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Great Deal: Free Facebook Timeline Business Cards

When you're meeting new people, chances are they're no longer interested in collecting your phone number or email address. Instead, they're more interested to see if you have a Facebook account. So, what's a better way to get connected online in the offline world than a business card of your Facebook Timeline? The new cover image and info section on your profile makes for a great Facebook business (or personal) card.

News: Handheld Gene-Z System Detects Cancer with the Help of iPhones and Android Devices

Mobile devices can do just about anything these days, thanks to third-party developers. iPhones and Android devices have been known to do some pretty wild things. Need a dupe key made? Scan and order one with your iPhone. Want to know if you're hotter than Justin Bieber? Compare your facial features. Are you a policeman who needs to ID a suspect? Scan their fingerprints and irides. Want to control your Canon DSLR remotely? Use your Android phone.

News: To Explore New Worlds...

One of the things I enjoy the most about making tutorial videos is watching the reactions. In YouTube's backoffice, they give me great tools like Insight, Demographics, Discovery and Hot Spots. I can tell when people's attention drops off when watching. I can see what age groups and gender my audience is made up of. And... I can see where most people came from to get to see my videos.

Super Marrow Brothers: The Story of the Greatest Pun Ever

Playing Super Mario Brothers for the NES is the first thing I can ever remember doing, at age 3 sitting on the carpet at my grandparents' house. It was a special game for an entire generation, including British youths Andrej and Adam Zamoyski. It inspired them to eventually become video game testers and designers themselves; Andrej at Lionhead Studios and Adam at Headstrong Games, and then Zynga Mobile UK (until recently called Wonderland Software, developers of Godfinger for the iPhone).

News: Discover the Hidden World Around You with the Trover iPhone App

You're in a new city and you want to explore—what mobile app is best? If you want to know what club is hopping that night, use SceneTap. If you want to know if any friends are at a nearby get-together, use Foursquare. If you want to know what restaurant is best, try Yelp. But if you're looking to get a real feel for the city, skip the more touristy destinations and take to the streets—discover where some great graffiti is located or where the best view of the city is with the Trover iPhone ap...

DIY Anthropology: International Obscura Day this Saturday. Go Wild.

Calling all curious minds—scientists, anthropologists, relentless tourists: Saturday, April 9th, is International Obscura Day, the day to "explore hidden treasures in your hometown," or so says Atlas Obscura, a website dedicated to public curiosities and esoterica. If you're the kind of person who appreciates public oddities every day of the year, tomorrow is icing on the cake. Celebrate Obscura Day in one of hundreds of locales—from Los Angeles to Sydney, from Berlin to Manila.

Mineral Makeup: How to Choose It and Use It!

What's so great about Mineral Makeup anyway? Mineral Makeup is by nature, a long-wear, water-resistant product. This means less touch-ups and lasting coverage-even in the summer! High quality minerals are lightweight, inorganic and non-comedgenic. "Inorganic" means that bacteria and microbes cannot live in the makeup. This means less clogged pores, and no infections leading to nasty breakouts!

News: The Future of the Book Might Work Something Like This...

There are endless possibilities for eReaders, and lots of amazing things are already happening. But wow-worthy visual tricks aside, how can technology really change the way we consume books? In the video below design company IDEO presents three separate concepts for virtual consumption: Nelson, Coupland and Alice. IDEO groups their virtual experiences into three separate concepts: Nelson, Coupland and Alice. Core77 breaks down each concept:

News: Tracking The Tides

When you live on an island, spending time on the beach beomes part of the fabric of life (otherwise why live on an island). Whidbey has so many beaches to explore. I've been here several years and barely scratched the surface. I guess once I discover places I really enjoy, I tend to go back to them by default (creature of habit syndrome). It also doesn't hurt that I have a beach yards from my back door here on Sandy Point.

News: Disposable Wedding Dress?

Want a dress that's so eco-friendly you can literally make it disappear after the ceremony? This new gown, from British researchers at Sheffield Hallam Unniversity does just that. It actually dissolves in water, reports the U.K.'sTelegraph. The dress is made with polyvinyl alcohol -- the same stuff found in laundry bags and washing detergents -- sewn into the fabric. That basically makes it water soluble, and dissolves it without harming the environment.

