Feature Calming Search Results

How To: Make the AH sound in American English

The ah sound. The jaw drops more on this sound than it does on any other vowel sound. Ah, ah. And as you can see, the tongue is laying there on the bottom of the mouth. Ah. So, the jaw drops here, make the sound, ah: pretty basic, simple, and straightforward. Ah. Sample words: father, collar, calm. Sample sentence: The party at the bar was a mob scene.

How To: Practice nadi shodan or alternate nostril breathing

This yoga how-to video is intended for level one and two yoga student who are proficient in breathing practices. Follow along with this yoga breathing lesson and learn how to do nadi shodan. Nadi shodan is more commonly known as alternate nostril breathing. This style of yoga breathing is used to relax the body and calm the mind. Try doing alternate nostril breathing at home.

How To: Sing a 3 step scale

This how to video shows a calming singing lesson for improving your voice. You will learn how to sing a three step scale with this tutorial. This exercise is an excellent way to learn improved vocal tone and breath control. With the tips from this voice lesson you can learn how to sing a 3 step scale.

How To: Survive a shark attack

Sharks. The first thing that comes to mind is "Jaws", Steven Spielberg's horrifying shark film that scared generations of young adults from entering the ocean waters. But not all sharks are as violent (and hungry) as "Jaws", so jump in the water and know a few guidelines to stay safe. Escape a shark’s jaws of death with these lifesaving strategies.

How To: Prevent razor burn and ingrown hairs when shaving

In this video, which is another installment of Masc Minute, we learn about razor burns, and how to prevent and treat razor burns. One thing is that you don't want to be using a dull razor. As soon as your razor is done, throw it out, because that will definitely irritate your skin. You also want to use a good shaving cream that will protect your skin. But something you can do to help treat razor burns specifically is using a post-shave repair product. The product recommended in this video is ...

How To: Tea-tox

Feeling like you need to rid your body of a few toxins? A nice, hot cup of tea isn't just soothing; some varieties have health and diet benefits. See which brew might be right for you. Learn how to tea-tox with help from this video.

How To: Draw a complex levels garden with a walkway

In our hectic everyday world of coffee, office cubicles, kids, and soul destroying commutes, it's nice - and often necessary - to have a peaceful, safe haven we can come back to and just be ourselves in. Unfortunately, for those who live in overcrowded cities, that place is not home. What's worse is that most apartment buildings and even condos don't have garden space for you to calm your mind in.

How To: Make artichokes braised in a lemon-butter sauce

Many starlets like Amanda Seyfried and Cameron Diaz swear by artichokes, claiming they help to eliminate bloat and water retention for red carpet premieres. Whether or not these claims are true, we do know that artichokes, when eaten in a diet full of fruits and vegetables, definitely does calm down inflammation and whittle down your belly.

How To: Do a serotonin-releasing belly roll yoga move

Most people don't commit to an exercise program because it seems too strenuous to do either before work (which means in the wee hours of the morning) or after work (when you've had a dull pain gnawing at the back of your head the entire day and had a shitty day at work and commute home).

How To: Survive in a Falling Elevator

The tragedy of a falling elevator is not unheard of. This could happen to you at any time, and you will most likely not be expecting it. Who would step into an elevator if they had an idea it might plummet to the ground? The best thing you can do is be prepared. First you want to stay calm. Next you want to lie, belly down, on the elevator floor with your hands behind your head. Make sure you do not panic. This is crucial in times of crisis. When all is over, you'll notice that you're still a...

How To: Do yoga exercises when pregnant

Cindy Mastry explains how yoga exercises can help with the union between mother and child for a woman who is pregnant. The word yoga translates to "union." The first exercise demonstrated is the Hindi Squat. While working strength and balance, the woman holds herself in the perfect position for giving birth. The next exercise Cindy calls "Cat Circling." The woman stands on her hands and knees and rotates her body in a circular motion, anchored my her limbs. This is supposed to put the baby in...

How To: Slim down your face

Expert aesthetician Robert Scott is going to give you some tips on how to slim down your face. These tips are going to be extremely helpful for those days when you wake up and your face feels puffy, which happens to everyone after a long night. The first type of healing is to just use a cold compress on your skin, which will calm down your skin get your circulation moving. Another type of healing technique is performing a lymphatic drainage massage to your face. Just follow the simple steps i...

How To: Write the letter W in calligraphy copperplate

Mr. Hamid Reza Ebrahimi has shown a demo on how to write the character W & w in a calligraphy copperplate. The single pen like brush was used by him to complete that fine art. He started drawing with a thick impression and then used the same brush with the thinner impression. We need to learn how to handle the brush before starting with the art work. His art work has accentuated our eyes. Viewer should learn to be calm while doing such art works. It will give you peace and calmness.

