This tutorial demonstrates how to get extra smooth and creamy frosting by letting your mixer run just a bit longer than normal. Also demonstrated is a brush embroidery technique used to get a good 'haze' effect on your cake, good for frosting flower petals.
Fanning things out always seems to add a flirty, attractive effect: fanned out, lush eyelashes make cartoon cayotes' hearts leap out of their chests and their eyes get as big as saucers, while fanned out, cut pieces of paper make pretty snowflakes.
Fanning things out always seems to add a flirty, attractive effect: fanned out, lush eyelashes make cartoon cayotes' hearts leap out of their chests and their eyes get as big as saucers, while fanned out, cut pieces of paper make pretty snowflakes.
In this clip, Kitty the Coupon Diva will show you how to maximize your coupons and extra care bucks so that you can walk out of CVS with a cart full of groceries for free! Kitty will show you how to use circular flyers, bag tags, extra care bucks, coupons and rebates to walk in and out of the drug store without spending any money. Try these tricks the next time you shop and save a ton of money.
This video illustrates how to have a perfectly arched eyebrows. This process is done the following steps.
If you want to learn patterns drafting/making in different sizes (EXTRA SMALL, SMALL, MEDIUM, MEDIUM-LARGE, LARGE, EXTRA LARGE), now it becomes easy with these great videos that make patterns drafting easier and clearer.
Check out this how-to video for making an extra dry gin martini with tips from the American Bartender's School. If you're thirsty and water just isn't going to do it, try an extra dry gin martini! Don't break down the ice too much or the drink will become too watery.
One amazing Japanese papercraft enthusiast has built a walking 'robot' that's made of nothing more than paper, rubber bands, and a few wooden shafts for stability. It's been dubbed the 'Paper Robot III,' and even the cogs and gears are made of paper. The creator made a video detailing his entire process, and he's selling kits to make your own for about $40 US, if you're too lazy to do everything from scratch.
This tutorial is for the December guide of the Club Penguin sports catalog. If you click on some of the special areas, you can get extra goodies for your game! This video demonstrates where you can find the best ones.
Got a bit of extra time today? Then put those extra hours to good use by beautifying your lovely locks! Take a gander at this video to learn how to create a feminine flower side updo with cascading curls.
Whether you're looking for something extra to hand out to your trick or treaters, or party favors for a Halloween party, this tutorial shows you how to make a cute treat bag. You can make this bag using just some mini paper lunch sacks at the grocery store, plus a few extra paper crafting supplies.
Shopping for a swimsuit is hard enough for anyone, but if you're an extra busty lady, it can be difficult enough. You'll want to make sure that whatever suit you choose gives you enough support and is cut to flatter your figure.
Slender women tend to be slender in the same ways, but overweight or curvy women tend to carry their extra weight in different places on the body. This tutorial shows you a few techniques for drawing extra curvy and voluptuous women.
If you have an extra Xbox 360 just sitting around along with an extra hard drive, this video may be of interest to you. It's an easy task when it comes to swapping out different sized hard drives. If you have the right tools and right supplies, it can be a snap. So if you have everything that's needed or need to know what to get, check out the video above for those and more. Good luck and enjoy!
Do you have extra scrap fabric hanging around your craft room? Why not make something fun with it instead of tossing it? In this tutorial, learn how to take that extra fabric and turn it into cute, no-sew flowers in no time! Use the flowers for appliques, hair decoration, clothing design, pins, anything! These flowers are so easy to make you can put them together in two minutes.
You probably owe someone a dollar, and show them some extra thanks by giving back folded up into a heart. Learn how to use the traditional Japanese art of origami to fold up a dollar bill into the shape of a heart. Any denomination works if you're feeling extra generous.
This "double sheet bend knot" is the same as the sheet bend, except that is has an extra turn to make it extra secure. Use this knot instead of the sheet bend if you have springy or slippery lines.
Learn how to record calls by using Skype in this video tutorial. 1. Open Skype and go to Tools.
In this video, we learn how to make your own dry skin remedy at home. If you are already using a hydrating moisturizer and your skin doesn't react to it, this is a great remedy. The first ingredient you will need is extra virgin olive oil, then organic honey. You will also need regular sugar that you have around the house. Now, pour three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil into a plastic container, then add in 2 tbsp of organic honey and mix together. After this, add in 1/2 c of sugar and ...
This video focuses on dramatic portraits in Adobe Photoshop. Create a dramatic-looking portrait taking a picture that you already have, maybe something that's in an interesting pose, in Photoshop using lighting effects to manipulate the way it looks, making it unworldly and stellar.
