Fashion Knowing Search Results

News: Don't Be An Idiot! Five Quick Tips to Avoid Looking Like a Fool.

1.) If you do not know something, keep our mouth shut.* No-one, I repeat no-one, is interested in your uneducated guesses about why something is the way it is, or why someone did something a certain way. At best, you will trick them into temporarily thinking you know what you’re talking about. At worst, you will convince them that you are speaking the truth and they will perpetuate your bullsh*t to others. Do not contribute to making the world a more foolish place just because you had to say ...

How To: Cure Vampirism in Skyrim

So, there you are, walking along a mountain range in the beautiful game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, when all of a sudden a vampire attacks you. Oh no! Now you've caught Sanguinare Vampiris, otherwise known as the vampire disease. That's horrible for your goody-two-shoes character, since feasting on the blood of innocents isn't really your bag. That's where Achievement Hunters comes to your rescue! In this tutorial, Fragger and Jack show you how to initiate and complete the quest to become mo...

Oatmeal: Creative Ways To Consume Besides For B-Fast

Many people consume oatmeal for breakfast since it fills you, is a very healthy option (better than a certain egg sandwich you can get at fast food restaurants) and can be very delicious if you put the right stuff in it. What many people don't know, though, is that you can incorporate oatmeal in other areas of your meals and are very delicious ideas, take my word for it.

Bird's Eye View Challenge: Celebrity... Maybe

We were at the El Capitan on Sunday and while waiting for friends to show up we walked over to the massive Cirque du soleil Hollywood premiere for a few minutes. Around the time we were there celebrities were arriving so we just started taking pictures. I don't know a lot of celebrity names, some I only recognized by face (oh it's that dude from Swingers!), but this is the best shot I took above the crowd.

News: Dear Johnny, Looney Toons style stunt!

I know the contest is over, but I have an idea anyway! Take one of the crew, oh say, Ehren for example, and give him a parachute and place him about 40-50 ft in the air. Tell him that his mission is to jump, delpoy his chute and navigate over a pond to the other side. Except fill his chute with silverware wrapped in a blanket like in Looney Toons!! I couldn't draw a picture because I only have paint and it sucks. I'm sure you could tweek it and make it better, but I know if you guys did it yo...

News: Discover the Hidden World Around You with the Trover iPhone App

You're in a new city and you want to explore—what mobile app is best? If you want to know what club is hopping that night, use SceneTap. If you want to know if any friends are at a nearby get-together, use Foursquare. If you want to know what restaurant is best, try Yelp. But if you're looking to get a real feel for the city, skip the more touristy destinations and take to the streets—discover where some great graffiti is located or where the best view of the city is with the Trover iPhone ap...

News: The 5 Weirdest Items on the In-N-Out Super Secret Menu

As a California resident, I'm all too familiar with the delicious western fast food chain In-N-Out. The food is great: the fries, the shakes, the fresh ingredients, the secret sauce. And of course, the secret menu. There are only 4 items posted on the in-store menu, but for customers in the know, there are more "secret" items available:

News: Meticulous Recreations of Old Family Photographs

It's axiomatic: if you want to know what's different, look to what's the same. And, if you want to know what's the same, look to what's different. What makes Irina Werning's Back to the Future project so amazing then is that, in matching everything that can be matched, she helps us instantly hone in on what can't. In most cases, viewers notice just one thing—the effects of the passage of time on the subjects of the photographs. It's very strange and sometimes even unsettling. But also really,...

News: PDF by Drew Williams- Polymer Clay Wizard Shares All

This is a link to a PDF containing an incredible amount of free information. Drew Williams of Satyr Sculpting Studio gives away every part of the polymer clay sculpting process from start to finish. I know Drew, he and I shared a studio in grad school. Drew is not greedy or selfish, and this book proves it. Everything you ever wanted to know about how to sculpt with polymer clay, especially characters, miniatures, toys, or game pieces.

