Excessive Curiosity Lending Search Results

News: Jabulani, the new toy.

I'm somewhat of a skeptic when it comes to the "advantages" (the quotation marks should indicate the tone I'm taking) of a new ball. What's wrong with having a man made ball with slight imperfections and differences? So much of the game depends on the moment (of truth or shame) and everything leading up to it anyways, that to bring technology into different areas of the sport seems like tiny steps into that ever looming 5th referee and instant replays that will take the human factor out of th...

How To: Apply glitter & pigments to nails

Learn how to use glitter and pigments on fingernails! In just four minutes learn how to create a unique style for your nails using just a base nail polish, 3D Silver Glitter and a clear top coat. First you apply a single layer of nail polish, using a color of your choosing. Then you dip the tip of your index finger in glitter and gently apply it on top of the nail polish. After shaking off the excessive glitter, you apply a final layer of clear nail polish. Wash your hands and you're done!

News: Shibumi

In the dojo, what ISN’T said is often as important as what IS said. To most of us who’ve been raised in the USA, the reticence we encounter in the dojo can be off-putting. American society is very “content” oriented. Our legal contracts, for instance, run for pages and pages. Everything needs to be spelled out. In “context-oriented” societies there is far less reliance on such a literal approach. Much more importance is placed on the relationship between the two parties entering into an agree...

How To: Fix the Wizards Unite 'Device Incompatible' Error for Rooted Android Phones

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite has gained quite the fan base since its launch, but not without a few bumps along the way. Niantic, the game's developer, has a long-running history with trying to block all root users on Android. The methods will vary for each game, but this time around with Wizards Unite, they appear to have a new detection feature at play from the recent 2.9.0 update. Let's find out what's going on.

How To: Keep Your Burger Juicy & Your Bun Dry

There's nothing worse than biting excitedly into your indulgent restaurant-style burger only to find a soggy mess of a bun on your plate. The conundrum of keeping a patty moist but bun dry has perplexed home cooks and chefs alike, and even top burger joints are guilty of soggy-bun syndrome.

How To: Quote, summarize and/or paraphrase in an essay

This is working about working with sources: Quotation, Summarizing and Paraphrasing. Quotation: When directly quoting an outside source, the author's words should be taken verbatim. Quotation can lend the essay credibility. Too much quotation makes it sounds like you, the writer don't have anything to say. Quotes should be used only when the writer needs to be precise, clear, and powerful. You should use the quotes when the person you are calling said in a unique way that really can't be put ...

A Symphony of Evil: Javi's Black Deck

My friend Javi (who will join this group eventually that lazy sack) is a masterful MTG player and deck-constructor. Hell, he's damn impressive nerd all around. One time he made a Black deck out of my cards, and it is pretty devestating despite the fact that I never really collected Black and thus don't have multiples of good cards for it. It has more creatures than most Black decks (again, my fault) but uses it's excessive Mana to deal absurd amounts of damage with them.

How To: Make Your MW2 Perfect Circle Scratched Disc Playable On Xbox 360

Don't you just hate when you buy a new game and one day you play it, you somehow move your Xbox and it makes some horrible sounds so you hurry to get the disc out and see that it's got perfect circle scratches? That happened to me and I felt so bad about it and tried a lot of things to repair it but nothing helped. Then I got an idea that actually helped me.

How To: Automatically Enable Low Power Mode When Your iPhone Is Locked to Save Battery Life

Though not as flashy as Face ID and other features, Low Power Mode has become one of the unsung heroes of iOS. When you're away from a charger, enabling this feature will dial back performance and networking to help you eke out up to three extra hours of battery life. If your device is jailbroken, you can even automate Low Power Mode to ensure your battery never dips to critical levels while out and about.

How To: Conserve Data in Windows 10

As mobile devices become more and more popular, service providers have unfortunately resorted to capping data. What this means is that, depending on the plan you have with your ISP, you could have limits placed on how much data you can use for a set period of time. Once you've hit the limit, your ISP could drastically slow down or throttle your internet speed or charge you outrageous overage fees.

How To: Earn Trust from Your Rabbit

This is about how to make a rabbit become less wary of you and more trustful with you also. I myself have a Dutch that was released by its previous owner, then I rescued it. She never wants to be took out of her cage, but now she doesn't mind as long as I'm gentle and nice.

How To: Install blown-in insulation

Have you ever felt cold in your older home, even with the heat cranked? Ever feel drafts that seem to come from nowhere? And conversely, in the summer, is your home an oven? Many older houses are improperly insulated, if there is any insulation at all. This can have a large impact on your heating and cooling bills. Loose-fill insulation can be blown into your walls and attic to help increase the efficiency of your house, significantly decreasing your heating and cooling expenses.