Fantastic Internet Search Results

Child of Eden: First Impressions

A woman from space that who has been dead hundreds of years has been resurrected on the internet and you're the IT assigned to fight the viruses attacking her. Child of Eden is a mesmerizing musical game, with fluid animations, great game play, and lots of replay ability.

News: Legit Paid Surveys

As with most every other thing there is to do on the internet, people claim that they will pay you to do it. Participating in surveys are probably the most prevalent thing there is to do whilst getting paid. There are a ton of websites that hook you up with a list of free surveys to take that will also pay you for their time, for one reason or another it just isn't as good as it sounds (takes too long, doesn't pay well, never qualify for surveys). Those who are in the mindset that you can mak...

How To: Ikea Makes Beautiful (Not Quite HowTo) Cooking Videos

When images of a rumored Ikea cookbook surfaced through the blogger grapevine, foodie and graphic design fetishists alike grew ecstatic. The leaked images from the 140 page coffee-table baking book presented pristinely assembled, OCD patterns of ingredients and the resulting desserts for 30 classic Swedish baking recipes. Forsman & Bodenfors, the Swedish agency behind the project took a different approach to the typical organization of the standard baking cookbook.

How To: Control a Movie Plot with Your Emotions

Not in the mood for a sappy ending? Well, strap in because "Emotional Response Cinema Technology" lets your own body physiology control the movie music, the special effects, and even the movie ending. A collaboration between BioControl Systems, Filmtrip, and the Sonic Arts Research Center at Queen's University Belfast, the technology was recently showcased at the SXSW film festival in Austin, TX, where the newly minted horror film Unsound interacted with the audience through wires connected t...

News: Block Charlie Sheen From Your Browser with F.A.T.'s "Tinted Sheen" Extension

There are currently two camps on the internet. The first camp—those who are slurping up as much Charlie Sheen tiger blood as possible (hence Sheen's newly bagged Guinness Book of World Records status for most Twitter followers)— drastically prevails. The second camp—those who would rather not hear poor Charlie's ravings—is, however, much smaller. If you fall into the latter camp, Greg Leuch of F.A.T. has a solution for you. Leuch—who is also responsible for the Justin Bieber Mention Blocker—h...

Start Your Day Off Right: Beautiful Oscar Nominated Short "The Lost Thing"

The Lost Thing is a lovely short written by Shaun Tan and co-directed by Tan and Andrew Ruhemann (executive producer of the fantastic doc My Kid Could Paint That). Based on the award-winning children’s book of the same title (also by Tan), the piece was created over a span of eight years(!) using a mix of CGI and 2D handpainted elements. Tan, whose background is in painting, spent much of the duration "carefully building, texturing and lighting of digitial elements to create a unique aestheti...

How To: get free car

Advertisng is the key of selling products. Internet is one of advertising media, So many websites on the internet just making money from the online advertising. In online advertising the one that play an important part is traffic or page rank, the website is not valued by appearance or designing only, nor the cheap or the special products only, but the most have a role is traffic. Eventhough the appearance and your produst on the site is cheap you can't get buyer or visitor with the weak page...

News: 80s SF/Fantasy Revival

The Writers at have been running through a fantastic series of blog posts, in which they're teaching their readers about the history of great 80s sci-fi and fantasy. Because so much of this is right up my alley, I though I'd aggregate their aggregations, so to speak, and write a little retrospective of my own.

HowTo: Screw the President (Well, Sorta)

Whether you're an Obama lover or Obama hater, here's your chance to, ahem, screw him, somewhat literally. The president starred in the recent Sex Culture Festival in the southern city of Guangzhou, China. The screen-printed blow up doll is shown photographed next to his fellow adult toy compatriots.

News: The Internet as a Map

Probably one of the coolest things I have seen on the net. That crazy guy at xkcd have made a visual map representation of the internet based on user activity. Click on the picture for a a better look because this map is huge!

News: Transport Yourself to THE Most Dangerous Race Track in the World: The Green Hell

Ever heard of Nürburgring? If you're an auto racing enthusiast, you likely have. According to Wikipedia, the racetrack was nicknamed "The Green Hell" by Jackie Stewart (famed Scottish racing driver) and is known as "the toughest, most dangerous and most demanding purpose-built racing circuit in the world". Located in Germany, the older track was first built in the 1920s around the village and medieval castle of Nürburg in the Eifel mountains.

