Fashion Industry Search Results

News: Fashion Loves the Pixel

Not since JC de Castelbajac's infectiously fun LEGO fashion line have I seen such energetic geek-inspired ware. Japanese designer Kunihiko Morinaga pays homage to ye olde 8-bit days with his extensive catwalk of video game inspired womenswear—ranging from dresses to suits to streetwear. The pixel-printed Fall/Winter 2011/2012 collection debuted during Tokyo Fashion Week under his label Anrealage. Not only did the models don classic pixel prints, but they also strutted to a live pianist perfor...

News: Roadkill Carcasses Go Couture

Aspiring Scottish fashion designer James Faulkner brings all new meaning to the term upcycling.  Faulkner uses wings, feathers and furs of actual roadkill for his headgear line. He line employs a variety of taxidermied vermin, including foxes, magpies, rabbits, wood pigeons, pheasants, mallards, crows and peacocks.

News: LEGO Fashion Hits the Runway

Whether you're inclined to love it or leave it, you've gotta admit one thing about JC de Castelbajac's LEGO fashion line- it's fun. More 80's pop culture revival: LEGO constructed hats and LEGO inspired prints set to cartoon blue skies. Scroll all the way down for JC de Castelbajac's  runway videos (one in LEGOmation, the second live footage of the actual runway show). Previously, Make-It-Yourself LEGO Gummies.

News: Disposable Wedding Dress?

Want a dress that's so eco-friendly you can literally make it disappear after the ceremony? This new gown, from British researchers at Sheffield Hallam Unniversity does just that. It actually dissolves in water, reports the U.K.'sTelegraph. The dress is made with polyvinyl alcohol -- the same stuff found in laundry bags and washing detergents -- sewn into the fabric. That basically makes it water soluble, and dissolves it without harming the environment.

How To: Take top fashion photos with a point and shoot camera

You don't need a 30,000 or even 3,000 dollar camera to shoot high-quality fashion photographs. A regular point and shoot and a lighting umbrella are all it takes to take quality images. Watch this video photography tutorial and learn how to take magazine quality beauty headshots with a point and shoot camera. Take top fashion photos with a point and shoot camera.

Sewing the Invisible: Jum Nakao's Paper Couture

The challenge of creating garments with unconventional materials has become an all too familiar gimmick for most first year students at fashion schools. The end result is more often than not a catwalk of garbage bags, zip ties, plastic bottles and cans, assembled into a menagerie of mediocrity. Enter Jum Nakao. But while the Japanese-Brasilian artist/fashion designer does use an unconventional and impractical material (paper) for his collection "A Costura do Invisivel"(translation: "Sewing th...

News: The World's First Teensy, Weensy 3D Printed Bikini

For the hefty price of $200 and up, you can be the proud owner of the world's first 3D printed bikini. And not just the first bikini, but reportedly the first functional and affordable item of ready-to-wear 3D printed clothing on the market. Created by Continuum Fashion, the N12 3D printed bikini is revolutionary because it addresses the technical challenge of creating flexible "textiles" with 3D printed material. The bikini is made of a material called Nylon 12, which is entirely waterproof.

How To: Make the old fashioned Pink Lady cocktail

A stylish and sophisticated cocktail from way back when, you can recreate this classic with: 1 1/2 ounces gin, 1/2 ounce applejack brandy, 1/2 ounce fresh lemon juice, 1/2 ouce grenadie and 1 egg white. You will also need a cocktail shaker and strainer. Make the old fashioned Pink Lady cocktail.

News: "Living" Flower Dresses Change With the Seasons

While I don't find Mattijs van Bergen and Anouk Vogel's "Living" dresses aesthetically earth shattering, I'm wowed by the concept. The fashion designer and landscape architect created a collection of dresses made from recycled inner tubes and flowers for a late summer exhibition titled “Fashion & Architecture” at the Amsterdam Centre for Architecture.

How To: Be French chic

Ever wondered why French women are so chic and stylish and fashionable? Here's why- some simple fashion and style rules that will bring out the femme in you. Be French chic.

How To: Dress like a tomboy

Fashion stylist and editor Clare Watson shows how to dress like a tomboy without looking like a boy. The video goes over common mistakes, including baggy clothes, low pants, and overly sporty shoes. Learn how to show off a more feminine, tailored, and flattering casual, comfortable look. Dress like a tomboy.

HowTo: Make the Laziest Dress Ever

There are lots of simple "hack-like" fashion projects on the web, but kudos to the Glamourai for bringing Style into the equation. Her "Scarf-tan-ette" is surprisingly chic considering it's simplicity. Relatively uncomplicated to make, all you need is a couple vintage scarves, some chain, pins and a sewing machine. (The YSL sunglasses help the look as well.)

News: LED Embedded Cop Heels

Hubba, hubba, Mrs. Officer! Insanely ghetto fabulous pair of cop heels that belong in a Lil' Wayne video. These babies blink like a siren, and are laden with teeny, tiny law-enforcement detailing, such as headlights, turn signals and strobe lights. Designed by Tim Cooper.