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How To: Lose and keep weight off after age 35

It's no secret that as we age, our bodies change. Often these changes are blamed on a "slowing metabolism"…like there's some unbeatable force working against you. That's just not true. With knowledge and discipline, you can be fit at thirty-five, fantastic at forty, fabulous at fifty....and beyond. Lose and keep weight off after age 35.

News: Kaplan University Graduate Debra Eppley and her Online Nursing Degree

Kaplan University nursing alum Debra Eppley was already working in the nursing field when she started her RN-to-Bachelor of Science in Nursing completion program (RN-to-BSN program). Kaplan University’s flexibility and support offered her the opportunity to complete her degree online while continuing to work. Once she completed her Bachelor of Science Nursing online, she was able to make a career move that not only increased her salary, but also her level of job satisfaction.

News: DIY Steve Jobs Cheese Head Is Kinda Gross

Spicy Steve Nachos, iPad Thai and an Apple Cheese Plate. Artfully crafted, but... um, ew. Husband and wife team Ken and Diane Aversano, create a loving (though not exactly appetizing) tribute to Apple founder Steve Jobs. Diane is also the creator of the amazing Jar Jar salad.

News: Stories This Week in My Balloon Animals World

First off, let's explain the story that inspired the phot I'm using for the post. Friday night, restaurant gig at Vallartas Mexican Restaurant in Lutz/Land O' Lakes, and I was making balloons for all the children throughout the evening. As I'm about halfway through my shift, I approach a table with two little girls (and their parents). One girl was about 6 with straight blond hair and the second girl, like pictured, had the most adorable little blond ringlets bouncing around her face as she g...

How To: Make homemade sauerkraut with cabbage and sea salt

Don't settle for store-bought sauerkraut, do it right with your own two hands and make homemade sauerkraut from cabbie and sea salt. Yep, that's all it takes to make a delicious sauerkraut condiment to go with anything, like polish sausages or bratwursts. Never buy sauerkraut again. Watch this video recipe to see how to make it.

How To: Do your makeup like a Bollywood star from Slumdog

Bollywood stars such as Shilpa Shetty and Aishwarya Rai always look fantastic with their dramatic makeup and opulent clothing. It's a unique look that always makes an impact. Want to know how to look like a Bollywood star? Never fear. As always, VideoJug has the answers. We teamed up with Naveeda, award winning Bollywood makeup artist, to bring you this guide to how to get the look. Do your makeup like a Bollywood star from Slumdog.

News: Spanish-Language Ads Attack Meg Whitman

A translation via msnbc.comMeg Whitman says she's a different kind of Republican...But Pete Wilson is in charge of her campaign.Whitman attacks undocumented workers to win votes, but an undocumented woman worked in her home for nine years.She says she'll create jobs---but wants to eliminate forty-thousand state job, including teachers and nurses.Whitman says one thing in Spanish---and something different in English.The real Meg Whitman has no shame. She's a two-faced woman. Resource:http://ww...

News: why people should vote no on Proposition 23

Proposition 23 is the act where they would suspend AB 32, the global warming act of 2006. If proposition 23 is enacted by voter this would pause the porvision of AB 32 until California's unemployment rate drops to a 5.5%. The unemployment rate at this current point is as high as a 12% and has been like that for the exception of 3 times since 1980. supporters call it California Job Anitiative and opponents call it the Dirty Energy Proposition.In this article it states the reason proposition 23...

News: Editing

This article is really hilarious. For you writers out there. Just remember that it is not your job to worry about things like these. Grammar is not your job, but it is this guy's job so I thought it was a funny example of how editors can get flustered by the most minute details, while the writer is almost certainly wrapped up in the big picture. As writers, we all have common mistakes we make, this is one man who cannot stand it.

News: Oscar Cinematography compilations

There was a fantastic compilation of best film moments shown at the Oscars in the late 1980's or so. I had thought it was an ASC or ISC production. As I recall it was set to music and both opened and closed with short segments from Citizen Kane, then proceeded to several hundred other short items more or less grouped by topic (falls, laughter, kisses, etc). It had a title something like Precious Moments or Precious Images or something like that about 5-6 minutes long and really excellent. If ...