Expedite Family Search Results

How To: Create quick formulas with Excel names in MS Excel

Looking for a primer on how to create and work with names in Microsoft Office Excel? You've come to the right place. In this free video tutorial from everyone's favorite MS Excel guru, YouTube's ExcelIsFun, the 4th installment in his series of Excel name tricks, you'll learn to use short Excel names to expedite the formula creation process. For detailed instructions, watch this free video Excel lesson.

How To: Bathe your cat

This video demonstrates how to bathe a cat. It's a cat's worst nightmare. To make it easier, first be sure the water temperature is warm and constant. Put the cat in the tub and get him wet with the sprayers warm water. Protect the cats eyes at all time. Apply cat shampoo liberally and rub it in good. Then apply conditioner to the cats' fur to help detangle and conditon it. Rinse really well with warm, steady stream of water. Then use a warmed up towel to wrap around the cat. This will help d...

How To: Renew a US passport

In this tutorial, Laurie Lee-Partner teaches us how to renew a US passport. First, you can only renew your passport if you have the current one and it expired less than five days ago. You will first need government form ds-82 and remember to sign it in black or blue ink, then send it in. Next, you will have to send in your passport that has already expired or is going to expire. Next, you will need two identical passport photos that have been taken in the last six months. They must be in colo...

How To: Transition from bike to run faster

Now that you've mastered the T1, learn how to shave seconds off your T2 time. Check out this triathlon tutorial video that demonstrates how to expedite your transitions from bike to run. Just follow the following tips: stand at end of race to stretch hip flexors and flex calves, drop gearing down to lower gear, shake out hands, relax shoulders, increase fluid replacement at end of bike, finish ride with feet on top of shoes, practice sequence: unclip helmet, put shoes on, grab race belt, hat ...

How To: Take a family portrait

Looking to get your family together somehow? Why not a family portrait? It's both a great keepsake and as an excuse to get everyone together. In this video, learn how to snap a great family portrait.

How To: File a motion in family court

Check out this instructional legal video sequence that shows you how to file a motion in family court. This video contains important information on preparing and serving a motion in family court. The most common reasons for filing a motion are to request a court order affecting child custody, parenting time, or child support. The court has forms and instructions for the most common problems. Please remember the court is a very formal place with a set of language and rules. This is the video i...

How To: Make a creamy chicken pot pie with Food Network

Elie Krieger from Food Network bakes up a scrumptious chicken pot pie. Her version will give you a healthy boost because she added extra vegetables and cut down on the fat. This southern dish is sure to warm up tummies everywhere and you can customize the ingredients based on your family's tastes. For example, you may want to use turkey instead of chicken, or possibly beef. Maybe your family likes different vegetables. This particular recipe uses chicken, onions, carrots, celery and green bea...

How To: Find the family tree achievements in Godfather II

In this video, we learn how to find the family tree achievements in Godfather II. All of these involve you manipulating the family tree. For the right hand man, you have to promote one of your soldiers and give them a different ability. The second in command achievements will be done by promoting one of your capos an under boss. Basically, these achievements will be done by you promoting different people and giving them different types of abilities. Once you do this, you will continue to unlo...

How To: Make a lasagna with non-traditional béchamel sauce

Tired of the same old family recipe? Then spice up your family lasagna with a new twist — béchamel sauce. Adding béchamel sauce (a rich white sauce made milk, herbs, and other goodies) will satisfy you family's craving for a new tasty dinner dish. The OriginalNakedChef shares his recipe for his lasagna with non-traditional béchamel sauce and beef. If you're a pasta and lasagna fan, it's definitely worth trying out. Watch the video for the full recipe and ingredients.

How To: Repair your dysfunctional family with feng shui

This video is about showing you how to use feng shui in repairing your dysfunctional family and getting rid of the bad vibes that may be in your home, re-energizing the foundation of love. The family center is located on the left center of your home. The element for the family is wood and you wouldn't want to have dead or plants with sharp leaves because they start arguments. Too much red is considered the fire element and can also lead to your family having arguments. If you have metal in yo...

How To: Apply for a NEXUS card to use in Canada and the United

Nexus is a pre-approved trusted traveler program that allows approved people expedited travel between Canada and the US. The card is available to US and Canadian citizens or permanent residents who travel by air or land between the two countries. Anyone traveling between the two countries must have their own Nexus card including babies. The Nexus card is considered a privilege by both the US and Canadian governments. You must have a clean record with both the Canadian Border Services and The ...

How To: Report a car theft

The first thing that comes to mind when your car is stolen is: ####!! However, once calm, cover these bases when your car is stolen to notify relevant parties and help ensure vehicle recovery or replacement.

News: A US Release of Grab's 'Panic Button' Feature Could Mean Safer Rides

Ride-hailing services are everywhere nowadays and with new companies developing all the time, it is one of the most convenient ways for people to get around. Companies like Uber make it easy for passengers to call a car to pick them up and drive them to their desired location. These services have been especially helpful for commuters as well as those who might need a ride home after a night at the bar. However, ride-hailing services require driving with a total stranger, which means the safet...

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 11

Family Heirloom: Find the precious family peice passed down generation to generation. Go back to Giovanni's room and use eagle vision to locate the hidden door. Okay, it's not really very hidden. Open the door and step into the secret room. Open up the chest inside to get a snazzy new outfit, plus a useful sword.

How To: Feed your family healthy meals on a tight budget

Sure, junk food offers lots of calories for not much money. But you can create your own "happy" meals that are tasty, nutritious, and inexpensive. Certain foods to think about are oatmeal, evaporated milk, frozen and canned vegetables, seasonal fruits, bananas, apples, nuts, meat, peanut butter, beans, brown rice, and tuna. Watch this video nutrition tutorial and learn how to feed your family cheap, healthy meals.

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