Finding Experiment Search Results

How To: Reduce Browning in Avocados & Other Fruits by Switching Your Knives

Keeping apples or avocados from browning after being cut is impossible; within minutes of being exposed to air, these fruits (yes, avocado is a fruit) begin to brown. No matter what you try—adding lemon juice, keeping the pits in place, immediately sealing the produce in an airtight bag—brown discoloration always occurs. However, air is not the only reason that foods like apples, avocados, and lettuce brown: it's also due to the knife you're using.

How To: Make Delicious 3-Minute Meringues in Your Microwave

Meringues are a French and Swiss dessert made of whipped egg whites and sugar, and they are light, sweet, and crispy confections. To make traditional meringues, you beat egg whites into soft foamy peaks, and then keep whipping as you gradually add sugar until the peaks become stiff. Once you've reached the right consistency, you bake them at a low temperature in the oven for a long time. They take both technique and time.

How To: The Deliciously Lazy Way to Make Creamy Risotto at Home

Why are people so afraid of risotto? Contrary to what a lot of home cooks seem to believe, it's really not a difficult dish to make yourself. Sure, there's a lot of stirring involved, but it's not nearly the culinary beast it's made out to be. The real deterrent to making homemade risotto isn't that it's hard—it's that it requires a lot of attention. Risotto needs a lot of babying. Part of the process involves standing over it for 20 to 30 minutes at the stove, stirring almost constantly whil...

News: Why Nikola Tesla's Wireless Power Was Fated to Fail Due to Exploding Airships

Nikola Tesla is one of the most tragic figures in the history of science, a history that is practically filled to the brim with tragic figures. Francis Bacon, a 16th century philosopher and scientist, caught pneumonia and died because he was trying to stuff snow into a dead chicken. Marie Curie died as a result of her long-term exposure to radioactivity, and her papers from the 1890s are too radioactive to touch without protective gear to this day.

How To: TAP Card Dissolved! How to Use Acetone to Transfer an RFID Tag to Your Phone

RFID cards are becoming a fairly common way to purchase goods, but they're already widely used to pay fares on buses, trains, subways, and trolleys across various cities. TAP cards are quick and reliable, but it can be a real pain to remember to bring them with you, especially if you weren't planning on using public transportation that day. Luckily, an intrepid tinkerer at Adafruit has managed to find a way to embed an RFID card into her phone, something you're far less likely to leave at home.

How To: Make a real glass orb in Photoshop

This tutorial is an on-screen demonstration on how to create a circle that looks like a glass orb using PhotoShop. First make the background black. Then using the elipse took, draw a circle, filled with light grey. Right click on the shape layer and click "Rasterize layer". Select the eliptical marquee tool and make a circle in the grey shape, a little ways in from the edge. Select the area and choose "Layer via cut", click on Layer 2 and delete. Click on Shape 1 and create a contour by choos...

How To: Make a cloud, then make it disappear

This video features a really cool science experiment that is easy to do and fun to watch. Items you will need are a plastic 2-liter bottle with a sports bottle type cap (the kind you pull up on in order to sip liquids through the top), about a quarter of a cup of water and two matches. First, take the cap off the bottle and pour the water into the bottle before putting the cap back on the bottle. Then, simply open the pull top on the cap (so that when the bottle is squeezed and released air i...

How To: Select different items in Finder in Mac OS

In this video, Gary from MacMost demonstrates how to select items on a Mac computer. He explains that there are different ways of selecting items, both with the mouse and with the keyboard. Click to select a single item, and click an empty space to clear the selection. Hold Command or Shift to add to a selection or remove items from the selected group. Drag around an area to select multiple items, and use Command and drag to add more areas. To select items in a list, click to select a single ...

How To: Fix a Warped Record for skratch djs by dj lemon chin

There are many ways to fix warped vinyl. Here's a ghetto version by using the power of the sun. Qbert experiments on a hot day to see if the double glass trick really works with 2 tables. By heating up the record under two flat surfaces, to where it's kinda bendable, you can reshape it yourself. Just don't get it too hot and melt the LP! It's another reason you need the glass... because with out it, if you leave the record in the sun by itself, it will bend all crazy and wavy.

How To: Make a plastic like substance from vinegar and milk

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make a plastic substance. The materials required for this experiment are: 1 bowl of milk, 1 cup of vinegar, pot and mixing spoon. Begin by heating the milk in the pot and heat it at medium heat for several minutes. Then pour the milk into a separate bowl. Now add the vinegar into the milk and stir it. Continue stirring until it forms into a solid mixture. Then drain the liquid. This video will benefit those viewers who enjoy experimenting, and woul...

How To: Make fire without matches using acetone and magnesium

In this how-to video, you will learn how to make fire without using any matches. You will need Manganese heptoxide and acetone to do this experiment. You will also need a rod, pipette, and glass beaker. Please exercise caution before doing this experiment, as it involves fire. Place the Manganese heptoxide in the glass beaker. Using a pipette, place a few drops of acetone around it. Now, place a drop on top. Be careful, as the Manganese heptoxide will ignite as soon as the drop hits the mater...

How To: Pose people for photos with Erin Manning

When it comes to working with people, the photographer can face quite a challenge. Everyone has a mind of their own, and with these few tips you will know how to advise your subject so they look fantastic in a picture. Join Erin Manning, professional photographer, as she shows us 5 handy tips for working with people.

How To: Experiment with two-dimensional motion

Motion can be studied in different dimensions. Study of motion of a body in a straight line is called motion in one dimension. A falling body can be called as motion in one dimension. Things can also move sideways when they fall at the same time. This is also called as projectile motion and it is a study of motion in two dimensions. When studying projectile motion we can neglect one dimension of the motion and study the other dimension obtaining the results of motion in that dimension. If a b...

How To: Make rock candy in your spare time

This is a video tutorial in the Food category where you are going to learn how to make rock candy in your spare time. For this you will need 4 cups sugar, 2 cups water, small saucepan, wooden spoon, candy thermometer, glass jar, measuring cup, cotton string, a weight to hang on the string, waxed paper and a pencil. Boil water in the saucepan and dissolve the sugar in it. Pour the solution in to the jar. Tie the weight to one end of the string and tie the other end to the middle of the pencil....