not a great offer if you care about video quality, but it's nice if you want to save money.

News: 9 Notorious Hackers

I found this article a while back and I found it underneath a bunch of junk. Anyway, it's a article on 9 notorious hacker including Walter O'Brien (You know the T.V. show Scorpion? Well that's him). Not to mention the weird names:

How To: Make Instant 'Aged' Bourbon Out of the Cheap Stuff

Step aside, vodka—whiskey will soon be the best-selling hard liquor in the United States. The whiskey renaissance has been largely attributed to the current trend for locally- and artisan-produced goods. Local whiskey distilleries are rapidly increasing in number across the nation while bars in every state are including the old-fashioned cocktail on their menus in an attempt to capitalize on the trend (which we can probably thank Mad Men for).

How To: Use Your Smartphone to Check for Dead Batteries

We've all been there. Channel surfing lazily whilst reclining on the sofa—then all of a sudden, the remote stops working. Out of frustration, you hold the remote up higher, press the buttons harder, or maybe a even give it a good smack hoping that will fix it. Right around this time, you start to wonder if your trusty old remote has finally called it quits or if it's just a dead battery.

How To: Secretly Take Photos on Android Without Launching Your Camera App

The art of taking secret photos is one that requires keen awareness and skill. Not only do you need to ensure that your subject remains oblivious, but you also need to make sure that no one near you notices what you're attempting to do. It's great when you buddy is acting a fool, but sucks when they stop their shenanigans when they notice you pulling out your camera phone in an effort to evade your picture.

How To: Last All Day Long in Uncomfortable Shoes

We've all been there: slipping on a pair of perfect yet slightly uncomfortable shoes, hoping they'll stretch to fit perfectly. After about 30 minutes of wear, suddenly those fantastic shoes aren't feeling very great. By the end of the day, your poor feet are covered in throbbing blisters.

How To: The Best Way to Peel a Mango

For the longest time, I only ever did one thing with mangoes. I would cut off a chunk of the fruit, squeeze some lime over it, and eat it straight out of my hands as though it were a watermelon slice. I didn't do this because I loved devouring mango in the messiest way possible; I did it because I had no clue how to peel a mango. As such, I never cooked with mango: I ate it directly off the peel, or didn't eat it at all.