Fantastic News Search Results

News: International iPhoneography Exhibition in NYC Calling for Entries

MacPhun, the company who brought FX Photo Studio to the iPhoneography community, and MobiTog, have teamed up to create the upcoming International iPhoneography Show. The first exhibition will kick off in New York on December 16-22 at The Soho Gallery for Digital Art. It will feature approximately 200 pictures captured with iPhones by over 150 different artists from around the world, making it the biggest exhibition of iPhone photography of the year. There will also be more international exhib...

News: Welcome to Phone Snap!

Hello, my fellow cell phonographers! In today’s day and age, cell phone photography is growing rapidly with the advancement of smartphones and the constant stream of new multi-featured camera phone and photo editing apps.

News: Minecraft World Will Be at Minecon!

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. Hey Minecraft World, just a reminder that we will be at Minecon this year! It's fast approaching, in just a few hours we'll be talking to modders, builders, YouTubers, developers, miners and crafters and reporting back to you.


Unless you avoid the news entirely, you've almost certainly heard about the hacking sprees that have been taking place over the past several weeks. Tens of thousands of usernames, passwords and email addresses have been released online for anyone to download. Thankfully, it seems that one kind soul has put all that compromised info to good use.

News: Meet Luxirare, WonderHowTo's New Culinary Contributor

Luxirare is a site of mystery; the genius behind the intricate and painstakingly photographed projects remains somewhat anonymous, despite her culinary mastery, fashion pieces and e-shop being featured in the likes of Vogue, Lucky Mag, ABC, NBC, and the New York Times. Insanely stylish and original, Luxirare has been blogged about all over the web.

News: F.A.T. Lab (Free Art and Technology)

F.A.T. Lab (Free Art and Technology) is a network of artists, engineers, scientists, lawyers, and musicians dedicated to the research and development of new technologies and creative media. They are "committed to supporting open values and the public domain through the use of emerging open licenses, support for open entrepreneurship and the admonishment of secrecy, copyright monopolies and patents."

How To: Ikea Makes Beautiful (Not Quite HowTo) Cooking Videos

When images of a rumored Ikea cookbook surfaced through the blogger grapevine, foodie and graphic design fetishists alike grew ecstatic. The leaked images from the 140 page coffee-table baking book presented pristinely assembled, OCD patterns of ingredients and the resulting desserts for 30 classic Swedish baking recipes. Forsman & Bodenfors, the Swedish agency behind the project took a different approach to the typical organization of the standard baking cookbook.

How To: Control a Movie Plot with Your Emotions

Not in the mood for a sappy ending? Well, strap in because "Emotional Response Cinema Technology" lets your own body physiology control the movie music, the special effects, and even the movie ending. A collaboration between BioControl Systems, Filmtrip, and the Sonic Arts Research Center at Queen's University Belfast, the technology was recently showcased at the SXSW film festival in Austin, TX, where the newly minted horror film Unsound interacted with the audience through wires connected t...

Start Your Day Off Right: Beautiful Oscar Nominated Short "The Lost Thing"

The Lost Thing is a lovely short written by Shaun Tan and co-directed by Tan and Andrew Ruhemann (executive producer of the fantastic doc My Kid Could Paint That). Based on the award-winning children’s book of the same title (also by Tan), the piece was created over a span of eight years(!) using a mix of CGI and 2D handpainted elements. Tan, whose background is in painting, spent much of the duration "carefully building, texturing and lighting of digitial elements to create a unique aestheti...

News: Yup, it's Oscar Season

So the Big Surprise News of today is that The King's Speech is Kicking Major Nomination Ass with twelve count-em 12 nominations, just brutalizing stuff like The Social Network (eight - nice try), The Fighter (seven - really? seven? that's the best you can do idiot movie?) and True Grit (ten - double figures is respectable... I guess...). How come that happened? I'll tell you. It's because North Americans freaking love rich British people.

News: 80s SF/Fantasy Revival

The Writers at have been running through a fantastic series of blog posts, in which they're teaching their readers about the history of great 80s sci-fi and fantasy. Because so much of this is right up my alley, I though I'd aggregate their aggregations, so to speak, and write a little retrospective of my own.

News: fake amber alert

get a local news station to film a fake amber alert with the subject of the prank being the one who stole the kid. hijack the persons cable and play the breaking new so they can see it and get freaked out no this might be the hard part. get the cops or even swat to show up at the house asking him release the hostage. when he gives him self up thinking he has done nothing wrong have a cop go in to the house and walk out with the child that was on the amber alert. now just arrest him and wait t...

News: Everything You Need to Know About Bed Bugs

If you've ever had even the slightest encounter with bed bugs, you know they are the most feared, nastiest vermin in New York City, as well as other closely populated spaces (re: college dorms). The latest nasty bit of news on the topic concerns clothing retailer Hollister- their flagship Soho store was shut down for three days for infestation.


I guess this leaked a couple days early. *edit* Looks like they just deleted the news post off the website, but I managed to save a copy (see below). Wow, such a solid lineup. You do not want to miss this! If I was only able to go to one San Francisco festival this summer and had to choose between this and Outside Lands, Treasure Island would be the easy winner. Even though The Strokes are one of my favorite bands and are headlining OL, I would choose Treasure Island because this line up is j...

News: Transport Yourself to THE Most Dangerous Race Track in the World: The Green Hell

Ever heard of Nürburgring? If you're an auto racing enthusiast, you likely have. According to Wikipedia, the racetrack was nicknamed "The Green Hell" by Jackie Stewart (famed Scottish racing driver) and is known as "the toughest, most dangerous and most demanding purpose-built racing circuit in the world". Located in Germany, the older track was first built in the 1920s around the village and medieval castle of Nürburg in the Eifel mountains.

How To: Watch Every World Cup Game in US

ESPN + ABC to Broadcast all 64 Games! This is AWESOME news. In the past we've struggled to get obscure matches broadcast on regular channels. For the first World Cup ever, the US will get every game on either ESPN, ESPN2 or ABC. The 2010 World Cup South Africa kicks off June 11 and the final match is July 11.

News: Little known secret about TechNet Plus Subscription

Being in the IT field I have used Microsoft products for a long time. One of the secrets I have found is Microsoft's TechNet Subscription. With the TechNet subscription you get learning material, articles & news, but the biggest benefit is the software you have access to. For about $350 a year you get access to almost all of Microsoft's software in a demo form (non-expiring). You can't necessarily use this for production use in a business, but you can use it for "Testing purposes". I typicall...