Estate Agency Search Results

Rules Thrown Out the Window: Ogilvy & Mather's Scrabble Trickster Video Spot

Despite the controversy over Scrabble Trickster across the word world, Mattel's modern take on the classic crossword board game is out in stores— but not in the United States. It's only available in and around the UK, but you can snag your copy just in time for Christmas from Amazon UK. You can also visit the official Scrabble Trickster website. I imagine this is going to be a hot item in the United Kingdom this holiday season, but as for me— it's the one Scrabble game I refuse to add to my c...

News: European Space Agency Wants to Bring Their Own HoloLens Tools to the ISS

At Next Reality, we've been following the Microsoft Hololens because of its enormous potential. Unlike virtual reality, which enshrouds the user in a complete virtual world, augmented reality melds the virtual with what's really there in front of you. And while some of us may use AR technology to stealthily surf the web during working hours, others are looking towards using AR for the betterment of society. Like putting the HoloLens in space.

News: The Government Is Stealing Your Data from Angry Birds, Candy Crush, Facebook, & Other Mobile Apps

If you're spending hours on your phone playing games like Angry Birds and Candy Crush Saga, or posting online to Google+ and Pinterest, you're probably being spied on. The latest releases from NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden reveal that the National Security Agency, and its UK counterpart, GCHQ, are mining the ad networks utilized in these apps to collect a trove of information on you.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 22

A Change of Plans: Nothing works entirely as it's supposed to. Talk to Mario just outside his home and follow him indoors. He'll part ways soon, leaving you to read a letter that you've got (just press the button indicated by the on-screen pop-up). After reading the letter, you can find Mario in his back room. Talk to him again for another cut scene.

How To: Hide the Navigation & Status Bars on Your Galaxy S8 for Even More Screen Real Estate — No Root Needed

The Samsung Galaxy S8's almost bezel-less display is truly a sight to behold, especially when set to Immersive Mode. While transparent when on the home screen, the navigation and status bars on the S8 will often turn opaque depending on what app you're using at the moment. This, in turn, can detract from the overall experience when viewing anything from the S8's display, as the bars along the top and bottom of the screen bump the phone's aspect ratio down to lower levels.

How To: Play Diwaniya, Iraq on Splinter Cell: Conviction

Take a trip into the past as Sam Fisher gets captured by terrorists in the Iraq War. Instead of playing as Sam, you'll be playing the part of Victor Coste — the only man Sam trusts. Find out how Coste saved Fisher's life in this walkthrough for the Diwaniya, Iraq (Mission 4). What happens that day in Diwaniyah? Find out.

How To: Line-dry your clothes

Looking for a way to save on your energy bills at home? How about line drying your clothes? According to the Energy Information Agency, clothes dryers account for 5.8 percent of home electricity usage. Line-dry your washed clothes and linens to keep them from wearing out, and save money on your energy bill at the same time.

How To: Get a Canadian work permit

To obtain a work permit, you must first have a job offer from a Canadian employer. To get a job offer, you can apply directly and send your resume to a perspective employer, use an employment agency, or post your resume on employment websites. Next, you must have a labor market opinion. To get an LMO, you have to fill out some forms and submit some supporting documents. This process can take from a few weeks to 6 months to complete. After the LMO is approved, you must then apply for a work pe...

How To: Enable Samsung's New Swipe Gestures on Your Galaxy in One UI

To give you a truly immersive experience on Infinity Display phones like the Galaxy Note 9, S9, and S8, Samsung added the option to hide the navigation bar when not in use, then easily reveal it with a swipe up gesture for quick access. If you've always found this process a little too cumbersome, Samsung has introduced a nifty feature in One UI that'll make it a lot more intuitive.

News: Google's Next Pixel Phone Might Not Have Speakers

Speakers have been an integral part of smartphones since the beginning. Razer's concept Project Linda even uses the speakers from the Razer Phone to power the faux laptop's audio system. But what if Google's next Pixel phone didn't even have speakers? What if it didn't need them in the first place?

News: How Zero-Day Exploits Are Bought & Sold

Most of you already know that a zero-day exploit is an exploit that has not yet been revealed to the software vendor or the public. As a result, the vulnerability that enables the exploit hasn't been patched. This means that someone with a zero-day exploit can hack into any system that has that particular configuration or software, giving them free reign to steal information, identities, credit card info, and spy on victims.