Financial Scenario Search Results

How To: Use the camera, lighting, and cinematics in the StarCraft 2 Editor

Starcraft 2, like it's predecessor before it, has a very robust level editor that allows you, the DIY modder, to create nearly any scenario within the bounds of the Starcraft 2 engine that you could imagine. We have compiled videos on how to do all sorts of fun things with it, from making RPG's and Tower Defense games to just making you dream Starcraft 2 level. This video will teach you how to lock the camera as well as create lighting effects, city terrain, and short cinematics in the Starcr...

How To: Sharpen an image three different ways in Photoshop

Photoshop doesn't sharpen focus, it sharpens detail using any of three remarkable filters: Unsharp Mask, Smart Sharpen, and High Pass. Apply them as smart filters, and you're ready for any output scenario. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular raster graphics editing software or a seasoned professional just looking to better acquaint yourself with the program and its various features and filters, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, including detailed, s...

How To: Calculate probability in "at least one" problems

Calculating probablities can be used to help us make decision. PatrickJMT explains how to calculate probability in an "either A or not A" scenario. The probability of A plus the probability of not A is equal to one. Therefore, the probability of A is equal to one minus the probability of not A ; P(A)= 1 - P(not A). The probability of a major earthquake in San Francisco over a period of time is used as an example. The probablity of an earthquake of a magnitude of 7.5 or greater in San Francisc...

How To: Prevent Windows 10 from Auto-Updating

In a bit of a strange decision, Microsoft has made it to where some users don't have a choice in the matter of applying failed automatic updates. When a Windows or driver update comes your way and fails to apply for any reason, your computer will continue to attempt applying the broken update at seemingly random intervals. The Pro and Enterprise editions of Windows 10 will allow you to delay or stop updates altogether when something like this happens, but the Home edition has no such setting.

How To: Say "thank you" & "you're welcome" in Vietnamese

In this video, we learn how to say "thank you" & "you're welcome" in Vietnamese. To say "thank you" you will say "C‡m _n". To say "thank you very much" you will say "C‡m _n R_t Nhi_u". To say "you're welcome" you will say "Kh™ng C— Chi". To say "no problem" you would say "Kh™ng Sao". Remember these phrases when you are in different scenarios, whether you're in the grocery store or you're in the street. Listen to the speaker in the video to better understand how each of the words are spoken an...

How To: Make a WoW-style RPG in the StarCraft 2 Editor

Starcraft 2, like it's predecessor before it, has a very robust level editor that allows you, the DIY modder, to create nearly any scenario within the bounds of the Starcraft 2 engine that you could imagine. We have compiled videos on how to do all sorts of fun things with it, from making RPG's and Tower Defense games to just making you dream Starcraft 2 level. This video will teach you how to make a WoW-style RPG in the Starcraft 2 editor. It's a complex process so the video doesn't walk you...

How To: Build a movie wheel

Have you ever wondered how movies are made? There are many modern techniques available today to produce movies. This was not the scenario centuries back when there were no movies or films. The earliest form was the movie wheel and this video teaches you exactly how to build a movie wheel. The video is simple and instructive which even an elementary school kid will be able to understand. You can use this for your school science projects. This is one tutorial which will leave everyone spinning.

How To: Use controls in Little Big Planet for PS3

Get moving! Learn how to walk, run and jump your way through LittleBigPlanet. LittleBigPlanet exclusively for the PLAYSTATION 3. It lets you PLAY alone, or with friends, in a world of infinite possibilities. Run, jump, grab and swing your way thru imaginative levels and mini-games. If you're feeling creative, you can CREATE your own levels, enemies, obstacles and even storyline. Once done, SHARE them with our online community of thousands of User Generated Levels from around the world for

How To: Get the boogeyman's hood in Fallout 3

If you've been playing the game Fallout 3 on the Xbox 360, you know how much fun it can be. Not only are there great weapons and characters, but if offers hours of replayability with a number of different scenarios. In this tutorial, you're going to be playing a bad guy, as you will be going for the boogeyman's head. This can only be obtained of you are able to convince a child caharacter to follow you and then become a slave. It may sound cruel, but it will get you something that you'll enjo...

How To: Create a jewelry display fixture from a hanger

Picture this familiar scenario: You've just gotten yourself a ginormous jewelry haul from Forever 21 and excitedly rip open all the tags and stickers, squeeling in glee as you try on that new semiprecious jeweled necklace and metallic stud earrings. But like shreds of Christmas wrapping paper left under the tree the afternoon after the big holiday, everything must organized.

