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News: Boring (Yet Mesmerizing) VR Experiences Could Calm Anxiety & Reduce Pain

Opioids, or narcotic painkillers, serve as our primary method for alleviating physical distress. They also happen to be a leading cause of death due to their addictive nature. AppliedVR hopes to introduce a safer alternative: virtual reality gaming. They utilize the existing Samsung Gear VR for the hardware, but provides specialized software that offers up a distracting experience that fosters greater pain ignorance.

News: Volvo Takes Showrooming to the Next Level with a HoloLens

While the early stages of any new technology always seems amazing because of the utilitarian, almost altruistic software concepts it inspires, mixed and augmented reality will still see its fair share of corporate apps. That might be a good thing, however, as Volvo's plan goes past general information and advertising to make a truly helpful tool for prospective car buyers.

News: Sony Brings Android N to Xperia Z3 Phones—Will Other Manufacturers Follow?

It's been known for a while that Google was opening up their Android N preview to OEMs, but we didn't think any manufacturers would actually take advantage. Well, we were wrong. Sony had just announced that Xperia Z3 owners will be able to install and run the N preview build. This is the first time a major manufacturer has offered Android previews on their phones. The preview build is only available for Xperia Z3's international models (D6603 and D6653), so those of you with T-Mobile's US var...

How To: 10 Quick & Easy Herbal Drinks That Relieve Aches & Pains

When a headache strikes, I reach for the nearest painkiller. Forget closing my eyes, laying down, or even applying an ice pack—I seek the quickest and most immediate relief possible, and normally that comes in the form of pills. However, fast relief can be found from another, more natural source: herbal beverages. So if you're tired of popping pills when you have aches and pains, try some of these herbal drinks out instead.

News: Many Lookup Engines

Hello I have now asked for help a few times, so I figured I should contribute with what I can offer as of right now, which is many valuable sites if you need to look someone up.

CES 2015: The ZTE ZMAX May Be the Best Android Phone You Can Get for Under $200

Sometimes specs aren't everything, especially if you prefer value over the bleeding-edge. Enter the ZTE ZMAX, an Android phone that you can get right now for less than $200—cheaper than even the Nexus 5 or OnePlus One. If you're looking for a cheap high-end phone, it's hard to go wrong with one that sports a 5.7-inch display, expandable storage, and a massive 3400mAh battery that'll easily get you through a full day of use.