News: Story Behind the Still - Chapter 3 Winner

I recently shot a short film for director Keegan Uhl for Canon’s Beyond the Still contest and our film “The Beach” won first place. We had a lot of fantastic support getting the film done, and I’m really glad to see people liked what we put together. Keegan put in a ton of work and it’s always rewarding to win something like this, especially when the film was done all out-of-pocket. My Gaffer on the film, Matt Irwin was awesome as well. He provided a lot of his own equipment, and even provide...

How To: Hide your IP address using IP Hider 4.0

IP Hider masks the real IP of a user, allowing him to browse all kind of pages without ever worrying that the ISPs or any other marketing tool is monitoring your surfing habits or spammers are attacking your computer. The simplest way to do this is to have traffic redirected through anonymous proxies.

News: Twitch Will Soon Allow Mobile Gamers to Live Stream

There is a seemingly endless supply of games on mobile. While many of these games are fantastic, many are also, well ... garbage. And unfortunately, the platform as a whole has been dismissed because of those garbage games. This situation leaves gamers like myself wondering what can be done to develop a deeper public respect for gaming on smartphones.

Facebook Photo Privacy: Are You Safe?

Almost everyone uploads their very personal photos in facebook trusting facebook's privacy settings. But question is - is facebook's privacy settings really that trustworthy? Few months ago, while browsing facebook, I found that one can easily access your private photos using the same browser you used to browse facebook.

How To: Add Sticky Notes to Your Email Threads in Gmail

Notes for Gmail now allows you to insert sticky notes directly onto your email threads in Chrome. The browser extension, currently in beta, allows you to annotate your emails as a whole (thread)—or individually. You can add as many sticky notes as you would like and they all appear at the top of the webpage for easy accessibility. To download the application, go to this page and request an invitation. They add users everyday—I was added almost instantly after I applied. Once you've downloaded...

News: Feel your boobies

We encourage everyone (especially breast owners) to please watch. Intently. The UK's Channel 4's fantastic program Embarrassing Bodies is serving up lifesaving health advice. This segment does not sacrifice any details (nipple shots, etc.) to accommodate conventional prudes or censorship. We do not intend to either.

How To: Shop for an eReader

These days, eReaders are everywhere. For die-hard book nerds, eReaders offer the convenience of a full library without having to sacrifice shelf space. Sure, there are the paper buffs who swear that you just can't take an eReader with you into the bathtub, but when's the last time anyone actually did that? Face it, eReaders are convenient and here to stay. But there's a dizzying array of information out there, so what should you look for in an eReader?

How To: Make tarka dal

Tarka or "tadka" is a process of cooking in which spiced butter is used to season a dish. This is a classic, comforting lentil dish. Manju Malhi's recipe is fantastic with fresh coriander leaves and hot naan bread. Make tarka dal.

Richard Stallman: CISPA neally abolishes people’s right not to be unreasonably

Soon, Americans may find every private email they write could be opened, copied and inspected by government snoopers. The latest cyber security bill – called CISPA – has passed the House of Representatives, coming a step closer to becoming law. President Barack Obama has threatened to veto the act, if it goes through in the Senate. He cited civil liberty concerns as the reason for his threat. CISPA has raised a massive outcry with internet users and freedom activists, who say it’s a hard hit ...

WTFoto Symbology Challenge: Help Develop the Bro Code!

We're back again with another WTFoto Challenge! Last week's Hobo Advice Challenge somewhat inspired this week's humdinger, where we want you to help us develop the BRO CODE. You could be a part of internet history. Follow the simple directions below and post your submissions on the community corkboard. If you feel like you need some help getting started, check out our first of many WTFotoShop tutorials!

How To: Give Credit for Images

Ah, a perfect combination of two things that I love: well-designed flowcharts and proper image crediting! The internet may seem like a free-for-all, but posting uncredited images can land you in a legal scuffle (not to mention that it's bad manners). Most of my article images are either public domain (found through Wikimedia Commons) or stuff that I've made myself. Otherwise, I add credit, just like I'm about to do right now.

News: F.A.T. Lab (Free Art and Technology)

F.A.T. Lab (Free Art and Technology) is a network of artists, engineers, scientists, lawyers, and musicians dedicated to the research and development of new technologies and creative media. They are "committed to supporting open values and the public domain through the use of emerging open licenses, support for open entrepreneurship and the admonishment of secrecy, copyright monopolies and patents."