Event Lab Search Results

News: 10 tips for planning a Bridal Shower

Tis’ the season…for weddings! At the beginning of October, three of my college pals got married on the same day. This meant a ton of planning, parties, and presents for these three lucky ladies. This also meant that there were many a brides maid needing to make sure their bride was feeling special on such a wonderful occasion. One of the most exciting aspects of being the Maid of Honor is helping to plan the Bridal Shower, but it can also be a lot of work if you aren’t prepared. Here are 10 t...

News: Electric Dog Collar Olympics

Five events: 100m dash, long jump, shotput, hurdles and high jump. Each participant has to wear electric dog collars around their various bodily parts, ranging from neck to wrists, ankles and potentially genitalia (for a special elimination round in case of ties or boredom).

How To: Seek Comfort In A New Country

Feeling comfortable or at home means living in an atmosphere where you are accepted. Some people moving abroad worry about getting adjusted to the new social environment or the western culture. You may have left your home to make big business, excel in your career, get married, meet a relative/friend, discover new places, or for any good reason.

News: Richie Hayward Benefit in San Jose, August 13, 2010

DRUM! Magazine — the leading magazine for drummers and percussionists worldwide — has announced the biggest drumming event ever to take place in Northern California. On Friday, August 13, drummers will descend on the San Jose Repertory Theatre in the heart of Silicon Valley to witness three of the world’s most exciting drummers — extreme drumming sensation Marco Minnemann, Tower Of Power funk master David Garibaldi, and former Mars Volta wunderkind Thomas Pridgen — for an evening of mind-blow...

News: Save Big without Skimping

1. Extend your engagement. A longer planning period means a better chance of getting the best vendors in your price range. Plus, you can typically lock in rates that might increase by the time your wedding date arrives.

How To: Beat Mass Effect 2 on the PlayStation 3

Mass Effect 2 may have been around for a whole year... but not on the PlayStation 3. And last Tuesday, January 18th, PS3 gamers finally got their hands on a copy of the critically acclaimed RPG. Actually, this is the first time any Mass Effect game has been available on the PS3, making this a historical event for BioWare.

How To: Snorkel

Why the Love? Every one has a reason for loving something. Mine was that it was the only thing I had. That one sure thing. I loved it because I had nothing, and it cost me nothing. At times I had no idea what was going to happen to me, or where I was going to be. The shore is always there! Rain or shine( the water is always calm beneath the surface), day or night( bring a waterproof flashlight).

News: Pickup Truck Baths in the Ritz

Use any kind of pickup truck and fill the truck bed with soapy water. I will be the driver and will pull up to a parking space on a visible spot of Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills near the shopping district. I will be offering $2 baths to the homeless in the back of the truck.Ryan Dunn, Dave, and Ehren will be dressed as bearded homeless guys and walk up to me wanting a bath. They will briefly argue about having to pay because they're homeless but will eventually pay the two bucks, undress down ...

How To: Write a Writer's Resume

The resume is an essential tool for getting freelance work assignments. A well written article is not enough when trying to secure a freelance or staff position as a writer. Publishers want to see a resume. It gives the writer an outstanding opportunity to introduce themselves and it gives the editor a general idea of who you are, where you've been, and the work you've completed.

How To: Play the Snake Game Online (YouTube, Gmail & Facebook)

It's 1976. The hottest arcade game on the market is Blockade (or Blokade), an 8-bit maze game for 2 players. You and your opponent must move your characters around the screen in 90-degree angles, leaving a solid line behind them. Whoever runs into one of the solid lines first, loses. But soon you'll be able to play this fascinating game from the comfort of your own home—

Scrabble Bingo Weekly Roundup: Creepy, Deadly Words for Halloween

Pumpkins, murderers, vampires, zombies, ghosts, witches, death… these are all the subjects of last week's Scrabble Bingo of the Days, which focused on words associated with Halloween and horror movies. Did you know there was actually a name for someone who suffocated another person? Did you know that Frankenstein, vampires, and ghosts can all be considered one thing? Did you know that there was actually a word for rotten dead flesh?

How To: Reduce the Noise in Your Social Streams

Social network fatigue sets in when it starts to feel impossible to keep up with all that new content from your friends, followers, and acquaintances on a daily basis. You lose track of stuff you wanted to read more about, and you miss important news from your friends, but are bombarded with inconsequential details from people you don't actually care about. What's the solution? Filter your streams so that you only see the content you do care about, and get rid of the rest.

How To: MARK BURNETT on How to Become the Biggest Producer in Prime Time Television

Mark Burnett is, financially speaking, perhaps the most successful television producer today. While I had launched America's Most Wanted and COPS a decade earlier, Mark exploded onto network television with Survivor, the glossy and fantastical innovation to reality television. With Survivor now entering its 11th year, I recently interviewed Mark at the Los Angeles public radio station KCRW, where the podcast will be made available. Below, Mark's 10 steps from soldier-to-nanny-to-premiere-Holl...

News: Do the Do!

We are embarking upon a new year. As usual, some of us will make "resolutions." There isn't anything wrong with setting goals for the year. It's actually a good idea. It may help focus the energy we bring to life.

How To: Write Poetry

Poetry to me is an expression of the sudden noteworthy inner thought, that arrives unexpectedly in an ephemeral, fleeting form. When you are attracted to the idea of creating some verses, do not sit there with the pen in your hand trying to force yourself to create poetry. If anything, you will produce something boring, you will pull words by the ear, and use too many of them absolutely unnecessarily. It is because you do not have direction, and if you think you do, than it is something too t...

News: suprize

You have Chris aka Party Boy, go to some event, cheerleaders there would be better, and them have him sitting in the crowd and then when the music starts playing you have him rip his clothes off and do his dance. Dance until he gets kicked off or whatever.another way is to have the jackass guys start a football game and have chri sit and watch the game and a couple of minutes in have him burst into party boy (make sure you don't tell any of the jackass guys then it will be really funny it wil...

News: pepperballmaina

ok so my idea is you guys dress up like cowboys and indins and spreed out threw an arena during a wwe event and have pepperball guns and just start shooting eatchother but you dont do taht untell i blow th wisel and then thats when you start Warnings

News: Comics, Why Aren't You Reading Them?

Well, why aren't you? They're all the rage in pop culture right now, what with The Avengers blowing away audiences and the finale to the Batman trilogy coming out soon. Not to mention that Marvel is remaking Spider-Man! The original is only like, what, less than ten years old? Jeez. Now, I know what you're saying, "But, Henry! Comics are for nerds! We're waaaay cooler than that!"