Financial Future Search Results

News: Safran Combines Infrared & AR for World-First Airplane Test System

It seems nowadays there's no limit to what type of companies are looking to invest in augmented reality. Given both the positive outlook on the future of AR, and its reported benefits for efficiency in employees, this makes sense. Safran, an international corporation with three main sectors—aerospace, defense, and security—is one such company taking the plunge into incorporating AR in their business.

News: Merge VR's Holo Cube—An Augmented Reality Toy That Transforms into Interactive Holograms

Merge VR, a company mostly known for its virtual reality experiences, is moving into and creating an augmented reality experience that combines an iPhone or Android smartphone, a set of goggles to put your phone in, and a box about the size of a Rubik's Cube which looks more akin to the Lament Configuration seen in the Hellraiser film series. When used in concert with the smartphone and goggles, the toy cube, called Holo Cube, becomes one of many AR experiences.

News: Google Joins Netflix in Shaming ISPs into Faster Service

Netflix releases monthly reports on major ISPs relating to how well their service works on each provider. The purpose is to educate the public on their choice of service provider, but since many of us hardly have any choice at all when is comes to an ISP, it backhandedly works to shame them (if they're even capable of feeling shame under all those millions of dollars).

End of the Century: The Fin De Siecle's Role in Steampunk

With the new year right around the corner, it's time to talk about the end of the 19th century, a time which plays an enormous role in Steampunk. If you've done any reading of British books written from about 1890 to 1899, you may have come across the phrase 'fin de siecle' and wondered what it meant. You also may have come across this term in reading about the late Victorian era. No worries, I'll tell you all about it! Image by Giovanni Dicandia

How To: Replace the neck seal on an OS systems dry suit

If you're a serious diver, especially anywhere cold, then your dry suit is probably a near and dear friend. If something goes wrong with it, you may think that you need to pay someone a lot of money to fix you baby. But no! They're actually pretty easy to fix yourself. This video will show you how to fix the neck seal on an OS Systems drysuit yourself with just some spare parts that you can order from the manufacturer.

How To: Paint a traditional puppy dog painting

Everybody loves dogs, but not everybody can own one. Although… everyone can own and enjoy a painted dog. And if you want to learn how to paint a puppy dog yourself, this is the video tutorial for you. Make sure to pause the video after each step and look at the screen every few seconds while you are drawing.

How To: Use the future perfect tense in English

Learn how to use the future perfect tense in English with this ESL tutorial. The future perfect is the perfect tense for setting goals with deadlines. A deadline is a date that you must complete an activity or job. For example, by this time next year, what will you have achieved/done/accomplished in your life? You should say, "I will have ____" In the underlined part, put a past participle, such as "I will have found a new job by this time next year." Watch this how to video and you'll be spe...

How To: Cast magic spells

Magic. Does it really exist? Can you really put a hex on somebody… or a love spell? Can you really cast supernatural spells? Believing is up to you, but anyone can be bewitching with the help of a little black — and white — magic.

How To: Apps & Websites Send Your Activity to Facebook — Here's How to View, Manage & Delete It

It's pretty much a given at this point that Facebook has a lot of data on us. While you might be conscious of the data you share with Facebook when you post, upload photos, or chat with friends on Messenger, you might not be thinking about all the data it receives from websites and apps you use outside the social media giant. Now, you can actually do something about it.

News: This Is Why All Augmented Reality Startups Suck

People fundamentally distrust magicians. And they should. The illusions they proffer are just that, illusions meant to astound rather than tangible interactions and results that have weight and meaning in our real world. Our lizard brains know this, and, no matter what the outstanding feat of "magic" presented, we nevertheless hold fast to our survival-based grip on the truth: we just saw simply "can't be real."