Fiber Rich Diet Search Results

OL's Favorites: Chez Panisse Vegetables Cookbook

Chez Panisse Vegetables has been a sort of farmers market "bible" for me.  When I first started going to farmers markets I kept reaching for the same vegetables I had conventionally used for years. I felt overwhelmed by the cornucopia of earthly riches as I reached past crisp daikon, funny looking fava beans, and brilliantly colored radicchio. Yes, I knew what some of these things were but I didn't know how to use them in the kitchen. Then this book changed my world. For over 25 years Alice W...

News: SCRABBLE Hits Casinos

SCRABBLE is taking the world by storm. It's everywhere. You can play it on Facebook, iPhone, iPod, Nintendo DS, PSP, mobile phones... you name it, it's there. And you can even gamble online, like with SCRABBLE Cubes on WorldWinner.

How To: MyFitnessPal Has a Hidden Way to See How Much Weight Your Diet Will Help You Lose

MyFitnessPal has become extremely popular thanks to features that help users keep themselves accountable and stay motivated as they eat healthier and lose weight. While the application does a great job of reminding you to log the food you eat in order to keep track of your calories, there is one incredibly useful feature that doesn't get much attention.

How To: Prank Your Bad Mouth Friends with Teeth-Whitening Oreo Cookies

Ah, the art of the April Fool's prank. If you're a dedicated prankster, you probably already know who you're going to get on the big day. But if you're still searching for a prank to pull, never fear—we've got one that's pretty easy to execute and is guaranteed to get reactions. Those Oreo cookies look irresistible, right? Unless you're on a strict no-chocolate diet, you wouldn't be able to help yourself from shoving those in your mouth—and that's where the fun comes in.

How To: Are Your Gadgets Safe from Solar Storms and Nuclear Attacks?

It's September 1st, 1859, and the Earth looks more or less like something out of an apocalyptic movie or Sci-Fi novel. All communications have failed, it's so bright outside at midnight that people are getting up and making breakfast, and people all over the world are seeing auroras. The solar storm that produced the electromagnetic pulse and caused all this mayhem is known as the Carrington Event, and storms like it happen about about once every century.

Oatmeal: Creative Ways To Consume Besides For B-Fast

Many people consume oatmeal for breakfast since it fills you, is a very healthy option (better than a certain egg sandwich you can get at fast food restaurants) and can be very delicious if you put the right stuff in it. What many people don't know, though, is that you can incorporate oatmeal in other areas of your meals and are very delicious ideas, take my word for it.

News: Bullet-Proof Silk Sheets

Enjoy rolling around at night in the sleek luster of silk? Also afraid of a mobster finding out you're rolling around with his cousin's wife? Solution: bullet-proof silk sheets. All you need is the strongest biomaterial ever found--Darwin's bark spider silk. So, grab a loom and start weaving.

News: Organic Soy Milk at Starbucks!

Starbucks may be the McDonalds of the coffee world, but sometimes there is just no way around that jones for a cup of joe. Today was one of those days. A late night of wishing friends farewell from the city of angels turned into sleeping past my alarm and running late for work. With no time to make my usual breakfast, I was hurting for a jump start. With Starbucks directly across the street from my office it was my only option. As I walked in, silently wishing I was at Intelligentsia, I commi...

News: Super Eco-Car Gets 2,752 MPG

The upcoming Shell Eco-Marathon promises to unveil vehicles that will blow current fuel economy standards way out of the water. California Polytechnic State University is one of the most promising contenders, with a vehicle that gets 13 times the 230 mpg General Motors promises the Chevrolet Volt will deliver (plus, the Cal Poly car doesn't even use batteries!).

How To: Look after a goldfish

Goldfish are very easy to care for, making them a popular pet and perfect for beginners and first-time pet owners. To get started you need only a goldfish and a fish tank. The type of aquarium you choose to keep your fish in is very important and often overlooked. This video will help you choose between a flat-sided tank and a round fishbowl. The second choice you must make is which type of goldfish. There are two types, the first being the long-bodied types such as the Common Goldfish and th...

How To: 4 Cheap & Easy Ways to Unclog Your Kitchen Sink Without Any Nasty Chemicals

Oh, boy. A stopped-up drain. It'll inevitably happen with any home plumbing system and your kitchen sink is no exception. That clog won't go away on its own and will require immediate attention to keep any standing water from rising. But you don't have to resort to calling an expensive plumber or using a bottle of hazardous chemicals. Using simple kitchen staples or common household objects, as well as some determination, you can unclog your kitchen sink on your own without paying a dime.

How To: Make sodium acetate with homemade items

In this tutorial, we learn how to make sodium acetate. First, pour a bottle of vinegar into a large pot on a stove. Next, add in baking soda slowly until it is completely dissolved into the vinegar. Stop adding the baking soda once the mixture doesn't bubble anymore. Now, turn the heat to medium and let the mixture boil down until you get a rich gold color. Now, grab a box of activated filter carbon and pour it into the bowl with vinegar and baking soda. When finished, mix the product togethe...

How To: Prepare and a butternut squash for cooking

Learn to prepare butternut squash for cooking! It is a nutrient rich, low calorie food. When you buy your squash, make sure its free of blemishes and looks healthy. This is very important. At home, feel free to store it however you like, but it does fine in room temperature, non humid places. Lay it down on its side and slice off the ends, this will make it easier to. Peel! Peel using either a knife or a vegetable peeler, as this will give you a nice smooth surface. Slice the squash in half l...

How To: Make Indian style mint cucumber raita with yogurt

What we absolutely adore about Indian food is that rather than pouring in tons of oil, butter, and Crisco to add flavor to their foods (like most American dishes), they season their food with - gasp! - actually seasonings. Cumin, coriander, red pepper flakes and many more spices give their foodstuffs a sumptuous, rich flavor. And because there's minimal oil, Indian food tends to be rather healthy for you, too.