Faster Weight Search Results

How To: Care for a Serissa Bonsai plant

The Serissa (Serissa foetida syn. Serissa japonica), is a great little plant for Bonsai. It flowers for most of the year with tiny white and sometimes pink flowers. It is extremely easy to propagate through cuttings. Just take a cleanly cut branch and stick it in sphagnum moss and it should grow easily. It takes very well to pruning and can fill out quite nicely when pruned frequently. This particular specimen had a wild and unkempt look to it. Making, raising, and caring for bonsai is easy i...

How To: Cure a reverse pivot in golf

This video demonstrates the pre golf tips by Bobby Cole. The instructor is explaining about the problem of the people that they can not take the ball to far. The reason for this is reverse weight. It can be achieved by putting the weight in same direction where you want to hit the ball. It will increase the power and distance. The good tip to achieve this is to be in a good setup with a ball , turn your left foot out .Keep you right foot at ease and clay your hips and hit the ball. Your weigh...

How To: Do the Dutch hakken dance to Gabber hardcore techno music

In The Netherlands, Gabber Hardcore is the music of choice for rebellious young people, much like punk and underground hip-hop in the US. It is a blisteringly fast style of electronic music which might seem hard to dance to at first. Enter the hakken, the dance of choice for the Gabber listener. Watch this video to learn how to do the hakken, and you will know what to do next time you're at a hardcore club in Holland.

How To: Adjust brightness to save battery life on an Android

The new Android enabled phones can take up a bit of power, so knowing the best way to manage your power settings is crucial in having a fully-charged cell phone all the time. The biggest key is making sure your screen brightness isn't more than it should be. Best Buy has answers. The Best Buy Mobile team explains how simple it is to adjust screen brightness to save battery life on an Android cell phone.

How To: Turn on rollerblades

In this how-to video, you will learn how to turn while riding on rollerblades. Start out by going into the ready position with forward momentum. Look into the direction you are going to turn. Keep your body over your skates. Push on the opposite leg of the direction you want to go. This will allow your outside leg to swing around. There is another turn you can try out that is faster but much more unstable. As you are moving, slowly move one skate forward and the other backwards. Pretend you a...

How To: Learn to play piano with the five-finger exercise

This video will show beginners in piano an exercise that will help in building strength and flexibility in the fingers. The exercise is called the five-finger exercise. The narrator in the video begins by showing you how to play with one hand and then both at the same time. The narrator advises to keep your fingers curled and to make sure you hit the keys with the tips of your fingers. To begin, you place your right-hand thumb on the C note. You then play each note from C to G in order and th...

How To: The Fastest Way to Scroll Through Your iPhone's Home Screen Pages & Folders

If you have a lot of apps, you likely have a lot of home screen pages unless you hid them. With many pages, swiping over to a particular one can feel very tedious, especially if you're doing so repetitively, over and over again. If this sounds like your iPhone experience, you should know you're swiping wrong. There's a much faster way to get around your home screen, thanks to iOS 14.

News: The New Nokia 6.1 Is a Solid Upgrade to One of Last Year's Most Durable Budget Phones

HMD (the company currently making Nokia-branded phones) only released one flagship device last year, with the rest of the phones falling in the mid-range and entry-level tiers. However, at Mobile World Congress 2018, HMD announced their ambition to become a top five smartphone maker in 3–5 years. Meeting this goal will require penetration in all markets — especially the United States — and it looks like Nokia will get the ball rolling early this year.

News: iPhone X Roundup — Everything You Need to Know About Apple's 10th Anniversary Smartphone

Apple has something big in store for consumers in 2017 to mark the 10th anniversary of the iPhone. One major surprise is that Apple has decided to forgo on releasing a 7S in favor of a redesigned iPhone 8 and 8 Plus. To further commemorate its 10-year milestone, the Cupertino-based company has released the very exclusive iPhone X, garnering much excitement in the process.

News: 25 Cool New Things You Can Do with Android Nougat

Codenamed "Nougat" after the sugary stuff that fills your Snickers bar, Android 7.0 is living up to its name with tons of sweet features. There's almost too many changes over Marshmallow to cover in one go, with new functionality ranging from a revamped Doze Mode for battery saving, to split-screen apps, and even an easier update process. All told, the Nougat update has a lot in store for your phone or tablet.

How To: 10 Reasons Why It's Better to Be a Jerk

Nice people finish first—or is it last? Though you may have been told throughout your life that being kind pays off, there are some obvious advantages to getting mean. So whether you're driving towards a goal at work, or need to attack a task in your personal life, acting like a jerk just might help you get what you want.

