Faster Weight Search Results

How To: Make a scroll bar in Dreamweaver

Down, down, down! Yep, what you want is lower on the page and you want to get there faster. SO, why not scroll baby scroll! Ever wanted your website to have a scroll bar? Well, now you can by watch the following video. This how-to will show you how to use Dreamweaver to insert a scroll bar to allow for easy navigation for your or your client's website. It's not too hard, so follow the bouncing ball and learn what to do.

How To: Make a basic TAS in Super Mario 64

A TAS, in case you're outside too much to have heard of them before, is a tool-assisted speedrun. Basically you take a video game ROM and use some software like Mupen 64] to control the game's many parameters on a previously unattainable level. This allows for perfect manipulation of glitches and timing, and thus for much faster completions of the game than are possible unaided. This ...

How To: Install games to the Xbox 360 hard drive

In this video, we learn how to install games to the Xbox 360 hard drive (Xbox 101). When you install a game to your console, it can have a lot of positive effects. The first one is: the disc won't spin constantly. This means less stress on the console, making it happier. Next, it will have a better overall performance and make the games load faster. Your system will also run quieter than before! You can install any game by going to the game details and then installing your choice of game. Usi...

How To: Build dexterity and strength in your hands on the guitar to solo faster

A key element to making any guitar player, whether lead or rhythm, a great player is having good muscle memory and plenty of dexterity and strength in both your left hand and right hand. For those just getting started, or for those who have been playing for a while but are still having a hard time pulling off bends or holding down chords and barre chords, it's crucial to exercise your hands and build that dexterity and strength. In this fantastic video you will learn various exercises to help...

How To: Add minecart boosters, automated minecart station, and more fun in Minecraft

In Minecraft, one cool way of getting around those larger fortresses and bases is to set up a minecart. If you're looking for fun or efficient new ways of setting up your minecart station, adding booster carts to make it faster, and adding floor tile switches, check out this video series! There's a plethora of information in here that'll give you the inspiration to have more fun with your base building!

How To: Make a Fast Rope for Climbing, including an eye splice

Generations of Americans have struggled to climb up normal ropes in gyms across the nation. If only they had this stuff. Fast rope is a thick braided rope that makes climbing a hell of a lot faster and easier. This video will show you how to make it in three parts: first making the rope itself, then making an eye splice for it, then whipping and fusing the end of the rope. This is great stuff to have for any serious climbing trip or survival situation.

How To: Omit optional HTML tags to improve your site's speed and Google ranking

Google is the biggest and best search engine on Earth, and if you are a webmaster and want your website to be a big success it would really behoove you to know as much about how it works as possible. The Google Webmasters series of videos and website were created to teach webmasters, SEO professionals, and others how Google works by answering their questions and giving them insights into how they can best integrate and utilize Google's functionality to improve their business. This video will ...

How To: Improve your web page's performance with browser caching

Google is the biggest and best search engine on Earth, and if you are a webmaster and want your website to be a big success it would really behoove you to know as much about how it works as possible. The Google Webmasters series of videos and website were created to teach webmasters, SEO professionals, and others how Google works by answering their questions and giving them insights into how they can best integrate and utilize Google's functionality to improve their business. This video featu...

How To: Use gzip to make your website work better by reducing file sizes

Google is the biggest and best search engine on Earth, and if you are a webmaster and want your website to be a big success it would really behoove you to know as much about how it works as possible. The Google Webmasters series of videos and website were created to teach webmasters, SEO professionals, and others how Google works by answering their questions and giving them insights into how they can best integrate and utilize Google's functionality to improve their business. This video will ...

How To: Get your webpage or blog indexed more quickly on Google

Google is the biggest and best search engine on Earth, and if you are a webmaster and want your website to be a big success it would really behoove you to know as much about how it works as possible. The Google Webmasters series of videos and website were created to teach webmasters, SEO professionals, and others how Google works by answering their questions and giving them insights into how they can best integrate and utilize Google's functionality to improve their business. This video will ...

