Filling Snack Search Results

How To: 'Quick Add' Calories for Snacks in MyFitnessPal to Keep Yourself Accountable for Every Tiny Bite

It's only normal to snack on a few french fries every once in a while when you're on a diet, but it's still important to hold yourself accountable, even when you cheat just a little bit. MyFitnessPal, for both Android and iOS devices, has a database of nutritional information to help keep track of the meals you eat, but it also has a way to add calories on the fly without digging for data.

How To: Make whole wheat stardust muffins

Doctors and nutritionists recommend we eat whole wheat and sprouted grains rather than white or enriched bread because it's healthier for us, but we know you probably don't follow that rule when you're starving and run into a convenience store for a quick snack (Ho hos, anyone?).

How To: Create a demon face warp effect in After Effects

To bring demons back from the dead is tricky business, and what you need to do is get some candles, a blanket, and a book of spells. Also, possibly some snacks in case you do bring those demons into the living world, because they're going to be hungry, and you don't want them to eat you, do you? And where you need to go is a graveyard, and you have to go at night. Also, bring a friend, because dying alone is horrible, if it comes to that.

How To: Make mini cheesecakes with a tangy topping

This recipe from Betty's Kitchen shows how to make mini cheesecakes. She uses a muffin tin and makes a graham cracker crumb crust. She makes graham cracker crumbs by crushing the crackers in a Ziploc bag with a rolling pin. She generously greases each cup in the muffin tin with butter with her hands, then puts in some graham cracker crumbs and presses them down. To make the filling, use three egg yolks, two packages of cream cheese, 3/4 cup sugar, and mix. Fold in three beaten egg whites. Fil...

How To: Make appetizing candied walnut and brie puff pastry pockets

If Brie is your favorite kind of cheese— soft, mild and creamy, yet firm— then you have to try this appetizer recipe! It's called Candied Walnut-Brie Pockets, and it's great for snacking, parties and more! Any cheese lover won't be able to resist these "Brie en croûte" style treats, a French cuisine term which translates as "Brie in a crust". But these isn't just merely crusted Brie— the tempting taste of the candied walnuts adds perfection to this recipe from Holiday Kitchen.

How To: Make a Scooby Snack

You don't have to be Scooby Doo or Shaggy to enjoy this drink. Learn how to make a Scooby Snack cocktail brought to you by American Bartenders School. Bailey's, Midori and Malibu Rum are needed.

How To: Make grilled Lebanese flatbread with Mark Bittman

If you're anything like us, then you want to lose weight - or maintain your already fabulous waistline - without having to sacrifice your favorite foods. Dieters need to live a little, too! If you love munching on bread, consider this grilled Lebanese flatbread instead. Unleavened dough makes this sucker crunchy and super tasty, but without the excess fluff of most breads that equates to major carbs and calories. Check out the video to get the instructions.

How To: Cut up a pineapple for a healthy snack

This is a video that demonstrates how to cut up a pineapple for a healthy snack. She places the pineapple on it's side and then cuts one end off and then the other. She then stands the pineapple up and cuts around until all the outer part of the pineapple is gone. She slices down the side of the pineapple in strips, turning it after each strip is removed. She then cuts the pineapple in half. She then cuts it again and removes the core, doing that to both of the larger pieces of pineapple. She...

How To: Bulk up and gain weight quickly

It seems like people are always trying to lose weight..but what if you have the opposite problem? Whether you’re recovering from an illness, are a growing teen, or you are an athlete trying to bulk up, a little information can go a long way in helping you pack on a few extra pounds.

How To: Make edamame

Edamame are immature whole green soybeans—the only vegetable with a complete protein that’s similar to animal protein. And because they’re actually kind of fun to eat, they’re an excellent snack. . . and pretty tasty with beer, too. They are cheap and good for you. Learn how to make edamame.