How To: Deal with a Stiff, Achy Back?

We've all been there; waking up in the morning with a stiff, achy back. Maybe you overdid the yard work this weekend. Perhaps you were a bit too enthusiastic on the Nautilus circuit. Could be the long hours spent hunched over your computer are catching up with you. Perhaps your back pain is indicative of something more serious. Unfortunately, unless you've really injured your spine, your doctor isn't going to be much help; the best he can do is offer you pain medications and tell you to rest ...

News: Everything You Need to Know About the New Samsung Galaxy S5

The Samsung Galaxy S5 was just officially announced at Mobile World Congress. The new flagship device will be available worldwide beginning April 11, 2014, including all major U.S. and international carriers. With over 200 million Galaxy devices sold to date, the S5 doesn't stray too far from the trend, at least not aesthetically. We've still got a high-grade plastic shell with perforated back covers, and four color choices at launch. Our highlights of the release event are as follows.

How To: Dry Your Soaking Wet Shoes Faster — Without Shrinking Them in the Dryer

Wet shoes are uncomfortable, no one can deny that. Just think about walking around with soaking wet footwear ... and each squishy step you take. Makes you cringe, doesn't it? It can happen in heavy rain, at the beach, or from an unforeseen puddle on the street. And while you can't always avoid soggy shoes, you can rest easy knowing that the next time this happens to you, you know the secret trick to drying your shoes faster without damaging them with excessive heat.

How To: Earn Farmville money faster through a glitch

Here you will learn how to earn FarmVille cash faster. If you want to earn extra FarmVille cash through speeding up your planting and harvesting times, follow these steps: Buy 4 fences and make a box out of them. You need to do this at the FarmVille spawn point. (dead center of your farm). You will now be able to complete actions faster because your FarmVille character won't have to move around to plant/harvest.

How To: Make your hair grow faster using organic foods

Tired with your boring, slow-growing locks, curls, and tresses? Then try the helpful concoction outlined in this video tutorial. By applying olive and coconut oil, avocado, and honey weekly, you can grow your hair at a faster rate. If for whatever reason all these instructions leave you with is a head full of food, then at least it's all very easy to wash out.

How To: Use ICE Resin to make resin jewelry

In this Arts & Crafts video tutorial you will learn how to use ICE Resin to make resin jewelry. ICE resin should be used in a well ventilated room and be sure to follow manufacturer's recommendations. The kit comes with mixing cups and sticks. Additionally you will need a paint brush, scissors, sponge and needles. Once you mix the resin and the hardener, you got to use it within 30 minutes. Curing time is 24 hours at 72 degrees Fahrenheit, which is the room temperature. You can make it faster...

How To: Set-up your Gmail account with Outlook

lakercoolman shows us how to set up our gmail account with this quick tutorial. Basically outlook express is a program that helps us to organize our email with added features such as contacts, to do lists and calender entries. Its an offline email client that allows us to work offline and also lets us set up exchange servers aswell. Ohter email servers such as hotmail and yahoo charge for thios service but the advantage of gmail is that IMAP or POP access is free. in ofer to set up, navigate ...

How To: Play "That's just the way it is" on the piano

If you would like to play "That's Just the Way it is" on the piano you first should realize this song is in the key of G! The phrase that starts this song first starts with A minor then goes to E minor. Next, go to D and down to a C and to a G then back to A minor. That is the first phrase of the song. Continue to practice this phrase. Now to start the chorus, you should play a G on the left hand and then A , B, G and go to the F on the left hand with G, A, F. When you go to the C it's just D...

How To: Sculpt a hairy ceramic clay monster

In this how-to video, you will learn how to create a hairy clay figure. You will need to mix basic clay to do this. Rub the clay into a ball and then shape it into the body of the creature. Do not work the clay for too long, as it will harden faster. Use matches to form the eyes. Once the form is complete, move on to the hair. Use a different color clay for a great visual effect. Make the clay into long strings. Once they are done, cut them with a clay knife to form small dots. Rub these dots...

How To: Set up port forwarding & speed up BitTorrent downloads

In this how to video, you will learn how to speed up your Azureus Vuze program. First, open up Azureus Vuze. Next, go to advanced, option, and click preferences. Select preferences and change the port to a number between 49152 to 65535. Once it is changed, go to transfer and make sure that these are set to zero. Once that is done, open your web browser and type in your default gateway. To find this out, go to system preferences, network, and router. Next, enter your user name and password to ...