Finding Experiment Search Results

News: "Dong Vito"

Convince Vito, or any other member.. hell ,or as many members possible to go back to their room with a convincing drag queen. Let the cast member find out by finding the real MEMBER. Just thought this up while trying to imagine something Bam would do to Vito. Hope you like it.-chris

News: new one

First take a picture of a friends car. Second upload the picture to either ebay or any other place like that. Third drive the car to some were he or she will not find it. Fourth make sure you show the picture to your friend with he or she realising you did it. Fifth as he or she is looking every were like websites and other places get one of your other friends to buy it.Sixth get your friend to drive it somewere were your other friend is so that he or she can see it. Seventh try to make sure ...

News: Baby wee man

Dress wee man up as a baby. Put him in a stroller and give him a recording of a baby crying. Walk the streets with him. Stop people on the streets and ask them to watch him while you go into the store really quick. After they agree to watch him run away. When they are standing there looking confused have wee man play the recording. Watch the person’s reaction when they find out it is wee man. Also you can also leave wee man on the streets in the stroller and see what people would do after the...

News: exploding toilet poop

Ok look find a restroom that all the Jackass cast would would use...then replace it with a non working toilet.and the idea is that when a jackass member has to use the restroom they will sit down and poop,but inside the toilet there will be some poop hidden and that poop will explode on them and will be really gross but a great prank, and they will have poop from another jackass member.hehe sounds like great idea to me.oh yeah and it can only be one victim or maybe more who knows you guys try...

News: Caught Brown Handed

Have some of the Jackass crew poop in a purse. Or use elephant poop....and fill the bottom of the purse. Cover the poop with makeup, tissues, personal items, etc. that you'd normally find in a purse. Then set in on a semi-busy sidewalk.(Making it a Coach purse would attract more attention I think.) When "curious" people walk by they'll probably check the purse for money, but instead they get a disgusting surprise!! After a few people have "gotten their hands dirty" you could have Spike Jones ...

News: Tornado Riding

This would require a sturdy suit of some sort so flying debris doesn't kill anyone. From there, the goal is to find a Tornada and ride it. The tornado rider would have a parachute attached to the suit and pull the rip cord once the tornado spits him out.

News: The Delivery

For this prank you will need to find a farm with either horse or cow manure, you will need a standard shoebox, and lighter fluid. You place the manure inside the shoebox, and soak the manure, the box and even the lid to place on top with the lighter fluid. You find an unsuspecting victim at either a local residence or an apartment building complex, and you place the shoebox on the doorstep. After it is placed knock on the door, leave a sticky note with the words Mail Delivery (Contains Extrem...

News: Playing with my poo...

One of the Jackass crew members, should insert some type of object up their asshole, (such as a condom, filled with a powdery substance with a messege attached on the item, saying (thanks for playing with my poop) and then walk through an X-ray machine at an airport. When the jackass member gets stripped searched and they find the messege, It will be hillarious!

News: Backwords Shoping Cart Down a Hill

Well, heres whatha do.First, you break out the good old shoping carts.Next, you find a hill, (the bigger the better!)Then you get a blindfold.Place the blindfold on your face, covering your eyes.Spin around at least 50 times.Then you try to RUN up the hill as fast as you can.Once you've made it to the top, jump into the shoping cart, (with blindfold still on) and have a friend push you down the hill backwords!Sounds Fun!

News: The King of Upper decks

For this one we get preston or phil. Its really simple. we put a hidden camera in a hotel's bathroom and then phil or preston will dump in the top part of the toilet to the extent to where it wont work anymore. upon calling housekeeping up they come in to find the most foul and disturbing thing in the toilet. or get the entire group to fill a toilet up with fecees and call up housekeeping

News: Ballz go round

We will need a small dark room. In the room have a ceiling fan rigged up with so that the blades are tilted downward and automatic paintball guns are tied to the blades. Rig the light switch so that it triggers the lights, the fan, and guns.

News: Branding joust

My idea is kind of a mix of 2 things jackass have done before, you can use a bike or horses and have a brander like the one that was used on bam margera in the last movie and two of you or more will go against each other jousting.

News: zipper crapper

since zipper rides have wide seats either connect two porta johns or find a "doublewide" 2 seater crapper. if you can get away with using just one crapper, cool. mount all safety harnesses and mount the the crapper in the ride mounts. have the guys fill the crapper/s up and have someone take the ride if you dont fill them with crap at least use the blue water or chocolate pudding

News: Icecream truck terror

First buy an old beat up ice cream truck. Next you paint it like a pentagram on the side. After it is all fixed up and ready to go you find the most suffisticated neighborhood in the area Then out of no where switch the ice cream music to some satanic music after that put on satanic like mask on and start throwing ice cream at everyone

News: Paintball to the nuts from a helicopter

have you ever wondered how much it would hurt to shoot your friend in the nuts with a paintball gun from a helicopter at 500ft in the air. well thats exactly what i want to find out. just imagine getting into a helicopter and going up 500ft and aiming a paintbull gun at your friends nuts and firing as many times as you can pull the trigger. :)

News: the nastiest ugliest stripper ever

Find the nastiest ugliest stripper alive or a wrost shemale ever have them come up to my my brother or my brother in law and have she/he knock on the door asking for them while there wife or gf is standing there thinking wtf is going on and I run up and denard them and get a pipe pan fill it up with mud or shit or shaveing cream then grab them and take them somewhere and make them think that we left there and let them walk for 1hr or 2 then come up to them and blast them with a bunch of paint...

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