Feared Dead Search Results

DIY Plastination: Turning Dead Animals Into Science-Jerky

If you found the world renown Body Worlds exhibition gnarly and perverse, perhaps you'll find this latest parade of plastination a little less so—considering we don't share the same DNA as these specimens of jerky-in-the-name-of-science. The Koerperwelten der Tiere—or Animal Body Worlds–doesn't showcase preserved corporal matter, but rather 20 odd plastinated mammals, currently on display at the Cologne Zoo in Cologne, Germany.

Tweens 'n' Teens: Charlie St. Cloud

Hey editor Mike here from thesubstream and I would like to welcome our newest contributor to the site, our tweens 'n' teens cinema specialist, my little sister Amanda. We're going to make her go watch all the movies that we don't want to see ourselves and then make her tell us and you about them. Up first: the Zac Efron vehicle Charlie St. Cloud.

How To: 4 Crafty Ways to DIY an Emergency Oil Lamp

If you're ever in a survival situation where you have no electricity and you're fresh out of flashlight batteries, fear not. By using commonplace items such as glass containers, old T-shirts, and cheap vegetable oil, you can very easily put together your own DIY oil lamp that will brighten up that darkness for hours. And no matter how fancy those store-bought scented candles can smell, none of them will smell as good as a DIY lard candle made with your leftover bacon grease.

How To: 9 Beer-Spiked Recipes for Your Next Cooking Adventure

If you're a beer lover, you can enjoy your passion even more by incorporating your favorite beer flavors into your next cooking experiment. Beer can be included in recipes for meat marinades, frying batter, chili, soups, bread and even dessert. And if you're concerned about getting drunk from these recipes, fear not—most of the alcohol will evaporate in the cooking process. But your dish will be left with a rich, earthy flavor that can only come from beer.

Cloud Photography Challenge: Magic All Around

Taken with a compact with a tiny sensor. All that is the photo was present at that magic instant. Nothing was added at a later stage. Every year there is a cloud magic day in Costa Caparica. If Asterix and fellow village inhabitants had seen what Lisbon local saw above them that day, they wouldn't fear a falling sky but instead would contemplate in awe, totally amazing. Post processed in photoshop for tonal effect and increased sharpness.

News: Can bad lawyer commercials turn out any good?

More than often, lawyer commercials tend to be the butt of many jokes. Fact is many lawyer commercials are just plain awful. Is it because the style is heavily commercialized? Is it because the end product is what the client wants? Or is it a combination of two factors-- the client does not know what s/he wants and the producer is afraid to explore possibilities outside of the "parameters" (for fear of being sued)? What if someone had balls to explore the possibilities?

News: Five-Arm Turntable Has Got It on Lock

If you have a fear of needles, you may want to sit this one out. Billed as an "analog answer for the digitalized DJ," this five-arm turntable plays an ode to the lock groove. What's a lock groove? Glad you asked. Whereas normal grooves lead the stylus in toward the label of the record, lock or "locked" grooves form a perfect circuit, looping around on themselves forever and ever. Throw in a few extra tone arms as London-based artist Yuri Suzuki has done and you've got yourself a full-featured...

News: Everything You Need to Know About Bed Bugs

If you've ever had even the slightest encounter with bed bugs, you know they are the most feared, nastiest vermin in New York City, as well as other closely populated spaces (re: college dorms). The latest nasty bit of news on the topic concerns clothing retailer Hollister- their flagship Soho store was shut down for three days for infestation.

News: Flipper Bridge

These Dutch architects fear that those Chinese drivers might get confused! You may think I'm making a cheap joke about Chinese drivers. But I'm not. The Hong Kong-Zhuai-Macau bridge is a 31-mile, $10.7 billion project and this unique design is meant to address a clash of two driving conventions.

How To: Get Windows 8 Metro-Style Live Tiles on Your Android Device

Love the look of Metro's live tiles, but can't see yourself ever owning a Windows Phone device? Then fear not—you don't have to subject yourself to Windows Phone in order to experience those sweet live tiles. You can simply use Tile Launcher, a new launcher app for Android devices that simulates the Metro interface pretty well. Tile Launcher, which is in beta for Android 4.0 and above, allows users to style their homescreen with customizable tiles à la the Metro user interface! Some of the fe...

