Ex Wife Search Results

HowTo: Make Your Own Star Wars Snowflakes

Inject some Star Wars nerd into your holiday spirit: "My wife is a genius. She made these little beauties while making paper snowflakes with the kids. She saw our son Ethan making one that somewhat looked like a Storm Trooper. She then ran with the idea and made these masterpieces."

News: DIY Steve Jobs Cheese Head Is Kinda Gross

Spicy Steve Nachos, iPad Thai and an Apple Cheese Plate. Artfully crafted, but... um, ew. Husband and wife team Ken and Diane Aversano, create a loving (though not exactly appetizing) tribute to Apple founder Steve Jobs. Diane is also the creator of the amazing Jar Jar salad.

News: Wig head (couldn't spell manniquin)....jk

You need a car with a sun roof. You get the wig head and act like it's a real person standing up with their head out of the sun roof. All of a sudden, you slam on the brakes, and the head goes flying. Or, you drive past one of the Jackass gang and they hit the head with a baseball bat or golf club Like Tiger's ex-wife did. Again, the head goes flying, hopefully to scare the shit out of some unsuspecting bystander.

How To: Make Your Own Whitefly Sticky Trap

This is a cheap and easy way to make a sticky fly trap that can catch tons of whiteflies. Get a can of Tanglefoot’s Tangle-Trap Sticky Coating. I stored this in the greenhouse which may not have been a great idea, as you can see by the amount of rust there is on the can.

Nostalgia Challenge: Ex Libris

When I see Kindles and e-readers, I can't help but get a little sad over all the things those e-books are missing. The weight of literature in your hands. The feeling of turning pages one by one. The texture of the cover. The wonderful smell of an old book that's been sitting on a shelf for years, waiting for me to choose it.

News: Why would I buy a video camera. Tell me, Canon, please.

So the Canon 5d mkII, iirc, can shoot video that looks like 35mm film, due to its huge sensor and ability to use all of the Canon still lenses. The Canon XH-A1 can't do that. The Casio Exilim ex-f1 can shoot up to 1200 fps looking... ok well not so hot but seems to look good at slightly less fast framerates, letting moms and dads shoot slo-mo video in their backyards. The Canon XH-A1 can't do that. Of course folks have to go through a big rigamarole to get sound synched with the 5d and it has...

How To: Take Screenshots on Apple iOS 4 Devices (iPhone, iPod touch, iPad)

Now that the iPhone 4 is on Verizon, there's an increasing number of ex-Android users wanting to know how to take a screenshot on their new iOS device. We all know what a nightmare it was to take a screenshot on your Android device. You had to download the Android SDK, enable USB Debugging, connect your Android to your computer, open DDMS, mess with Terminal, open up Screen Capture... well, you get the picture—complicated.

How To: Make churros with thick chile-spiked chocolate

These ain't your Disneyland churros, or really like any churros you've had in your life. Churros, which are Spanish doughnuts consisting of fried potato dough, originated in Spain but are now extremely popular in the U.S. The fried dough is usually tossed with mountains of cinnamon for a very satisfying sweetness and spice to compliment the greasy bread dough.

News: What a Dirty Old Man!

Johnny is Irvin Zisman for this one, so let's call him Irvin ;) there will be Spike Jonze too, but he will be dressed as "Gloria", the old lady. They are husband and wife in this one.Irvin goes inside a toilet, in a restaurant or something like that, with Gloria. Irvin, after 15 seconds, begins to pant, making vocal sounds like when having sex, and he goes on doing this for a minute or less, and then he stops after a "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!". Gloria and Irvin get out of the toilet : Gloria is clea...

How To: Install a half-mortise lock

If you are interested in creating a jewelry box for your kid, wife, or even yourself, installing a half-mortise lock can be a tricky project. This is a piece of hardware that will help make any jewlery chest look professional and adds a bit of character to the piece. So in this tutorial, you'll discover just how difficult it can be to install a half-mortise lock. The video offers some helpful advice that will make the job much easier. But in order for it to work, make sure you follow the step...

How To: Get Married in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

It may not be the most epic of quests in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, but it's one that's worth taking up. Getting married not only gets you 20G on Xbox 360 or a bronze trophy on PlayStation 3, but you also get some cool in-game bonuses. Your wife (or husband, depending on gender or sexual orientation) will cook you a hot meal every day that restores your health fully, and she or he will even give you gifts sometimes!

News: Alan Wake First Look

A first hands look at the first chapter of the game. "When the wife of best-selling writer Alan Wake disappears on their vacation, his serach turns up pages from a thriller he doesn't remember writing. A dark presence stalks the small town of Bright Falls-" 

News: Robot Rickshaw Chauffeurs Chinese Peasant

Wu Yulu's life story belongs in a Disney movie. The 46-year-old Chinese farmer has built 26 robots over the past 30 years, with no education beyond high school. He says he loves his robots more dearly than his own sons and rides around his village in a robot powered rickshaw.

News: XBox 360 Remake-O-Rama!

The aging and maturity of video games as a medium has lead to some unfortunate consequences. One of these, perhaps drawn from the film industry, is the spate of remakes that has overtaken the game market over the last few years. It hasn't been as bad as the remakeorama trend in cinema, but developers have recognized the value in releasing the same thing they already made and making more money off it. Below, a roundup of some remakes of classic games released for XBLA recently, some fantastic,...

News: Soon To Be Famous Pumpkin Bread Pudding

We were invited to my Wife's Cousins house for Thanksgiving Dinner and I wanted a unique but fabulous dessert. I had Doug find us a recipe and this is what he came up with. It is a Pumpkin Bread Pudding with a caramel whiskey sauce. By that, I mean a Bread Pudding made with Pumpkin Bread, that has a cramel Bourbon sauce drizzled over it when its done. This required that we find a good recipe for Pumpkin Bread. I also put Doug on this bit of research and he came up with a whopper of a recipe. ...

How To: Perform single cell electroporation of neurons

Single-cell electroporation (SCE) is a specialized technique allowing the delivery of DNA or other macromolecules into individual cells within intact tissue, including in vivo preparations. The distinct advantage of this technique is that experimental manipulations may be performed on individual cells while leaving the surrounding tissue unaltered, thereby distinguishing cell-autonomous effects from those resulting from global treatments. When combined with advanced in vivo imaging techniques...