News: Top 5 Favorite Farmers Markets in LA

So as soon as I started going to Farmers Markets I decided it was really important to explore as many different ones as I could . Just how no two types of tomatoes are the same, neither are farmers markets! They each hold their own unique style and offerings. Here are my Top 5 so far. Now as mother goose says get to market, to market! 

News: 10 Google Privacy Settings You Should Know About

Google has caught a lot of flack for various privacy infringements over time. Google Buzz was the latest uproar, when lack of proper prior testing allowed the tool to expose a slew of information users did not necessarily want shared, resulting in massive complaints. A Harvard student even went so far as to file a lawsuit (read more).

How To: Un-Delete Text on Your iPhone with One Swipe

So, you undid something you typed on your iPhone. Maybe you used the new gesture in iOS 13 to do so. Maybe you shook your iPhone, on purpose or accidentally, to trigger the traditional undo method. Either way, you want your text back, or to redo your edit, and you aren't sure how to do it. Luckily, it's as easy as a swipe.

How To: Get rid of blackheads for good

The task of getting clear skin is easy with the simple tips put forth in this video. While one can simply wash their face with soap and water, this does little to help with the ever-present blackhead. To get rid of them for good, you must first start with the right products, which are fully explained in this video. For best results, it is recommended that you use not only an exfoliating scrub, but also masks and intensive medicated blackhead treatments, if necessary. Get rid of blackheads for...

How To: Browse the Web Much Faster in Google Chrome

Despite the fact that you may not find this as a necessity, if you do follow this quick guide, you will wonder how you ever managed before. This tutorial is based on the assumption that you're using Google Chrome, so if you aren't, I advise you to download and install it. Furthermore, this tutorial is aimed towards beginners, however advanced users may also learn a thing or two.

How To: Analyze Michelangelo's David

Artists have represented humans in their work for thousands of years, and Michelangelo's "David" is one of the most important artistic studies of the human form. Explore the proportions, style, and detail used in this classic marble sculpture. Analyze Michelangelo's David.

News: Does This Make My Butt Look Big!?

Ok, this prank is an idea I have for part of a comedy film I am writing a treatment for, and it is dedicated to pranks and pranksters!This idea is based on women always, ALWAYS, going nuts over their butts and how big they are! Women are always so self-conscious about their weight and their butts, and always putting guys on the spot asking how they look in clothes and if something makes their butts look big, so this is dedicated to all those women out there!We would need a guy, maybe a cast o...

News: Book Review - The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay

The Power of One is one of those books that I really should have read years ago. I’ve certainly meant to read it for a long time so this was a satisfying title to cross off my list. It’s stunning that this was Bryce Courtenay’s first novel. I look forward to reading his others because if this is where he started, he’s a talented writer.

News: The Basics Of Website Marketing

Search engine optimization (SEO) is now one of the most important topics for website owners to understand. Anyone that depends on their website to bring them business needs to know the ins and outs of SEO in order to maximize their website’s potential. And if you want your website to have a high Google rank then SEO is essential.

News: Fallout Inspired underground bunker

As my in game name (TehGeekFather) would suggest I tend to like things on the Geekier side of things. Games being one of them. (duh I'm on a Forum dedicated to Minecraft) That being said I am a huge Fallout fan. (NO! not the band. <Sigh>) I'm referring to the post apocalyptic series first developed by Black Isle Studios, the roll playing game division of Interplay, back in 1997. Fallout 1 and 2 were pretty big back then open game play, being able to complete tasks in different ways depending ...

Goodnight Byte: HackThisSite, Realistic 1 - Real Hacking Simulations

Last Friday's mission was to accomplish solving HackThisSite, realistic 1. This is the first in a series of realistic simulation missions designed to be exactly like situations you may encounter in the real world. This first mission, we are asked to help a friend manipulate the website voting system for a Battle of the Bands vote count in his favor.