Established Thigh High Search Results

How To: Play the Ricochét bow technique on violin

Ricochét is French for skipping a rock. Not to be confused with the English version of bouncing off things. This how to video teaches the Ricochét bow technique on the violin. This technique helps you feel the vibration of the stick that helps you get a bigger, freer sound. You should drop or throw the bow in the middle from about 4 inches high and let it bounce; lift pinky and ring finger and drop/throw the bow on an open string while going down bow; press with index finger for about 6 bounc...

How To: Do advanced cheerleading

Today's cheerleading incorporates difficult stunts and gymnastics into the routines. ESPN even now broadcasts the National High School Cheerleading Competition nationally! Madonna, Paula Abdul, Sandra Bullock and even Ronald Reagan were all cheerleaders! So if you or your children want to crack next year's squad, learn from our expert Shyra Fernandez. Shyra will show you the correct way to perform various advanced jumps and stunts that will get you on your way to being a "crack" cheerleader.

How To: Put together a pro demo reel

Craig got involved in television at the early age of 7 as an actor for McDonald’s. When he entered high school he founded the “Video Production Department.” In this series of videos he shows you how to put together a pro demo reel.

News: Portapotty Blowout

First you rig up a portapotty or a regular toilet so when someone sits on it to take a dump, water shoots up at high speeds. If you do it in a toilet, they'll get more wet and it would be easier to get away with. But if you do it with a portapotty, you'll have all the pee and poop go up and get all over the victim. I'm not sure what would you use to shoot up all the "liquid" so ask a scientist or something on that one. Have a pressure sensor or heat sensor on the toilet. And to make sure some...

How To: Improve Your Vertical Jump

The vertical jump is an important part of many sports, including basketball, volleyball, track & field, football, and many more. For this reason, it is important to learn how to improve vertical jump as it will provide several advantages in the different sports.

News: Ice Rink Half-Pipe

Build a 10-12 foot high half-pipe in the middle of the ice rink. Everything is normal about the ramp with the exception that the flat area is not wood, it's ice. So, essentially it is two quarter-pipes facing each other to make one full half-pipe. Get a bunch of skaters and BMXers to try it out. It's a little like the gauntlet . . . perhaps have hockey players fire pucks at them while they are skating.

How To: Make candy sushi

Kids will get a kick out of this fun and sweet treat. Make these candy sushi ahead of time as a surprise or better yet get the kids to help to create their own colorful snacks. These bite size treats will add a twist to any afternoon snack.

News: Ball Bearings fill a room PRANK

Someone opens a cupboard door and ball bearings fall out and fill the room entirely up to their neck.How it's achieved:The cupboard has to be one of those ones that is attached to the ceiling and high up, like you get in a kitchen. A hole is made in the ceiling above the cupboard but when the doors are closed you can't tell. The room above the cupboard has a tank filled with enough ball bearings which would then feed thru the hole and rush out of the cupboard doors once they get opened. The d...

News: Ultimate prank montage!!!

What we do is have a full day of pranks (24 Hours Mother Fucka!!!) in the time span of a few minutes. We do an assload of pranks. Weeman as an umpa loompa with party boy doing a wake up call for the cast. We dump fake snakes on bam. We do a Hair razor attack on tremaine. Stick Preston in a barrell and push him down a hill. Do a catapult prank on erin. Dump shit on dave england. "Drop" Steve-o from a huge building (give him a bungie or something). Also we have about 40 or more nut shots in suc...

News: The Electric race

alright so Johnny and Bam run through this course "the Electric race" which is first: crawling under wires of electricness second: they jump over wires of electricness which are like hurdles about 4 feet high Third: go on monkey bars that send little electric shocks thourgh the monkey bars to your hands and if you fall because of though theres a pit of electricity at the bottom which is a bunch electric wires at the bottom but if you fall you can keep going and forth: you rock climb over a wa...

News: Ball-Bike Slam!

Hardcore duct tape and exercise ball to the front of a motorcycle or bike. Set a person up on top of a huge cliff over water or on top of a gnarly hill. Tape some more exercise balls to the person on the cliff, forming a sort of ball suit around him. then have the motorcycle or bike hit him at high speed, launching the ball suit guy and probably sending the bike driver over the cliff too.

How To: Lose the freshman 15

It’s easy to gain a little extra weight in college but there are ways to defy this weight gain trend. It won’t work without will power but you can limit your unhealthy food intake and sneak in some unconventional exercise routines.

How To: Hard boil eggs for beginners

The egg is an incredible compact, nutrition, protein and fat all in one prepackaged unit. This video will show you how to boil an egg using a strainer basket in your boiling water to heat steam your eggs as an alternative to regular boiling.

