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News: Take Spectator View to a Whole New Level with DataMesh's MeshExpert

Beijing- and Seattle-based DataMesh have announced the release of a new enterprise geared mixed reality middleware — MeshExpert. This solution for collaborative interaction with dynamic data is made up of two primary components: MeshExpert Live!, a 4K mixed reality capture system built off of the Microsoft Spectator View, and MeshExpert DataMix, which offers the ability to blend different types of data with XR and mobile hardware.

News: Watch the Red Bull Air Race in a Whole New Way with Flight Deck on HoloLens

At Vision Summit 2017, UK-based Rewind, one of the recent additions to the Microsoft HoloLens Agency Readiness Partner Program, showed off a HoloLens application called "Flight Deck" that genuinely blew me away. The idea of watching a live-action sports experience on a coffee table has been explored and mocked up, but Rewind not only has done it, they will be releasing it later this year.

News: Google Assistant on iOS Is Absolute Garbage

Google Assistant was just released for iOS today. You may know it as the AI-powered assistant that makes Google Home tick, or perhaps you've heard from one of many review sites about how much better it is than Siri. Well, before you run off to the App Store to install Google Assistant, let me save you some time: It sucks.

Networking Foundations: Exploring UDP via Wireshark(Part 2)

Hello ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the Part 2 of our UDP & Wireshark adventure as I promised. Last time we discussed about what DNS is and how it uses UDP as its transport protocol but we left some unexplained parts behind and I'm about to investigate those with you. I would advice you to go back to Part 1 so you can have a clear understanding in case you don't feel comfortable with the topic. So our computer made its request to the DNS server and asked "Hey, I want to find out what ...

News: Why Social Media Is for Women (& the Men Who Want to Date Them)

Gender standards are entirely pervasive. We raise our sons to be masculine and our daughters to be feminine, which perpetuates the gender role formula when they grow up to be parents and raise their own children. Part of this whole equation is that boys are supposed to remain stoic and project an air of strength, and girls are expected to be amiable while being held to unrealistic standards of outward beauty.

Hack Video Games, Part 1: Introduction

Hello, fellow hackers. I'm sure we've all seen it somewhere: the undying question of "How do I hack the game so-and-so?" And the answer usually is, "Come back when you actually know how to hack!" But how does one even go about "hacking" a game? What could that even mean?

How To: Find Hacked Accounts Online ~ PART 1 - haveibeenpwned

You must have read news about hackers dumping the data online, recent one was Ashely Madison. It's only the big companies' data, which gets noticed once it is out. There are many other small leaks which don't even get a mention. So this article is the first one of my series which will help you to find hacked accounts. Some of you must already know about this, but this post is intended for the new learners. This also serves as an example of my learning how a good service can be used in other w...

Hack Like a Pro: Digital Forensics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 5 (Windows Registry Forensics)

Welcome back, my aspiring hackers! As I mentioned in earlier posts, the best hackers (or at least those not behind bars) have a keen understanding of digital forensics. If I am tasked to intrude upon an enemy's file server to retrieve war plans, such as in this tutorial, it is essential to my country's (and my own) well-being that it not be traced back to me. Understanding digital forensics helps us to leave without a trace and never have a trail back to us or our employer.