HowTo: Fold an Origami Rabbit

Okay, so WonderHowTo already has a million origami tutorials (well, I'm exaggerating... not a million. 2,410 and growing). And the process of folding an origami rabbit is pretty simple (maybe not that simple- 16 steps to be exact).

News: Using Your Cell Phone Overseas.

Want to travel and don’t really know how things are going to work with your cell phone? I have done so much research on this topic that I now carry two cell phones with me overseas to be prepared. We are going to cover some of the basics of things you need to know about using your cell phone overseas and how NOT to get a $1,000 bill when you get back home. If you’re interested in using your BBM overseas FOR NO CHARGE scroll down....Read More

News: Welcome to Photography Contests World!

Welcome to Photography Contests World! The purpose of this world is two-fold. First, it will serve as a directory with featured listings of all types of current photography contests. If you have ever tried to search for a photography contest to enter, then you are aware of how many contests are scattered all over the internet. Photography Contests World will strive to bring you information on as many contests possible in one central location, beginning with mostly USA and international contes...

HowTo: Make Dragon's Beard (AKA International Cotton Candy)

Known as Dragon's Beard, Pashmak, or Pishmaniye, hand pulled cotton candy is more than just a carny treat- it's a worldwide delicacy. The French Culinary Institute's Cooking Issues demonstrates how to make a delicious, exotic rendition of the classic American cotton candy without a machine. All it takes is a little food science and worldly know how.

Friday Fresh: Weird and Wacky November Holidays

We all know that November 1 marks the beginning of the madness that is known as the holiday season, but did you know that November is also host to a whole bunch of quirky celebrations as well? If you're not into turkey, there's lots of other, more unique offerings to partake in.

How To: Red Frog Bungalows Surf Guides. We know how to surf!!

Red Frog Bungalows has the best surf guides in the Bocas Del Toro Panama. Experienced, considerate and dedicated to customer service. We practice our skills all over the planet. Selected are photos of our guides surfing globally this 2010 offseason..We know what we are doing!!!! Red Frog Bungalows will get you into waves you will never forget..Often imitated but never duplicated...Red Frog Bungalows

News: Everything You Need to Know About Bed Bugs

If you've ever had even the slightest encounter with bed bugs, you know they are the most feared, nastiest vermin in New York City, as well as other closely populated spaces (re: college dorms). The latest nasty bit of news on the topic concerns clothing retailer Hollister- their flagship Soho store was shut down for three days for infestation.

How To: Make paper poppers in three steps

Who knew that a thin, innocent piece of paper had so much potential for creating loud and annoying sounds? This video will teach you how to make a paper popper in only three easy steps that will allow you to make loud noises over and over again, scaring friends, family, and pets. No non-paper materials required. Make paper poppers in three steps.

HowTo: Chia-Prank Your Co-Worker's Keyboard

Johannes Hjorth of Sweden posts a great guide to growing cress in a co-worker's keyboard: "My colleague Erik Fransén went away on the Society for Neuroscience conference in the USA for two weeks in the middle of November. Those of you who know Erik probably know that he enjoys playing practical jokes on his friends from time to time. This time it was Erik's turn to be on the receiving end..."

News: World Cup Crash Tests

You know how it is. A huge world class event comes to your town, World Cup for example, and all of a sudden everything is changed. TVs are on everywhere, tourists are pouring into your city and roads are packed with raving football fanatics. Road rules are bent and twisted in every way imaginable and all of a sudden those 5-seaters gain the capacity of city buses. People are sticking out of all car openings, music blasting and all. While this type of atmosphere is uber-exciting, you still hav...

News: It Ain't the Ball, It's the Altitude. Duhhh....

I guess it takes the designer to explain, but it's the altitude that's affecting the unpredictable movement on the ball, not the ball itself. Defending himself, he says the ball's been around since December and no one's complained until now. I know it's a problem in Jo'Burg and Nelspruit (highest venue in WC history). But Cape Town's at sea level, does anyone know if the problem exists there?