Final Push Search Results

How To: Use filters and effects in Final Cut Express

Video filters let you adjust and enhance your clips for greater visual effects. Access Final Cut Express' filters in the effects browser. Simply position the timeline playhead over the clip, apply a filter, and the resulting changes are displayed in the canvas. Filters can be animated using keyframes, which work the same way with filters that they do with motion.

How To: Use keyframe animation in Final Cut Express

Animate clips by simply changing an attribute of the clip over time. You can easily animate your clips using the viewer, which allows you to change parameters and motion and updates the clip in the canvas. Animating with Final Cut Express is non-destructive, so you can always undo your work if it is not exactly the animation you want.

How To: Chroma key in Final Cut Pro

This instructional video explains the basics of Chroma Keying in Final Cut Pro. This is used when you want to remove or key out a specific color from a scene. Created as a component in the Temple University Instructional Video Database.

How To: Get a video ready for Final Cut Pro in iMovie 09

First, after recording the movie open it in IMovie. Make the "rough edits" (removing parts of videos you don't need, and making quick changes). Next, go to Share>Export Final Cut XML. Now an XML file should be on your desktop. Then open up Final Cut pro and edit the audio. If you are adding music, you can open soundtrack and find the music you want, then click and drag it into Final Cut, or send it to Final Cut. Then, make the edits you want to your video until you have it polished into a fin...

How To: This DIY Arduino Bicycle Safety System Includes Turn Signals, Brake Lights, Strobe, and More!

As dedicated bicyclists are well aware, riding can be very dangerous. Now that daylights savings time has ended in the United States, darkness appears quicker, and the night is especially dangerous for cyclists because of the low visibility that drivers have. Not only is darkness a danger, but also fog, blizzards, and heavy rain—all wreaking havoc on the vision. To combat this, bikers attach reflectors: clear front reflectors, red rear reflectors, amber pedal reflectors, and clear side reflec...

How To: Build chest muscles through chair push-ups

In this tutorial, we learn how to build chest muscles through chair push-ups. To begin, you will need to set up three chairs in a pyramid shape that will fit your body laying down. To begin, place both of your feet on one chair and then push each of your hands laying on a chair. After this, do as many push ups as you can. If you want a more challenging work out, you can wear a backpack that is filled with weights. You can also stay at the bottom for a couple seconds while you are doing the pu...

How To: Do Hindu pushups

This video shows you how to do Hindu push-ups which have been used by wrestlers and martial artists for many centuries. It works all major muscle groups at the same time. You begin with the mountain pose, also known to yoga fans as the downward dog, with your hands and feet spread out. You go down by bending your elbows, until your body is on the ground. Then go into cobra pose, and as you push up into this pose you should inhale. Then push exhale as you push back to the starting position. Ke...

How To: Play drums using the push pull technique

This how to video will teach you how to perform the push pull technique on drums. If you want to throw a double, you can start with a single and get an accent on the double for an inverted double. Just push and grab really quick. For a double, use a controlled rebound. For the inverted double, start with a single and dig out the second stroke of the double. A french grip is useful for performing this technique. This is good for ghostings and shuffles. For shuffles, you can use a controlled re...

How To: Get ripped abs at home

In this Fitness video tutorial you will learn how to get ripped triceps and ripped abs at home by doing some really simple exercises. Start with push-ups. There will be two different hand positions for push-ups. First, keep the hands shoulder length apart, elbows in and basic push-up movements. Do as many as you can. Then rest for a minute and switch hands to triangle position. Elbows close the body, hands close to each other forming a triangle and basic push up movements. When you are doing ...

How To: Perform a military push-up

In this how-to video, you will learn how to do a military push-up. This will work your chest muscles. Get into push-up position. Get on your hands and toes. Make sure the shoulder, elbow, and hand are aligned. Your back should be straight and your abs should be tight. When you go down, breathe in. Your nose will hit the floor. Breathe out when you go back up. The motion should last for about a second. Do these for as many push-ups as you can do. Your chest should be over your hands while you ...

How To: Use Sin City-style selective coloring in Final Cut Pro

Want to create a selective desaturation effect à la Sin City? This clip will show you what you'll need to know. Whether you're new to Apple's Final Cut Pro non-linear video editor or just want to better acquaint yourself with the popular video editing program, you're sure to benefit from this video tutorial. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this tutorial.

How To: Use the SmoothCam filter in Final Cut Pro

Learn how to use FCP's SmoothCam filter to fix shaky footage after the fact. Whether you're new to Apple's Final Cut Pro non-linear video editor or just want to better acquaint yourself with the popular video editing program, you're sure to benefit from this video tutorial. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this tutorial.

How To: Preview without rendering in Final Cut Pro

This FCP-user's guide will teach you how to preview a clip without rendering it first. Whether you're new to Apple's Final Cut Pro non-linear video editor or just want to better acquaint yourself with the popular video editing program, you're sure to benefit from this video tutorial. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this tutorial.

How To: Use the main user interface in Final Cut Pro 7

Meet (and learn how to use) the Final Cut 7 graphical user interface or GUI! Whether you're new to Adobe's popular motion graphics and compositing software or a seasoned video professional just looking to better acquaint yourself with the program and its various features and filters, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this free video guide.

How To: Create and use templates in Motion and Final Cut Pro

With this clip, you'll learn how to create templates for use in Final Cut Pro and Motion. These templates are editable in FCP. Whether you're new to the Apple's popular motion graphics editor/compositing application or are a seasoned digital video professional simply wishing to get better acquainted with Motion 4, you're sure to find value in this tutorial. For more information, and to get started creating your own custom templates, take a look.

How To: Increase the render speed in Final Cut Pro

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to increase the rendering speed in Adobe Final Cut Pro. Begin by right-clicking on your current sequence and click on Settings. Click on the Video Processing tab and select "Always Render in RGB". Then click OK. This change will only be noticeable when working with really high quality high definition footage or film. Even then, you are able to re-render at a higher bit rate later, without having to affect the original image or export. This video will ...

How To: Create real tilt-shift effects in Final Cut Studio

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to create a tilt shift effect with Adobe Final Cut Studio. Begin by changing the video's speed to 300% and disable the Frame Blending. Now click on Effects, go to Video Filters, press on Time and select Strobe. Change the Strobe rate to 7-15 fps. Now switch to Motion and Duplicate the group. Then create a simple mask in the upper group and apply defocus to the lower group. Under Mask, increase the Feather rate up to 100%. Now add another mask around t...

How To: Edit footage in Final Cut Pro 6

Once you have your footage imported, you're ready for editing! This tutorial goes over how you can edit footage in Final Cut Pro 6 and even goes over real-time editing abilities. The tutorial is well paced and easy to follow. You'll be an expert in no time!

How To: Apply a neck ring and plug on a reborn baby doll

In this tutorial, we learn how to apply a neck ring and plug on a reborn baby doll. First, attack the neck ring to the doll head by pulling the vinyl onto the lip using your fingers. You will need to use your hands to push the inside of the neck through the ring. This will take a lot of pushing and pulling. After this, you will need to attach your plug. First, place it into the neck of the head to make sure it fits. After this, stuff it with cotton and then push it back in. Now you will be ab...