How To: Find the mean o a set of numbers

"Mean" is really the average on a set of numbers. The video uses the temperatures on a weather report as an example of a data set. Start by adding the temperature numbers of the week up. After you have the total, divide that number by 7, because you used 7 numbers in your data set. The answer that you get after dividing will have a few decimal places at the end of it. You can round the answer to the nearest whole number because all the numbers from your original data set do not have any decim...

How To: Find the area and volume of prisms

This helpful video gives simple step by step instructions on how to find area and volume of prisms. To find the area of a prism you must first find the area of the base, it may be rectangular, triangular, or otherwise. You must then multiply the area of the base times the height. Examples of all types of scenarios are given to better explain the method of finding the area. To find the volume of a triangular prism you must first find the area of the base. The next step is multiplying the area ...

How To: Make a fly fishing leader

Learn how to make a fly fishing leader by following this tutorial. First, the easiest way is to purchase a tapered leader, obviously. However, sometimes as you are fishing this will break and you may not have a backup leader. Your only option in that scenario is to make a new one from your broken leader. Take approximately 18 to 24 inches of the 3X wire and double knot it to the but section that is broken. Then use another wire material to attach for the fly section. To decide what type of ma...

How To: Make a bomb in Phun

How to make a bomb in Phun. This video will demonstrate the basics of making a bomb in the Phun program. Phun can be very demanding of your computer's resources so if you go a little bit overboard, don't be surprised if your computer crashes or freezes, or does something unusual. The basic concept here, is to use the circles as designated, and copy and paste exactly on top of each other. The more you do this the bigger the explosion. It also uses basic directional physics so you can incorpora...

How To: Understand "first 2 levels" Rubik's Cube algorithms

Learn to solve a Rubik's Cube in no time flat with these easy algorithms to fix those puzzling problems. Whether you have a color that just needs to move a few spots or the proper placement is just a few places off, you can follow these step by step turns of the cube done slowly enough to follow along. The algorithm is even displayed on the bottom of the screen for people savvy in Rubik's Cube terminology. He explains several issues and scenarios that most people encounter when trying to solv...

How To: Secure remote desktop

Hak5 isn't your ordinary tech show. It's hacking in the old-school sense, covering everything from network security, open source and forensics, to DIY modding and the homebrew scene. Damn the warranties, it's time to Trust your Technolust. In this episode, see how to secure remote desktop.

How To: Avoid accidents in the workshop

One thing you should do every time you approach a tool is think of the worst-case scenarios. Its a bit gruesome to let your imagination take you there, but there is a good reason for it. This simple mental exercise not only raises your awareness of the potential dangers, but essentially shows you exactly what you need to do to prevent injury. This how to video walks you through potential dangers in the workshop and how you can avoid each one.

How To: Install Joomla 1.5 on Windows Server 2003 with IIS6

Installing Joomla on a Windows server can be tricky, on Windows running IIS even more so. Installing Joomla 1.5 in this scenario has caused many frustrations.In this video, we take the process step by step and jump over the hurdles that cause some people to wind up pulling their hair out. If you follow along closely, you will be up and running in no time, and if you haven't already tried to do this, you will wonder why people find it so difficult. There are some prerequisites to the steps in ...

News: Update — Apple Linked to OLED Maker Investment, but eMagin CEO Says No Cash from Cupertino

Update: Monday, 11 p.m. ET: In a report from Bloomberg, eMagin CEO Jeffrey Lucas has contradicted what appeared to be investor information found in SEC filings that surfaced on Monday. Although Apple is listed among several other investors in the company in filing, Lucas told Bloomberg that Apple is not, in fact, an investor in the company. Offering further clarification, Lucas told the news site that eMagin "listed those companies in the filing because it had discussions with them at industr...

Opinion: Snap Inc.'s Massive Loss on Spectacles May Hint at Trouble for the Future of Mainstream AR Smartglasses

The would-be role of Snap Inc. as the first step toward mainstreaming wearable tech in the form of glasses has stalled, and now we have proof. In the company's third quarter financial results report, released on Tuesday, Snap Inc. revealed that it will lose nearly $40 million due to unsold Spectacles, the camera glasses first sold at kiosks throughout the US.

News: This Group Is Backing Up SoundCloud Content in Case It Shuts Down

After laying off 40% of its staff this month to cut costs, SoundCloud appears to be struggling to stay afloat. While blog posts from the company have assured fans that the music platform is not in danger of shutting down, some people aren't so sure this is the truth. Internet Archive — a non-profit dedicated to preserving websites and services — announced today that they will be conducting a partial backup of SoundCloud to safeguard the site's content in case of closure.