How To: Make delicious cornbread

Whether you're eating it with chili or just by itself, cornbread is a delicious snack. It's an interesting meal, that has been around since the early years of Native Americans and uses cornmeal rather than yeast. So in this tutorial find out how to make delicious cornbread from your home. Enjoy!

How To: Make Mexican style potato skins for a snack

In this video, Aida shows us how to make Mexican potato skins. First, roast some new potatoes with salt, pepper and olive oil at 425 in the middle rack. While they are roasting, grab 6 oz of Mexican chorizo and put it into a hot non-stick pan. Once the potato skins are done, scoop out the middles with a melon baller. Next, add the chorizo to the potato skins and place the potatoes onto a baking sheet. Sprinkle mozzarella cheese over them. Place them back into the oven on 425 degrees for about...

How To: Make Betty's parmesan cheese crisps

Looking to make a scrumptious snack? Learn how to make parmesan cheese crisps, a recipe from Betty of Betty's Kitchen. You can serve these with any salad, or just eat them as a snack, with no accompaniment. To make these yummy crisps, you will need the following ingredients (for about 12 crisps):

How To: Mix a Scooby Snack cocktail when bartending

Want to mix a Scooby Snack cocktail? This clip will show you how it's done. Interested in trying your hand at bartending? With the proper technique, mixing the perfect drink can be easy. So easy, in fact, that this free video bartenders' guide can present an overview of the process in about a minute's time. For more information, including a full list of ingredients and complete instructions on how to mix this drink yourself, take a look.

How To: Bake double chocolate cupcakes

Chocolate is one of their desserts or snacks that can be really bad for you, but also very good as well. Eating certain types of chocolates can help with your health and some can even help a relationship in the bedroom. But focusingon the sweet snack aspect, chocolate is perfect for when baking, especially cupcakes. This tutorial will show you how to bake double chocolate cupcakes from scratch. Good luck making them and enjoy the deliciousness that is chocolate.

How To: Backpack and camp with healthy food

Just because you are not at home is no reason to abandon your healthy eating lifestyle. In this tutorial, you will learn all about planning healthy meals and snacks while you are on the go. Discover how to pack your backpack with the right, lightweight snacks and maintain proper nutrition when out and about. Of course, when planning caloric intake and healthy eating for a backpacking trip, it's important to create a backup plan in case something doesn't go according to plan. Learn about carry...

How To: Make garbanzo bean falafel from a mix

Falafel is a fried ball or patty made from spiced fava beans and/or chickpeas. It is a popular form of fast food in the Middle East, where it is also served as a mezze (snack or tapas). Falafel is usually served as a sandwich wrapped in pita bread, and outside the Middle East, the term "falafel" commonly refers to this sandwich—falafel in a pita is typical street food or fast food. Along with the falafel balls, which may be crushed onto the bread or added whole, topping variations are usually...

How To: Roast spicy gourmet flavored chipotle, garlic and Worcestershire pumpkin seeds

Whether you're making pumpkin pie or carving jack-o'-lanterns during Halloween, make sure you save those pumpkin seeds, because they're a great source of fiber and can be a tasty snack. The best thing about baking pumpkin seeds is that you can get really creative with the flavor. In this video recipe, you'll learn how to make a spicy chipotle chili pepper, garlic powder and Worcestershire sauce flavored batch of roasted pumpkin seeds.

How To: Make healthy Halloween apple snacks with Nutella

It's nearly impossible to survive Halloween without gorging yourself out on hordes of cavity-inducing candy, chocolate, cake, and other sweets. That being said, your little kid is probably getting enough sugar from trick-or-treating and school parties as it is, so keep him from a grim dentist's visit by adding some healthy treats to the mix.

How To: Make Indian papdi chaat with Manjula

Craving authentic Indian food? Then tune into this Indian cooking how-to video with Manjula. Follow along with this video lesson as Manjula shows you how to make papri chaat. Papdi or papri chaat is a snack served in most Indian homes. Make some for your home tonight and serve it with a tamarind or mango chutney.