Fashion Knowing Search Results

How To: Tie a taut line

A taut line, also know as two half-hitches with an extra turn, is used to tighten a line like a clothes line or tent line. You may want to watch the video on how to tie a half-hitch before trying this knot. Tie a taut line.

News: Why politicians lie and why we want to believe them

From Richard Nixon -- "I'm not a crook" -- to Bill Clinton -- "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky" -- to Marion Barry -- "It's all made up... I don't know what happened" -- to John Edwards --"The story is false... It's completely untrue, ridiculous" -- American politicians have had a history of political deception, or at least stretching the truth.

Null Byte: Never Let Us Die

If there ever was a time for Null Byte to need people to contribute, it's now. Let's make Null Byte a place where anyone, from novice to master computer user, come and learn. It has been sometime since the last "Call to Arms" for Null Byte, and even longer since the last "Weekend Homework". We all know that this time of year is busy for everyone, but that didn't stop occupytheweb otw from creating a great article in his continuing "Hack Like a Pro" series.

News: Stop CISPA NOW!!!

The US government is trying to push another anti-piracy bill through without anyone knowing so please click the link and sign it to tell Congress that they can't get away with this.

News: No Transparency, No Trust

Earlier in the week, Obama’s attorney general stated something that is quite alarming. “In this hour of danger, we simply cannot afford to wait until deadly plans are carried out, and we will not,” Eric Holder said during a speech at Northwestern University’s law school in Chicago. It's a very ambiguous statement. Why do people talk like this? Why can't they just talk straight to the point? Well, most of the time it's to hide something. Take a look at this video: What do you think of that! Th...

How To: Use Social Bookmarking Sites For Effective SEO

If you know anything about search engine optimization and online marketing then you know that having as many links going into your site from good sources is very important. And if you’re not really experienced at building links or SEO in general then you might not know the best way to get good links for your site. So please read on and I’ll present to you what I feel is the best way to get good quality links for your site.

News: Obama supports drone attacks

In a recent address, Obama supports drone attacks against people 'on the list'. He talks about the people on the list being known of 'going to attack Americans', and who have a 'track record of terrorism'. Let me tell you, targeted strikes will, 90% of the time, have civilian casualties. There is no such thing as a clean strike. But I'll let you decide.

News: colonetix

Colonetix colon cleanser claim that it clean colon very easily and make colon healthy.know the facts and fiction about colonetix.

News: Easy Cherry Cobbler How-To

Being from the south I am partial to cobbler, especially peach cobbler. However I had some cherries on hand that needed to be used before they went bad so decided to give this a try. The end result was a sweet decadent dessert with just the right amount of tartness. Was great served warm with vanilla ice cream but just as good the next day cold.

Scrabble Challenge #18: Can You Win at Scrabble Rack Attack?

As touched upon in the past, knowing all of the possible words you can play is key to being a better Scrabble player. If you don't have the vocabulary, then you can't compete against the best of the best, and you'll never even get the chance to spar against professionals such as Nigel Richards, Joe Edley, Andrew Fisher, and Wayne Kelly.

News: Great Discussion on Finishing PVC

This forum has a discussion about painting PVC that has some opinions from very accomplished people, including Volpin Props. They go over primers, adhesion promoters, sanding and more, and if you see these people's work, they are the go-to guys for informed ideas on this subject.

News: Lightweight Programs You Should Use for a Faster Linux

Some people are what is labeled a power user. I am one of these people. No matter how fast I get my system, or how quick of programs I have, it is never good enough. There is always at least one program that I could swap out for a more advanced, text-based counterpart that increases performance just a bit. Luckily, you don't have to use text-based programs without graphical user interfaces to get blazing fast speeds on Linux. There are tons of open source alternatives to the mainstream progra...

How To: Carve Polyhedral Pumpkins

Halloween is coming up, so many of you may have a need or desire to carve a pumpkin and turn it into a Jack O' Lantern. This week we are going to explore carving our pumpkins into interesting geometric shapes. In this post, we will carve the pumpkins into spherical versions of polyhedra, and in Thursday's post we will carve 2 dimensional stars and some simple fractal designs into the pumpkins.

News: Rain Water Harvesting 101

This shows how to collect rain water for future use from the roof of your house. Very cool setup, but be careful not to break the law while you're doing it. I know that here in Colorado, it is actually illegal to collect rain water without a permit. Scary, huh?

News: Green Tea For Weight Loss And Cleansing

I'm sure a lot of you like to find inspirational stories of people who by adding something to their diet lost weight or bettered their health. I know I love to search stories like that because it helps me see if I'm doing everything I can to be healthy and happy. It helps me stay motivated if I'm doing everything I should and it helps me tweak my diet if needed to get on the right track. Once in a while I experience one of those for myself, and I love to share those successes with everyone, h...

News: Wikipedia - Bioplastic

I feel like it's time to raise awareness about bioplastics and let people know that oil is outdated. I feel like the more we demand this, the more we're gonna see it, and that can actually help us, as a species, head more in the direction we should be. There is nothing more important than the balance between organism and environment.