Fair Wages Search Results

Best Music Streaming Services: Spotify vs. Apple vs. Pandora vs. Tidal vs. Deezer vs. Amazon

Trying to figure out which music streaming service to subscribe to can be a difficult task when the playing field is so crowded. Each has its benefits, as well as downsides, so finding the right one for your needs and wants can take a lot of overwhelming research. But we've done all the research for you to help you find the best music subscription your money can buy.

News: TSA Brags About Confiscating Can Of Chicken Soup

Anyone who follows the TSA blog, run by “Bob”, will know that from time to time the agency attempts to offset the ballooning negative public opinion directed towards it, and the openly criminal behaviour of its employees, by bragging about “dangerous” items that it has discovered and confiscated from the luggage and persons of those traveling through the nation’s airports.

News: It-doesnt-pay-to-be-intelligent

If you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich? Although money and mental muscles may seem a natural match, brains, alas, may be more hindrance than help when it comes to getting rich, concludes a new study in the journal Intelligence.”It is still not well understood why some people are rich and others are poor,” writes study author Jay Zagorsky of Ohio State University. “Luck, timing, parents, choice of spouse and many other factors play important roles in shaping an individual’s circumstances,” he...

News: Durbin Says Romney Running from Bain 'Like a Scalded Cat'

Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., the Senate majority whip, asked on NBC’s Meet the Press, “Why is Mitt Romney running away from his company, Bain Capital, like a scalded cat? Because there’s abundant evidence that under Bain Capital they were exporting American jobs to low-wage countries and he doesn’t want to be associated with it.” Durbin says Romney running from Bain 'like a scalded cat' - NBC Politics.

How To: Tie the world's fair knot for fishing

The world's fair know was created by Gary Martin and was selected by a panel of outdoor writers to be the best new know from nearly 500 knot entries. It was given the name World's Fair know by Mr. Martin because it was first demonstrated by him at the 1982 World's Fair.

News: Hone O Oru

This Japanese expression has two basic meanings. The literal meaning is to break one’s bone(s), as when falling from a height. The figurative meaning is “to try harder.” That is, to try so hard that one’s bones break.

How To: Cheat at rock paper scissors

Rock Paper Scissors can be a fair way to solve a dispute, and we all know that fair is no fun. Winning is fun. So learn the secrets of Rock Paper Scissors from a true Rock Paper Scissors legend. Then take those teachings and train hard - or just cheat your way to the top. Cheat at rock paper scissors.

News: Poo Swing

So here in the beautiful Oregon Willamette Valley I drive past a big dairy daily....and many times, they have huge sprinkler thingys that spray liquid manure all over the fields....let me tell you the poo rainbow is quite fancy...So I was thinking....what if you had set up one of those swing rides like they have at the fair...that spin around with lots of swings....and had the boyz ride it through the poo...whilst and at the same time possibly bouncing eachother in their swing chairs.....Than...

News: The Other Side of Fashion

The United States is a hierarchical country where the weak ones are at the bottom and the powerful ones are at the top. Garment workers are at the bottom of the list although they are the most important. Without them there would be no fashion industry. They sew and cut the garments that people buy, the raiment that models wear on the runways. After the garments are sewn, factory owners send the garments to contractors to get make the clothing. Contractors make sure the garment workers sew the...

News: Will Kidult Wage a Graffiti Civil War?

MOCA's Art in The Street gallery was one of the first large scale street art related museum shows ever. It's not a point of debate whether this did or did not bring street art to a much wider audience, it most certainly did. It united the old graffiti artist of the seventies with the new street artists of the last twenty years. It was a big night with many famous artists attending the opening, including but certainly not limited to, L.A. native Shepard Fairey and the ever exciting Mr. Brainwa...

News: The Devil Toilet seat

You set up a toilet, could be a public toilet, or one at a fair ( it doesnt really matter where as long as people use it ), and play certain pranks when people are on it. When people they sit down they could get electricuted, stuck to the toilet, you put cling film over the toilet, a monter pops up when they lift up the toilet seat, when they flush the toilet poo explodes everywhere. That kind of thing!

News: 5 Vintage Magic Tricks from the 1964-65 New York World's Fair

Happy weekend! Time to relax and waste time. If you're a child at heart, or you've got a couple young ones hanging around, treat them to these old-school magic tricks, courtesy of Flickr user Jordan Smith. Smith generously scanned and uploaded a selection of cards from a postcard set published by the General Cigar "Hall of Magic" for the 1964-65 New York World's Fair.

News: Green & Black's Organic Fair Trade Cocoa Powder

I made brownies a few days ago with both a new recipe, and a new cocoa powder. I'd previously been using the Scharffen Berger unsweetened cocoa. However, I couldn't find it in the store, and I bought and used the Green & Black's Organic Cocoa Powder instead. Not only is it organic, but it's also fair trade! I was blown away by the results. The brownies came out much richer, with a great chocolate flavor, and a little bit of bitterness that counteracted the richness. And judging from the lefto...

HowTo: Print Clouds

While I'm waiting for artist Doug Aitken to figure out how to manufacture real clouds, this foam cloud printer will do just fine in the meantime. Demonstrated at Berlin's consumer electronics fair, IFA. Previously, MEGA 3D Printer To Create World's First Printed Building.

How To: Screenplay Format Guide (PDF)

Everyone wants to be a writer, but selling a screenplay is a tough job in Hollywood, especially if you know nothing of the industry standard screenplay format. Believe it or not, making your script stand out is actually counterintuitive— anything other than the traditional format will brand you as amateurish. Even those doing script coverage will neglect your script. To ensure your script gets a fair read, follow these formatting guidelines from Story Sense.

How To: How Anyone Can Retire Early & Wealthy, Part 1: CDs

I'm pretty sure that it's a universal dream for everyone in the world to retire early. Who wants to to be stuck with the rest of the country and retire when you're almost 70 years old? You heard me right, 70! Most people can't go out and do the things they love to do by the time they're 70, unless they've been practicing good health and exercise their entire life.

StarCraft 2 Drama: Eve - the First Female Pro

Wow, this story, written by Becky, is riveting. I know we've got some StarCraft 2 fans in here. I'm glad that Eve seems really stoked to be playing StarCraft 2, and I think a lot of the grief she's getting is from jealous players who are mad that they didn't get selected for a pro-gaming teamE.

News: Yes, There is Such a Thing as Deep-Fried Butter

There are endless deep-fried recipes for disaster (re: heart attack), but this one takes the cake. Abel Gonzales Jr., the inventor of fried Coke and fried cookie dough, presents deep-fried butter, which tastes like a “a mix between a biscuit or a croissant that is just stuffed to the gills with butter on the inside.” Gonzales' creation took top prize at last year's Texas State Fair.

News: Kidnap Bungie jump

Well, we all know what bungie jumping is, and we all know what kidnaping is, so why the hell not mix them together!! Just pretend to kidnap one of the guys when he's out doing his usual thing, dont let him know its you, then as he is blindfolded and tied up, take him to a brigde (or anything bungie jumpable!). Then as he is still tied up and blindfolded, attach a bungie cord to him, without him knowing, and throw him off! And all the while he thinks he's falling to his death!