Feared Dead Search Results

How To: Dissect a frog and look at its anatomy

This video tutorial will show you the steps on how to dissect a frog. First, you'll have to get a frog, then you'll have to make sure it's dead, then perhaps wash it off. Then just take a look at the external anatomy of the amphibian before slicing it open. To slice, you'll need dissection forceps or tweezers and the dissection scissors. From then on, you'll be knee deep in frog anatomy. Tons of internal organs for you to learn from. So, watch this science video for learning about the anatomy...

News: Book Review - 2666 by Roberto Bolano

It’s hard to know where to start talking about a book like 2666. That’s partly because, in some ways, it’s actually five books. Published posthumously, the book begins with “A Note from the Author’s Heirs” explaining that, before his death, Bolano stipulated the book be published as five separate works. Instead, his friends and family opted to publish Bolano’s novel as he originally would have – as one single volume divided into five parts. Ultimately the five parts belong together. They shar...

News: Friday Indie Game Review Roundup: Arcade Games Are Dead

If you're between the ages of 20 and 40, then video arcades probably hold a special place in your heart. Whether you all but lived in one (me), wished you could, or detested those with a liking for them, there's no denying that arcades were a ubiquitous part of American culture. They were everywhere, from big chains to little mom-and-pops, housing better systems than gamers had at home and with all the best games and newest titles.

News: Early Humans Use Each Others' Skulls As Drinking Cups

How far would you go to be resourceful? Early Britons used each others' skulls as drinking cups and bowls. Recently, researcher Silvia Bello found human skulls with the top cut off laying in Gough's Cave, England. Skillful cut marks make it look like fellow humans scraped off the dead skin to clean the bone, and chips around the rim of the skull cup make it look like the edges were evened out for a better drinking experience. Researchers have found other skull cups in France and Germany, but ...

Red Dead: Bring back a live bounty easily

Bring back a live bounty without chases. There is always a bandit pursuit whenever you try to bring in a live bounty in Red Dead Redemption. If you kill the initial wave of bandits, more appear seconds later. They can kill your horse or your bounty, and if you can't outrun them, it's going to be a very messy return.

News: gardening is hard

Gardening is difficult, in the best of times. I was very inspired by this post from You Grow Girl about how she's not a perfect gardener, either, and no one is. Truth is, I forget to water, forget to trim, and am terrible at weeding. I don't even feed the compost properly. Nevertheless, I keep trying, and I'm amazed when the plants actually show up and flower.

How To: Prune and trim trees

As a home owner, you should pay careful attention to the trees that surround your house. Dead limbs and some smaller "roughage" can pose a danger to you and your family, as well as your home, if your trees are not cared for properly. Essentially, proper pruning is essential for a healthy and aesthetically pleasing tree. Pruning is needed when first planting a tree to control its growth and to help develop its shape. Pruning can help spur growth in foliage, fruit and flowers as well as remove ...

How To: Use Your "Dead" Car Battery to Power Emergency Fans, Lighting, and More!

A common misconception is that all car batteries die. This, in fact, isn't true—the majority of "dead" car batteries just don't contain enough juice to power a car, but they can still provide enough watts to keep emergency fans and lighting running, which is great when a power outage occurs. So, instead of lugging the battery to the nearest drop-off center or just letting it collect dust in the garage, you can put that car battery to good use.

News: Jewelry Made With Hair and Dead People

No exaggeration in today's headline, design student Anna Schwamborn has actually designed a jewelry line made from the hair and cremated ashes of dead loved ones. Human hair sure makes a nice accent to the black bone china (note the word "bone" - human ashes are mixed in).

How To: Make a homemade electric chair

Whether you’re pro or con on the death penalty issue, there’s nothing more terrifying than having a real live electric chair in your own home! So you should probably just use these simple steps to create a mock-electric chair to “shock” your guests! This Fear.Net Halloween video shows us how to make a homemade electric chair to frighten the Trick or Treaters this holiday season! Make a homemade electric chair.

