Excess Calories Search Results

How To: Do exercises to reduce your breast size

In this video from modernmom we learn exercises to reduce your breast size. You can't lose weight in your breast the personal trainer says. But when you want to lose weight, and you get into an exercise program that is consistent, you will begin to lose weight, and our bodies shed pounds all over, and because there is lots of fat in the breast tissue, you will notice they will get smaller. There's no one specific exercise though. But doing a walking program and watching calories will make you...

How To: Make healthier deviled eggs

The "better deviled egg is renamed the "angel" egg. Boil as many eggs as you want to prepare. The ingredients you will need besides the eggs are: pickles (dilled are preferred) and humus. Take the hard-boiled egg and cut it lengthwise. Remove the yolk. Take a tablespoon of your humus and fill the egg white. Chop your dill pickle and put on top of the humus. That is how you make an "angel" egg.

How To: Get rid of your love handles

In this tutorial we learn how to get rid of your love handles. The simple answer is that there is no ab exercise that is going to burn love handles. The key is that you are looking to burn the maximum amount of calories. The abs are very small muscles, sit ups aren't going to get rid of your love handles. You must do workouts that incorporate your whole body and muscle mass so you burn the most amount of calories that is possible. Once you do the proper workouts, then you will be able to star...

How To: Choose healthy food for the 3 Day Diet

The 3 Day Diet is a very regimented diet plan that consists of one thousand calories. It's a very regimented plan consisting of three days that have three specific meals consisting of about 1000 calories. It must be followed precisely. Learn how to make healthy food choices for the 3 Day Diet from a licensed dietician and nutritionist in this health and nutrition how-to video.

How To: Replace bathtub caulk with the Master Handyman

In this tutorial, we learn how to replace bathtub caulk. First, fill your bathtub halfway full with water, then grab your caulk and caulking removal tool. After you have done these steps, apply your caulk remover. Next, scrape it with the remover tool. After this, use bleach and a toothbrush to remove any excess. Now, use rubbing alcohol on a towel to clean the edges of the bathtub. After this, apply mold resistant caulk, then smooth it evenly. Next, wipe the excess caulk with a clean washrag...

How To: Read and understand a nutrition label

This video shows how to read, understand and interpret the "Nutrition Facts" on food labels. First he explains the fats. Unsaturated fats are good for you, but saturated and trans fats are unhealthy. Cholesterol can be lowered by unsaturated fats and raised by saturated fats. Sodium is salt, and can make you bloated if you have too much or don't drink enough water. Carbohydrates are broken down into fiber and sugars. Fiber is good for digestion, and it's good to keep the amount of sugar low. ...

How To: Prepare a springtime fava bean salad

Whether you're dieting or you're simply watching out for your health, beans are one of the most nutrious, low-calorie, and filling foods you can consume. Because they're so high in fiber you can eat just a little and stay full for hours.

How To: Make a healthy cous cous salad for lunch

In this tutorial, Anuja and Hetal of Show Me the Curry will show you how to build a fantastic lunch. This cous cous salad is good for you and low in calories but will still fill you up and give you enough energy for the day. The cous cous is packed with veggies, too!

How To: Keep your kids healthy & avoid Lunchables

Do you feed your kids the yellow box lunch? Sure, it's easier than making a sandwich from scratch - but what's easy is usually not healthy. Check out this clip and learn all about the dangers lurking inside the iconic yellow box. Lunchables are full of chemicals, fats, sodium and calories.. watch this Food Facts clip and keep your family healthy.

How To: Use thread snip scissors

Thread banger, Kenneth King shows you how to save your good fabric scissors by using thread snips, a simple but important tool you must always have in your sewing workshop. Thread snips are small pairs of scissors that are specifically used for trimming off any excess thread in your material. Kenneth explains that using fabric scissors to trim these excess threads eventually causes them to wear dull spots. Always keep your thread snips handy and do all your thread trimming at the machine.

How To: Lose belly fat without doing sit-ups

In this video, we learn how to lose belly fat without doing sit-ups. First, you will want to compare full body exercises to crunches to see which one will make you work harder and cause you to burn the most calories. It's obvious that the full body work out is going to cause you to burn far more calories than doing crunches will burn. It takes hard work and a lot of cardio to lose belly fat, but it is the only thing that is going to work, crunches will only help you to tone your abs, not help...

How To: Mak a vertical-striped bracelet cuff out of beads

In this video, we learn how to make a vertical striped bracelet cuff out of beads. Start with a long piece of string and string on your beads until you have a length that fits well around your wrist. After this, tie the ends together and cut the tails off the excess string on the short side. now, start to thread through new beads around the entire bracelet. At the end of every few rows, tie it to keep it tight at the end. When you are finished, tie the string and make a knot, then cut off any...

How To: Clean your own inside windows

In this video, David teaches us how to clean the inside of windows easily and quickly. You don't need fancy tools, all you need is a terry cloth towel, a squeegee and dish washing detergent. First, put a little bit of the soap into a bucket and wash down the windows. Next, take a squeegee and wipe horizontally making clean lines. The excess water should drip down and you will catch it with your next squeegee wipe. If you have extra wetness on the edges, grab an old t-shirt and wipe the sides ...

How To: Remove a bookplate

To remove a bookplate, you will need paper towels, wax paper, distilled water, water colored paper, a weight, and a blunt knife. Cut the paper towel slightly larger than the bookplate itself with scissors. Wet the paper towel and blot it dry with another piece so it is damp. Fit the paper towel over the bookplate, put the wax paper on top of it, and let it sit under the weight for twenty to thirty minutes. Once the paper towel has soaked into the bookplate, gently peel the bookplate off with ...

How To: Feed your family healthy meals on a tight budget

Sure, junk food offers lots of calories for not much money. But you can create your own "happy" meals that are tasty, nutritious, and inexpensive. Certain foods to think about are oatmeal, evaporated milk, frozen and canned vegetables, seasonal fruits, bananas, apples, nuts, meat, peanut butter, beans, brown rice, and tuna. Watch this video nutrition tutorial and learn how to feed your family cheap, healthy meals.

How To: Use a head pin while making earrings

In this video, we learn how to use a head pin while making earrings. Start off by grabbing a 1" long headpin and feed a bead through it until it reaches the other end of the pin. Now, decide how you want to close the loop. The first way to close it is to make a single loop by using pliers and making a 45 degree bend. Cut off any excess wire with wire cutters. The next way to do this is to wind the excess wire around the base until it comes to the bottom of the bead. This is visually appealing...