How To: Use HipHop for PHP to improve website performance

HipHop for PHP is a source code transformer that allows you to optimize your PHP code easily, which will allow you website to run faster on less server space. This video is a record of a seminar on using HipHop done by a Facebook employee who had a hand in it's development. If you make websites using PHP, this will be very good stuff for you to learn.

How To: Transfer data between XBox 360 removable hard drives

If you are unfortunate enough to own one of the XBox 360's that shipped with a 20gb hard drive, then you've realized that that is way to little storage for everything that you want to have on your XBox. If you've decided to buy a larger drive from Microsoft, this video will show you how to transfer your precious saves and other files from the old hard drive to the new one using a transfer kit. Now you can buy as many downloadable games as you want or even install your disc games on the hard d...

How To: Make a 12v to 5v fan speed switch for an XBox 360

The XBox 360 does not cool itself very well. If you're going to take it apart and mod it, you probably want to increase your fan speed by connecting it to the 12v part of the motherboard so it will spin faster and cool better. But you don't need 12v all the time right? It's very loud. Maybe you want to be able to choose between the stock 5v and 12v speeds depending on what you're doing? That's the best way. This video will show you how to make a switch attached to you fan that will allow you ...

How To: Fight the Shiva Sisters in Final Fantasy XIII

The Shiva sisters fight in Final Fantasy XIII is more to prove yourself to the sisters so you may summon them than to actually fight them. To win the battle, you must fill up the gestalt meter which appears over the sisters' heads. No one will die, one sister will actually heal you throughout the battle, but you do have a timer over your head which will give you a game over if it runs out. To begin, use Libra on the sisters to determine their weaknesses, which will make you realize that physi...

How To: Make uTorrent 2.0 faster

This video is about how to make uTorrent 2.0 faster. The first step that you will have to do is to open your uTorrent 2.0. Once you have opened uTorrent 2.0, go to "options" then click "Preferences". Once you have clicked "Preferences", go to "Connection" found on the left side of the window. Then beside the random port, change the numbers to "45682". After you have changed it, go to "Bandwidth". Then change the maximum upload rate to "15". Also change the maximum download rate to "1890". You...

How To: Make a Stack of Different Colored Liquids

Here's a simple home science experiment to demonstrate to kids the different weight and viscosity of various liquids. The liquids near the bottom are more dense while the liquids on top are less dense. This can also be used to determine the relative density of solid objects. Place them in the container and see where they float.

How To: Get started on a macrobiotic diet

A macrobiotic diet is a healthy way of eating that promotes good digestion and weight loss. In this tutorial, learn all about this diet and why the celebrities love to follow it. If you are considering a healthier lifestyle filled with grains and veggies, this is perfect for you. Check out this clip and consider the option.

How To: Start your downswing in golf

When you begin golfing, there are several swings you need to know. In this video, learn how to master your downswing. The first move down should be a transfer of your weight to your front leg from the ground up as the lower body leads the upper body. Let pro Hank Haney be your personal trainer in this clip and get swingin!

How To: Do an arm-toning routine for women

In this video from modernmom we learn how to do an arm toning routine for women. It's a short exercise routine that you can do every other day. You'll need 5-8 lb dumbbells. You'll work biceps, triceps, chest, back of arms and shoulders. Do each exercise 10-12 reps. Do at least 3 times a week. First is front raise lifting up weights in front of your thighs bringing them to shoulder level. Exhale out as you lift. Bicep curl works the front of the arm. It gives shape and definition to that part...

How To: Save fuel while boating

Want to get the most from a tank of gas in your boat? This how-to video from Boat U.S. offers some tips for boaters on how to save fuel. Make sure not to carry around extra weight and to keep your boat in top condition. Watch this video boating tutorial and learn how to save some gas.

How To: Tie a bowline backup knot

The bowline knot can be furthered strengthened by tying an additional backup knot. As knot-tying reduces the strength of the line, it's advisable to back up knots if the rope will be enduring some weight. Watch this video survival training tutorial and learn how to tie a bowline backup knot.