How To: Make beaded eyeglass holders
Watch this video to learn how to make beaded eyeglass holders.
Watch this video to learn how to make beaded eyeglass holders.
Try these simple fixes to salvage your specs. Learn how to fix your eyeglasses with this helpful guide.
Advanced welding machine normally used for jewelery repair. Short clip showing how microscopic TIG welding repairs eyeglass frames by fusing metal surfaces directly to each other. High definition footage shot with a mixture of HV10 and HV20 cameras.
Professional camera cleaning is expensive and usually more than you need. Follow these simple steps to keep your lenses clear and smudge-free.
In the last few weeks, the Magic Leap ecosystem has ramped up activity with a number of new releases debuting just before the close of the year.
With all the hype around Magic Leap's recent launch, it's easy to forget that augmented reality hardware is still very much in its infancy. While we marvel at what is available now, researchers are still finding ways to design and produce more sophisticated components for next-generation wearables.
Just when you thought Google Glass was dead, it turns out there may be a second life for the often ridiculed device that won't relegate it to the staid confines of factories and repair jobs.
just experimented to wear those eyeglass which are partially concave and convex no editigns and mixings in this