How To: Bake a homemade souffle

Recipe for disaster, or rising to dizzy heights? Lenny and Waz tackle one of the most feared desserts known to man. Follow along as the Crash Test Kitchen chefs show you how to make a souffle in your own kitchen. There is no need to be afraid of this souffle recipe. Bake a homemade souffle.

How To: Install a dishwasher yourself

Bored of wasting time standing in front of the sink washing dishes? Rather be anywhere else than in your kitchen wearing marigolds? Don't fear, there is a light at the end of the greasy, crumby food tunnel - Get a dishwasher! Watch this video tutorial to learn how to install a dishwasher yourself. Install a dishwasher yourself.

News: News Clips - June 8

California grad student on no-fly list gets home after stranding An American student who discovered he was included on the government’s no-fly list and was barred from a U.S.-bound flight from Costa Rica was reunited with family and friends after he flew to Mexico and then walked across the U.S.-Mexico border Thursday evening.

News: City Bullies Man to Death Over His Backyard Chickens

An innocent man who had legally been raising a few dozen chickens and other small birds in the backyard of his suburban Atlanta home is now dead, following a crusade of terror perpetrated against him by the City of Roswell in Georgia. Andrew Wordes, who died during a recent raid on his property in which county marshals tried to illegally evict him, was the obvious victim of a rogue state gone mad — and his blood is now on the hands of the Roswell City Administrator, the Roswell City Council, ...

How To: Survive a Deadly Animal Attack in the Wild

Whether it's a shark in the ocean, a crocodile in the swamp or a swarm of angry bees, trekking through the wilderness always comes with its fair share of perils. To prepare for the worst case scenario, equip yourself with the right knowledge—then the worst that can happen to you is an awesome bar story when you tell your friends about your close encounter.

News: Magic 8-Ball Booby Trapped with Camera Flash

Take $1.35 of thrift store bric-à-brac, toss in a few spare parts from your electronics drawer and mix it all up with an earnest desire to alienate your loved ones forevermore and what do you get? A booby-trapped Magic 8-Ball, that's what! Hacker arfink explains, "My idea was to make a Magic 8-Ball which would blind an unsuspecting victim with the camera flash. I had an old Honeywell thermostat at home which had a mercury tilt switch inside, and after cutting open the 8 ball and removing the ...

News: Limbo Trailer

To follow up on the Devil's Fork, here is the trailer for Limbo. From the Wiki:The primary character in Limbo is a nameless boy who awakes in the middle of a forest on the "edge of hell" (the game's title is taken from the Latin limbus, meaning "edge")[1] who then begins to seek out his missing sister.It looks innocent, but if you watch the trailer, you can see the kid stepping on dead bodies and so gruesome deaths. It's out on the 360 via XBLA, I don't know if it's out on any other platform.

Alien Swarm: Free Game from Valve!

You can get Alien Swarm for free on Steam starting today. Alien Swarm is a 4 person co-op adventure with an updated Source engine and the ability to create custom levels. Think of this as a top view Left 4 Dead or Killing Floor, but with aliens. Too bad they are not zombie aliens, but it's a free game so we can't complain.

Red Dead Redemption: Act 1

Finished Act 1 (3 total) of Red Dead Redemption and it was disappointing. The act is divided into five important people who you have to do missions for in order to progress the story. Around five missions per person on average. Only Bonnie and the Marshall's story missions felt tied to the storyline. Dickens, Seth, and Irish's missions felt like they added nothing but padding to the game. Add that nothing that you do in the game affects the world around and it's like you never existed in the ...

News: May feels like November

A November release week in May It used to be that games marked to be blockbusters (expected to sell more than a million in their first month) would always be released during the holiday September to December season. November was always the month companies chose to release their best game. This release model worked fine until the last few years, when too many games were being released in November and companies started to see diminishing returns on their titles because of the release rush.