How To: Make your man propose with feng shui

In this tutorial, we learn how to make your man propose with feng shui. Having a room with the proper arrangements, it can help your man propose. Your focus room should be in the far right hand corner by the front door facing in. First of all, don't have a bed shoved up against the wall or have a drab painting on the wall either. To fix this, place a bed in the middle of the room and give it calming colors. Then, place a relaxing painting on the wall with minimal items around the room. This w...

How To: Sit cross-legged for meditation

In this video, we learn how to sit cross-legged for meditation. Meditation in this pose will cause you to be far more relaxed and calm then if you were in an uncomfortable position. If your rear end hurts while you are sitting down, try putting padding underneath you so you are completely comfortable. Make sure your feet are tucked into your body and your back is aligned with your head straight in the air. Once you are comfortable, you can put your hands at your sides on each of the legs. The...

How To: Sit to meditate

In this video we learn how to sit to meditate. A chair is a great way to meditate because you are letting your feet touch the earth and you are in a comfortable position. Sit on blankets if you're not comfortable on the chair and be as comfortable as you can be. Let your mind relax and make sure you are in a very quiet area. Let your hands lay in front of you and just take the time to relax and let your mind wander. When you come out of this state you will be more relaxed and less stressed. T...

How To: Meditate for beginners

In this tutorial, we learn how to meditate for beginners. If you find it uncomfortable to sit on the floor, start out by doing yoga which will get you used to sitting in meditation. You don't have to sit on the floor, you can sit on the floor or anywhere the spine is straight. Sitting straight helps you connect with your body. You can also use the hand mudra which will help you create a pressure point and calm the nervous system down. Another tool is chanting or music which will change the ch...

How To: Meditate with a visual guide

In this tutorial, we learn how to meditate with a visual guide. Begin my taking a slow deep breath through the nose and feel the air going through your body. Then, feel the exhalation leaving the body through the nose feeling the breath. Breathe deeply at your own pace and try to lengthen and slow the breathing. On the inhalation feel the coolness inside of the nostrils rising upwards. Imagine the air rising up into the forehead and going throughout your entire body. Imagine you are breathing...

How To: Communicate with a dog in their own language

In this video, we learn how to communicate with a dog in their own language. First, you will learn common signals that dogs use to calm down other dogs. Dogs offer each other signals constantly and when you start to recognize these you can start to see what your dog is thinking and feeling. Dog thinks they are being obvious and don't understand you don't know you don't understand what they are trying to tell you. The first signal is soft and slow eye blinks. The second is looking away, the th...

How To: Get spiral ring curls in your hair

In this tutorial, we learn how to get spiral ring curls in your hair. To start your hair, you will place our entire head of hair into rollers. Leave this in your hair and let dry naturally or with a blow dryer, then remove the rollers from your hair. This hair style should stay in for the entire day without hair spray, but if you are going to be doing something active, place some hair spray in your hair. You can do a half up and down look or you can put the entire hair up. Style your hair how...

How To: Do a yoga sequence to center the mind and regain focus

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to do a mind centering yoga sequence. Begin by sitting back on your heels and brings your hands together in front of your chest. Inhale as you bring the arms out and above your head. Exhale as you place the right hand on the floor and extend the left foot out. Then as you inhale, reach upward with your left hand. Now exhale and return to the starting position. Do this on the opposite side as well. This video will benefit those viewers who are interest...

How To: Perform an aromatherapy massage

Being a new mom is a full time job - you get tired, swollen and achy. In this tutorial, learn how to perform a relaxing aromatherapy massage for new moms and anyone else who needs a moment off of their feet. This video is hosted by professional healer, Robert Scott. Robert works with numerous celebrities and has been in healthcare for over 20 years, so he knows his stuff.

How To: Do yoga exercises to sleep better

If you ever have trouble sleeping, you may feel like you are running out of options. If counting sheep and drinking warm milk aren't helping, check out this video. In it, you will learn some tips from Cindy Mastry, a professional yoga and fitness instructor, on how to use yoga moves to induce sleep and help you get more rest.

How To: Make a mini ice cream cone for a dollhouse

Garden of Imagination shows you how to create a very small ice cream cone out of polymer clays. The lady shows to add some texture to the cone before adding the ice cream portion on to the top of the baked cone. There is even a cherry on top of the lovely small ice cream cone when you are finished. This tutorial is a slow and close up view of making this ice cream cone. The perky voice and calm explanation of the process makes this video simple and easy to follow along to and to create your v...