Extra in Depth Search Results

HowTo: Hack an iPod Touch Into an iPhone

The iPhone and iPod touch are nearly identical devices, especially now that Apple has added a front-facing camera to the iPod touch. All that's missing is the phone part. With the help of Lifehacker and apps like Skype and Line2, you can save some money by turning your iPod Touch into an iPhone, without the need to jailbreak.

News: Five-Arm Turntable Has Got It on Lock

If you have a fear of needles, you may want to sit this one out. Billed as an "analog answer for the digitalized DJ," this five-arm turntable plays an ode to the lock groove. What's a lock groove? Glad you asked. Whereas normal grooves lead the stylus in toward the label of the record, lock or "locked" grooves form a perfect circuit, looping around on themselves forever and ever. Throw in a few extra tone arms as London-based artist Yuri Suzuki has done and you've got yourself a full-featured...

Story Fix: TV Shows

Here is a list from story fix of television shows that can help writers. "Novelists are loath to admit they watch television. It’s like a chef admitting they enjoy a dripping hot Whopper every now and then. With extra cheese.

Cyrus: The Puffy Chair meets Money and Famous People

Cyrus comes out tomorrow, having wowed people at Sundance and at SXSW where the directors, the Duplass brothers, had earlier success with their mumblecore feature The Puffy Chair. It's very funny, and very well made and it should be of particular interest to lo/no-budg filmmaking dudes and dudettes because it is literally the model of what can be done with talent and hard work.

News: The Snoot-less Snoot

I was shooting last Friday and for a particular shot I wanted a special on a product; I wanted it focused, but soft.  Unfortunately we had run out of flags to cut it so my Key Grip came up with a great DIY solution: cut a hole in black wrap, put it on a stand a few feet away from the light (Dedo 400W HMI) and cover that hole with a light diffusion (Opal).  The distance from the light guaranteed a defined shape while the diffusion softened up the light itself.

How To: Install a towel bar on a bathroom wall or hollow door

This two part how to video series demonstrates how to install a towel rod or towel rack (remember click on chapter two for the hollow door video instructions). In the first video, your instructor takes you through all the necessary steps of installing a towel bar: measuring, screwing, and assembling. The second video demonstrates how to hang a towel rod on a hollow door. Hollow doors require an extra step when hanging a towel bar. You need a few more tools, but the end result is a towel bar t...

How To: Create a feminine eye look to add emphasis and impact

It doesn't take much to make eyes pop, just a little bit of eyeshadow and mascara. Start off with a pale, delicate pink eyeshadow to the entire eyelid. Emphasize the eye by adding purple shadow just to the outside of the eye. For extra polish, add brow liner for definition. Mascara is the final necessary touch to maximize the power of the eyes. Watch this video beauty tutorial and learn how to create a feminine look to emphasize the eyes. Create a feminine eye look to add emphasis and impact.

How To: Play "Mama I'm Coming Home" on the acoustic guitar

This lesson uses droning notes and a little extra pick work to make simple fret work sound impressive. "Droning notes" are notes that keep constant in the background while other notes are played. We'll use the open E and open B strings as our droning notes, and learn to play "Mama I'm Coming Home" by Ozzy Osbourne. You'll get practice with your upstroke picking as well as arpeggiating chords, which is picking instead of strumming. Play "Mama I'm Coming Home" on the acoustic guitar.