Fashion Knowing Search Results

How To: Make a Ke$sha inspired garbage bag dress

If you're looking to create something cool for less than $2, check out this video and see how to make a Ke$sha inspired garbage bag dress. This dress is similar to the one Ke$ha wore this year to the MVA show, turning the fashion world on its head and showing everyone that you don't have to spend a million dollars to turn heads. For this project you'll need a trash bag, some scissors, some tape and a stapler. For your own flair, grab sparkles, streamers or whatever else you can think of to ma...

How To: Walk gracefully and without slipping in high heels

Beauty is pain, and there's no better proof of this aphorism than high heels. Whether they're a measly two inches or a whopping six inches, high heels are undeniably the most fabulous and effective way to visually lengthen your legs and make your calf muscles look slim. They come in gorgeous designs and colors and are many gals' favorite fashion accessories. But oh yeah, there's one snatch: they're a pain in the ass to wear for longer than half an hour.

How To: Make a mini shoulder bag (murse) for your man with Gianny L

We ladies have had to primp and scrutinize ourselves for thousands of years, painstakingly plucking, waxing, painting, and slathering in order to conform to societal ideals of the perfect woman. And until recently men haven't felt the need to conform physically to much of anything until recently. According to British publication "The Guardian," there's a new revolution in male grooming and accessorizing/dressing where men actually want to look model thin, well dressed, and well groomed.

How To: Cut up your t-shirt like a rock star

This video is a demonstration of how to cut up a T-shirt, inspired by 80's rock band fashions. Use a regular white T-shirt and start by cutting a deep scoop neck out of it, starting about an inch outside the neckband. Turn the shirt over and fold it in half Snip horizontal lines down half of the shirt all the way down. Then stretch out the thin strips. Cut the other side of the shirt the same way. Cut the sleeves off completely so it's more like a tank top. Wear the shirt over another tank to...

How To: Make a tie dye t-shirt dress with ELLEgirl

Joyyan King, Fashion editor and Marsha Welcher shows you how to create a tie dye t-shirt for yourself. A white cotton t-shirt dress is chosen and taken to the work table. Cotton holds the dye well hence it is ideal to go for a cotton dress for tie and dye. Lay out the dress over a table covered with news paper then pinch the center of the dress and twist it to screw it around, the tighter it is twisted the more better the designs would be. After twisting tight it would look like a flower, the...

How To: Make a garbage bag dress inspired by Ke$ha

Wow! It's a dress! It's a trash bag! It's a trash bag dress! This dress is similar to the one Ke$ha wore this year to the MVA show, turning the fashion world on its head and showing everyone that you don't have to spend a million dollars to turn heads. In fact, you can create something cool for less than $2 in you check out this video. You probably already have all the supplies needed. For this project you'll need a trash bag, some scissors, some tape and a stapler. For your own flair, grab s...

How To: Sew & make a t-shirt

The t-shirt is arguably the most basic part of modern Western fashion. Billions of people around the world wear them every day for ease and comfort. This two-part video will teach all you sewing fans out there how to sew your own t-shirts at home. You can then use these techniques to make other t-shirt based garments like t-shirt dresses and whatever other t-shirt-like clothing that you can imagine. The fabric is the limit!

How To: Recycle your t-shirt fabric scraps into new clothing

If you sew a lot, your probably have a massive quantity of old fabric scraps lying around. This four-part video will teach you how to recycle those strips into all sorts of fun textile projects. These include a quilt, tie-dye strips, and notebook covers for your children's (or your) books for school. No matter what your tastes, there is probably a cool fashion recycling tip for you in here.

How To: Wear a sarong in a variety of ways

Fashion designer Cate Adair demonstrates dressing with a sarong for Modern Mom. She also discusses how to buy or extend a sarong when the one you find isn’t long enough. One important consideration for beginners is finding a sarong that can wrap around the body twice for security. One way she wraps is to simply wrap under the armpits twice and tie a flower or ornament with the corner. Another way is to put the full sarong on from the front, wrap each end backward and then over the shoulders...