Extraordinarily Painful Search Results

SPLOIT: What to Expect in the Journey as Hackers

Greetings my fellow aspiring hackers, It's still Christmas and we have a lot of things and hugs and kisses and ... to share ( you know the things that you do ). I have never done this before but I just felt to encourage you on the quest for knowledge, security and defence, skills and a whole lot more that comes out as a result of pursuing hacking. What we mean by hacking on this forum is White hat Hacking and OTW has great articles on it and I don't need to explain myself on that one.

How To: 11 Fun & Useful Facts About Java

Coffee! It's so amazing that J.S. Bach wrote a comic opera about caffeine addiction. Meanwhile, more than half of Americans 18 years or older start their day with a cup of the hot stuff. Most of us take coffee for granted, but it's a bean that can surprise you. Read on to understand more about coffee and how to take advantage of all that it offers.

How to "Eat" Your Sunscreen: 10 Nutrient-Rich Foods That Will Increase Your Sun Tolerance

Even as someone with super pale skin that burns instead of tanning, I don't use sunscreen nearly as often as I should. Or, uh...ever. My skin cancer prevention routine mostly involves hiding from the sun as much as humanly possible. If you're like me and hate the greasy feeling of sunscreen, there are other ways you can protect your skin by increasing your sun tolerance. Your diet actually has a lot to do with how easily you burn, so by getting enough of a few key nutrients, you can decrease ...

News: Magic Leap Made Me Cry, Probably for the Last Time. Here's Why That's the Good News

A lot of digital ink has been spilled heaping scorn on Magic Leap. Much of that media schadenfreude was due to what some believed were unmet promises versus some of the early hype around the product. Others just seemed to be rubbed the wrong way by the startup's Apple-esque secrecy and penchant for attempting to coin new terms and frameworks for things that were, mostly, already in play.

How To: Remove Plantar Warts

Plantar warts are non-cancerous growths that can be found on the heel or ball of the foot, and in some cases, even on your fingers. They most often are very painful and are hard to get rid of. Most removing methods can be very painful and uncomfortable.

How To: Adjust your bicycle's front derailleur

For this next tutorial, you'll need to have set up your rear derailleur since you'll need to access all of the rear gears for this video. Like the rear derailleur, this can be a very painful and frustrating experience, but is very important to help extend the life of your bike.

How To: Massage away menstrual pain

The menstrual cycle can be very stressful and painful for women at times. This video will show you how to relieve menstrual pains using massage techniques. You will need to find a quiet, private area to do this. Massage away menstrual pain.

How To: Massage your hands and fingers like a professional

A long day of typing can lead to locked up fingers and hands. In this three part tutorial, learn how to massage your partner's hands and fingers at home, or apply these techniques on yourself. These professional level massage moves will leave your hands feeling more loose and less painful. Relaxing your hands is key to preventing bone and muscle problems later. So, check out these tutorials and rub away! Massage your hands and fingers like a professional - Part 1 of 3.

News: Extremely-thoughtless-to-privates Surfing at Latitude 66/33

Latitude 66/33, a.k.a. the North Pole, a.k.a. the new best kept secret surf spot. This past spring, surf photographer and filmmaker Yassine Ouhilal, plus four other surfers, went to the arctic to surf. They began their expedition in Norway, and ended up surfing in beautiful midnight snow showers, riding waves under the incredible Northern Lights.

How To: Properly trim your cat's nails using the regular and "kitty burrito" methods

One of the most painful, but necessary things to be done for cats is trimming their nails. Trimming your cat's nails is beneficial any pet owner, because it helps prevent scratched furniture and helps reduce scrapes and punctures in the skin. But it's also great for cats, because if left unkempt, can grow abnormally, creating tons of pain for your feline friend. Also, if the claws are left too long, they could get caught in carpet or furniture and pull them out while trying to escape. So, cli...

News: DIY Mojito Alchemy

It's just what the doctor ordered: the perfect hangover cure. A time-proven, age old trick, commonly referred to as the "Hair of the Dog", asserts that downing more alcohol the morning after is scientifically proven to ease a painful hangover—well, for the short term, at least (read more here).

Do Not Try This At Home: The Human Torch

PopSci's Gray Matter demonstrates again and again what the layman should absolutely Not Try at Home. Which is precisely what makes Gray's experiments so fun. Remember when the mad scientist fully submerged his hand in liquid nitrogen? Today's demonstration also plays with what is (quite reasonably) assumed to be extremely dangerous and painful: torching the human hand.