How To: Run a bead in beginning MIG welding

Curious about the basics of metal inert gas welding? Watch this instructional welding video for some vital safety tips. A shielding gas tank contains 3,000 psi of pressure, so keep your welding equipment safe distance from your high pressure tanks. To run a bead, you need to set your wire feed speed and your voltage in order to begin welding with an average angle iron. This video provides all of the preliminary steps to running a short bead.

News: Dumb suiside

the first thing you do is get a dummy and go on a high bulding and tape a little speeker on the dummy and through him off screaming into the mic so people will think its real it will be so funny and make sure some of the guys are down there so no one down there will get hit.

News: Bungee paintball

Have Steve-o and Chris Pontius,dressed in very little, do a tandom bungee jump off the highest bungee jumping bridge in the world which is in South Africa, it is 216meters high and as they jump have the rest of the crew with paintball guns ready to shoot them as the are flying through the air

News: Fireman Fridge, microwave, and door/Johnny the fireman

"Fireman Fridge" You guys should get one of the really powerfull hoses that the fire department uses and when someone goes to open a fridge (that they don't know is rigged with a hole cut in the back of it), someone should turn the hose on and mow down the person/people outside of the fridge with the hose, it would be totally unexpected. You can even hallow out the inside of a fridge and have one of the cast members stand inside of it with a firefighter suit on and spray the victim down.And. ...

News: Chelsea, Chelsea, Gang-Bang

Working in cahoots with the producers of E! channel's 'Chelsea Lately'; the entire Jackass gang & myself secretly come to a taping of Chelsea Handler's show. Whiles she is doing the show with her round table guests, the producers kick in the 'Party Boy' song over the sound system & we all suddenly run onstage live NUDE and we surround her and start doing a Rockette-style line dance or whatever musical moves we choose. Mayhem ensues. After several moments of shear debauchery, at the conclusion...

News: "Tacksketball"

I recently thought about playing the game of basketball but with a twist. The game is called "Tacksketball." Of course, this is an idea that I can only see #TeamJackass handling. Basically, you need to place tacks on specific areas of the area/basketball court. If their was a way to keep these tacks positioned that would be even better. However, the catch is tacks will also be placed on the basketball, so beware of passes from your team-mates. This game must be played barefoot, as salt will b...

News: Death by Diet Coke

Several Jackass cast members are individually tied to a separate poles & blindfolded or hoods are placed over them as if they are about to face "execution" by a firing squad. All are asked to give their 'any last words'.10-12 individuals arrive with 2 liter bottles of Diet Coke & Menthos candies pieces. All take up positions about 10 to 15 feet from the 'condemned'. Each 'shooter' places their Mentos into the Diet Coke bottles.The bottles can be fired as rockets by unscrewing the lid until a ...

News: Steel Cage Bull-only match

The Jackass boys are put in large steel cage 15 to 20 feet high; wrestling ring optional. They are soon joined by a mean young bull weighing in the 500-750 pounds. (We don't want too large 2000 lb of a bull that does not have much room too maneuver & we dont want to make thanks too dangerous now do we!)The goal of this prank: The boys have to either climb out of the cage or use a very large step latter to get out. But there is a catch: to keep the boys from immediately climbing out of the cag...

News: Punking Ashton Kutcher

Ashton Kutcher said he'll never be Punk'd, but I think we can do it. The show is over, he'll never see it coming. So whats something thats close to Ashton that if something happened to it, he'll freak out? I know, his wife. So, for this one you're gonna have to get Demi Moore invovled with it. So this is the idea I have. Set Ashton up to leave his house for a little while, and when he gets back the whole house is going to be surrounded by cops. Have a bunch of cops and a SWAT team, maybe if e...

News: the wal-mart bandit


News: Roller Derby In a Truck 2 (Prank)

- Prank either 3 to 5 members of the jackass crew. (any members) - Tell them there was a poll on asking for people to vote on which stunt they want to see revisited the most. Making Roller Derby In a Truck (from the first jackass movie) the winner. Only this time they have to do it in only thong like speedo's or completely naked (whatever you can get away with for tv.)

News: "Jailbird"

The key to this skit is to get someone incredibly drunk to the point that you can move them without their knowledge. As soon as they pass out, dress them in an orange jumpsuit and take them to a prison or a studio made to look like a prison. The cell-mate (actor) needs to be someone who looks like a big old biker, and is named “Sweetheart,” who makes a lot of references to the victim’s ass hole. When your victim wakes up, they will be in the jail cell completely confused. Sweetheart will say ...

News: The Last Tango To Hell and Back

The Jackass cast enter a hotel ballroom completely nude except they are all wearing safety goggles.Each member must pair up to second member to use as a "dance partner". Some slow romantic music starts playing over a large stereo sound system in the room. ("Slow Dancing" by Johnny Rivers, "I'm Not In Love" by 10CC, "Drive" by The Cars. etc, etc, ect.)Everybody is dancing away with their partner to the music, havin a gay ol' time, when suddenly the lights go out & the music stops.Unbeknowst to...

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