How To: Build Your Own "Pogo Mo Thoin" to Flash Any Xbox 360 DVD Drive for Under $5

The biggest struggle with flashing DVD drives on Xbox 360s has been the price tag of the probe to extract keys on some drives. The probe and kit is required to extract the DVD key, which is needed to perform a drive repair, flash, or backup of any kind. Who wants to pay big bucks for the "pro" kit and then get added to a huge waiting list behind a million other people looking to buy the same product? We can hack the same thing together at home!

A Closed World: MIT Video Game Confronts Sexual Identity Issues

University video game design programs have been spreading like wildfire around the world over the last ten years. They allow students, researchers and game developers to work on their craft in an academic environment away from the harsh realities of the market, and have led to some interesting products like Fl0w from USC and Ulitsa Dimitrova from Germany. Both games take on topics not often addressed in mainstream games and do so in simple, poignant ways that aim to influence the rest of the ...

HTC EVO 3D: The First Glasses-Free 3D Smartphone in the U.S.

Some speculated that LG's Thrill 4G would be the first 3D smartphone to hit the U.S. marketplace, but HTC's EVO 3D hit shelves first, going on sale last Friday for all Sprint customers. It boasts a slew of high-end features, including a 4.3-inch touchscreen display with 540 x 960 qHD resolution, 1.2Ghz Qualcomm Snapdragon dual-core processor, 3G and 4G connectivity, and Android 2.3 Gingerbread with HTC Sense. But obviously, the best part about this new device is its three-dimensional capabili...

News: Polish Artist Recycles 300 Dead Computers into Giant Installation

Electronic waste (or e-waste) is becoming a bigger and bigger problem thanks to the rapid growth of technology. In 2009, the United States produced 3.19 million tons of e-waste in the form of cell phones and computers. It's estimated that 2.59 million tons went into landfills and incinerators with only 600,000 tons actually being recycled or exported. Recycling programs just aren't cutting it, so what's the next best thing? Art.

News: 11.3 Million Video Game Deaths Visualized

Nope, it’s not the McDonalds menu, but close enough. Jim Blackhurst has mapped 11 million deaths onto a 3-dimensional point cloud for video game Just Cause 2. The result is an amazing virtual heat map of a world where every white dot represents a death on impact: The millions of deaths formulate a detailed outline of major structures and roads in the game, visually mapping "extractions" at every square inch. In most traditional games, this would not be possible—players more often than not sta...

News: Battlefield 3 more technical than CoD MW3?

As the users and potential BF3 buyers enjoyed the astounding effects of the next Battlefield installment, one of Infiniti Ward's creative strategist Robert Bowling tweeted that building a new game engine for CoD Modern Warfare 3 would be "counter productive."

News: The Secret Life of a Love Doll

Famed artist and photographer Laurie Simmons boasts an impressive career spanning over three decades. She's shown at some of the world's top art institutions and galleries, and appeared on art world popular PBS television series Art 21. She also happens to be the the proud mother of promising young filmmaker Lena Dunham, the 24-year-old director of last year's indie hit Tiny Furniture.

News: Tucson Restaurant Serves African Lion Tacos for $8.75 a Pop

Much to the chagrin of the National Wildlife Humane Society (and a long list of others), Tuscon restaurant, Boca Tacos y Tequila, will be serving African lion beginning February 16th. For $8.75, patrons can sample the second most deadly animal in the world in a taco. The Mexican restaurant specializes in exotic game; other menu selections include python, alligator, elk, kangaroo, rattlesnake, and turtle. However, the latest addition has caught restaurant owner Bryan Mazon a lot of flack.

How To: Get Rid of Shaving Bumps

How To Get Rid of Shaving Bumps Many people don't know how to get rid of shaving bumps consistently. They have success for a while, only to see the bumps reappear. To be successful long term, you need to have the right techniques at your disposal. Below, you will learn some of these techniques and the products you can use in conjunction.