I don't drink a lot of milk, so when I do, it's always whole milk. I'll drink two-percent if it's the only kind available, but skim? I'd rather have none at all. Tons of people buy reduced fat milk because they're trying to eat healthier, but to me, the extra calories are totally worth it. And, contrary to popular belief, whole milk is actually better for you anyway. Just like diet soda, the downsides of reducing the number of calories in milk outweigh the benefits. Studies have found that co...
Have you ever looked at your iPhone dock and wished you could place an extra, essential, or highly utilized app on there? Currently, with the basic settings you can only place four, but there's always that one that you wish could add to the mix.
When I compare my iPhone 4S to my friend's iPhone 5, I notice that his elongated screen gives him an extra row of applications. Am I jealous? Yes, a little.
Attention all veterans and active-duty military personnel—this coming Tuesday, November 11th, is Veterans Day, that time of year where the whole country thanks us for our service. For the most part, a simple thanks will do, but some folks like to go above and beyond and give us veterans free or discounted meals and discounts on merchandise in stores.
Convenience is a big deal these days. You can buy single-serving or single-use sizes of just about anything, from fruits and vegetables to sanitizing wipes, and, apparently, even bananas. Uhh, it already has a wrapper...
Ruth demonstrates how to wind a bobbin successfully every time you attempt. Place the spool of thread on the machine and wind the thread between the two disks on the spindle (found in all machines). It is better to wind the thread twice to avoid the thread come off the spindle. This does not damage the machine in any way. Pull the thread towards the bobbin and pull it through the hole in thy bobbin inside-out. Place the threaded bobbin into the winder making sure the extra thread is on top an...
Detailing your car keeps it in top shape and looking like new. By washing and detailing regularly your vehicle will impress passerbys every day. In this two part series, The Smoking Tire shows you how to properly detail your car at home without accidentally ruining your paint in the process. This can be easily done from home, and doesn't take much advanced skill. Check out this step by step and keep your car shiny, no matter how old it is!
In this clip from Fine Living, learn how to press fresh olive oil on your own. Nothing tastes as great with a Mediterranean meal as fresh pressed olive oil. Learn the differences between virgin and extra virgin and everything in between in this helpful clip.
No baby shower is complete without a diaper cake, a gift that can also serve as a beautiful centerpiece. Here's how to make yours extra memorable.
Do you have an extra room in your home? Watch this video tutorial from an interior designer to learn how to make that extra house space a home office by day and a guest room by night.
Got an extra thirty minutes today? Cut out that extra episode of "The Big Bang Theory" and give your body and metabolism a treat by completing a high intensity yoga routine.
In this tutorial, we learn how to make a cute PSP or phone strap. You will need: ribbon or lace, pearl chain, extra ribbons, metal ring, charm cord, and pliers. First, measure out the pearls and the lace so they are the same length. Then, you will need to sew the pearls down to the lace at various points along the length. From here, sew the ends of the lace together with the metal ring inside, at the bottom with the inside facing out. Then, sew the ring into one spot along the strap. Trim off...
In this tutorial, we learn how to crochet an extra puffy puff stitch. First, insert the hook and pull it through. Pull all the loops up even so the hook is horizontal, then wrap the yarn over and enter the hook through the top of the stitch. Pull the loop up and then wrap the yarn over, pull it through, then pull the loop up so the hook is horizontal with your work. Continue to repeat this process until you get to the end of the row. Place chains on the top to secure them, then you will have ...
Any good crochet artist will tell you that most crochet patterns can be mastered more easily simply by sticking to one color yarn. Once you begin adding different colors to the same stitch, it becomes an integrative process as well as a learning one.
Mechanical Turk is a cool work from home website to help you make a little extra cash. The website offers simple little jobs that anyone can do and pays you for them. It is a scam-free site, and requires no credit cards or fees or money of any kind, but legitimately pays out. In this tutorial, learn how to use and work for Amazon's Mechanical Turk from one of its current employees. If you can't leave home for some reason, or are looking to make some extra money while you sit at home in your u...
Here is a way you can make your own jewelry for little money and have fun doing it. In this video we are shown how we can add feathers to existing earrings and necklaces. For this project we need some feathers, a pair of earrings, some silver plated copper wire, needle nose pliers, and scissors. The earrings used in the video are already made circle earrings. The first step is cut about a circle's length of copper wire and grab a feather. Wrap the wire nice and tightly around the quill of the...
Do you know what an idiom is? If you don't, this English lesson is sure to make you an expert on idiom usage.
Box Seats! Put the art back in party furniture with collapsible tables and stools.
Personification of the Infinite Consciousness. Lord of Hosts. Master of the Universe. These are just three of the hundred-odd titles of the Hindu god Ganesha. Luckily, drawing the Hindu deity Ganesha isn't so complicated.
Cookies need to get dressed up for Halloween too! While plain sugar cookies are just fine and delicious, it's always fun to add extra spooky embellishments to your cookies to turn them into memorable Halloween treats for a party.