Facebook Profiles Search Results

Instagram 101: How to Add #Hashtags & @Account Tags to Your Bio

Your Instagram bio could always be used to link to other websites or profiles or just to show off your witty personality. Now, you also have the ability to use this section to tag other Instagram accounts as well as add tappable hashtags. Whether you want to link out to your best friend, company, or the latest trend in your city — if it has a profile name or tag, it can be in your bio.

How To: Secure Your Instagram Account by Adding 2-Factor Authentication & Managing Privacy Settings

The photo-centric Instagram app is a great way to share "evergreen" pictures and videos when compared to Snapchat and Facebook's new Messenger Day feature. But like all social media, keeping the account secure is an essential aspect, as it restricts unwanted viewers from seeing your content and can prevent unauthorized users from accessing your account. Instagram has several methods for locking down the account including a new two-factor authentication (2FA) mechanism.

How To: Reorder Profiles & Reset Matches in Tinder

The modern age of techno-dating has made an interesting landscape for social interactions when there is some modicum of romance (or lust). For those of us born before the internet evolved into the prolific monster it has become, we first met our love interests face to face. Today, however, apps like Tinder have changed the introductory stage, for better or worse.

Apple Music 101: How to Make Your Account Public or Private on Your iPhone

Apple Music, Apple's answer to Spotify, has many interesting features packed in to make that $9.99/month price tag as attractive as possible. One of those features is geared towards social listeners — those who want to follow other Apple Music users and who want to be followed back. But here's the thing: how do you know if your account is public or private?

How To: Change your name on Facebook

In this video, we learn how to change your name on Facebook. First, go to Facebook and log into your account. Once you are on here, click on the settings button. Now, find where it says "name" and click "change". Once you change this, enter in the name that you want to show and then choose the name that you want to display. Once you are finished, click "change name" and then you will have to certify that this is your real legitimate name. Once you do this, your page will refresh and your new ...

How To: Create a custom profile divider in ASP.Net

In this video tutorial, Chris Pels shows how to create a custom profile provider to store and retrieve data associated with a user profile in SQL Server tables separate from the standard ASP.NET membership provider’s aspnet_Profile table. The principles covered in this video will apply to creating profile providers for other databases like Access and Oracle. After learning how to create the custom profile provider we learn how to install the provider in a web site and see a demonstration of l...

How To: Create a photo album and tag photos in Facebook

In this video, we learn how to create a photo album and tag photos in Facebook. First, log onto your account and then view your profile. Next, you will see a tab that says "photos", click on this. Now you will see a link that says "create a photo album". Click on this, then you will be able to make a name for your album, then write in a location, description, and choose your privacy settings. After this, upload the pictures that you wish and wait for the site to load. After this, add in capti...

How To: Deactivate your Facebook account without deleting it

Want to take a break from Facebook without permanently deleting your profile? Then you'll want to deactivate it temporarily. This clip will show you how it's done. It's easy! So easy, that this video tutorial can present a complete, step-by-step overview of the process in about two and a half minutes. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this video guide.

How To: Upload pictures to Facebook from an LG Versa phone

In this how-to video, you will learn how to upload photos and videos to Facebook or MySpace using your mobile phone. First, go to messaging and scroll down to blogs. Here, enter whichever blog you want to upload to. Next, go to message and create a new picture message. A new option called blog will be in this menu. Now, press the option and click on your blog of choice. From there, you can put in text and select your picture or video. Now you can press send. This will send the file or video t...

How To: Remove Facebook applications

In this video from alandeklerk he shows us how to get rid of applications on Facebook which clutter up your page. Click on the application, click Allow. Click on the application name on the bottom left. Now you'll see on the upper left it will say Block Application. Click on that, then a box will come up asking if you want to block it. Click Block and the application will now be blocked. You will not see this on your profile anymore. Do this process for any application you would like blocked ...

How To: Organize social networking profiles with free software

Gigafide explains that with so many different social networking sites, it is hard to keep information up to date on all of them. He first introduces TweetDeck, an amazing desktop application that allows a user to update information for their Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and LinkedIn accounts. If you don't want to go through the hassle of installing TweetDeck on your computer, there is HootSuite, a web application that allows you to do this and if you're interested in keeping track of much more...

Facebook 101: How to Set Up Your Account to Delete Automatically When You Die

It's time to set your Facebook "Last Will and Testament" straight. Do you want to assign a contact to look over your account, or would you prefer to have all your online memories fade away the minute you die? It's a tough decision, but with a little time, you can set up at least one of these options to ensure that your account isn't left to sit pretty without you for the rest of time.

How To: Use LinkedIn as a college graduate

This is a video tutorial that is showing its audience how to utilize the website LinkedIn after you graduate from college. The first step is to go online to the website. Then you should make a profile. Make your profile polished and professional so that you future boss can easily search for your name and look at your wonderful profile. The next step is to include at least three past positions in your profile, a photo, and what schools that you have attended. You should also be aware of your p...

How To: Hide comments on MySpace

Want a bit more privacy in your MySpace account? Here's how to hide comments in MySpace. After you login, you should see a button that says 'edit profile' near the top. If you have a MySpace 1.0 profile you have to go to the 'About Me' section and at the bottom of it type this exactly like you see it here

How To: Chat with Friends on Messenger Without a Facebook Account

For some of you, whether or not to delete Facebook is a daily struggle. One reason you might not have pulled the trigger on your Facebook account yet could be because of Messenger, which provides millions of people with different devices an easy way to communicate with each other. But here's a secret you might not know: you don't need to have a Facebook account to use Facebook's popular chat app.

How To: Have an eye-catching online dating profile

Make a great online dating profile with this tutorial! Having a good profile is very important because when it comes to catching someone's eye and getting them to contact you. You have maybe a few seconds so your profile has to stand out, be interesting, and personable. Photos are also very important. You need 3-5 nice solo photos to put on your profile. Photos will help a person decide if they are interested in you. Posting good head and shoulder and full body photos is important. Do not use...