Finding Experiment Search Results

How To: Make an amazing lamp out of strings

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make an amazing lamp. The materials required for this project are a balloon, wool string and liquid glue. Begin by blowing up the balloon and wind it with wool string. Wrap all around to cover the surface of the balloon. Then cover the entire balloon with some liquid glue and let it dry for 24 hours. Once it's dried, carefully let out the air of the balloon and remove it from the dried yarn string. Now add a light source. This video will benefit th...

How To: Make a candle wax explosion

In this video, you'll see how and why wax can be a deadly. This is how it works,When the test tube is submerged in cold water, the glass forms tiny cracks. The Water enters gets into the tube and vaporizes causing a micro explosion. The hot wax is then ejected from the tube quickly as oxygen is displaced from the tube itself. Be careful, and make sure to be as safe as possible when trying this experiment at home.

How To: Make liquid sculptures from a handwarmer

Learn how to make liquid sculptures from a hand warmer in simple steps. First buy an instant reusable hand warmer which has sodium acetate in it and keep it ready. Now use 4 packets of the hand warmer and stir them out with water. Transfer them to a bottle and keep it aside. Take a sodium acetate crystal from a used hand warmer and place it in a plate. Now pour the liquid slowly on the crystal and you can see the liquid turns solid as you pour it. Design your masterpiece using all the liquid....

How To: Burn money without damaging it

Evil Dylan takes a twenty dollar bill and sets it on fire, but does not damage the money at all. Materials necessary for this experiment are distilled water, alcohol and a twenty dollar bill. He measures 45ml of distilled water into a measuring cup and then tops it off at 100ml with the alcohol. He then puts the twenty dollar bill into the mixture and soaks it for a while making sure that the bill is totally immersed. Then he sets it on fire and even though the fire burns, the bill is not dam...

How To: Make fireballs you can hold in your hand

This flame you CAN hold, without burning your skin off. Learn to make fireballs you can hold in your hand. This amazing video tutorial shows you how to do it. All you'll need for this little science experiment or fiery weapon is 100% cotton cloth, scissors, lighter fuel, cotton string, and a needle. Be careful to follow the directions in this how-to video carefully otherwise you'll really be playing with fire.

How To: Do a yeast experiment to see how much C02 it produces

In this Education video tutorial you will learn how to do a yeast experiment to see how much C02 it produces with different types of food. Yeast is a fungus and it has to eat. After it eats, it produces CO2 gas. The bubbles in bread are produced by the CO2 gas from the yeast. Take five different types of food items and measure out the same quantity for each item. In the video it is 8gms of cookie, oil, flour, salt and sugar. Take six glasses of water and mix one packet of yeast in each glass....

How To: Be a DJ using your PC if you are disabled

This is how you would use your PC to be a DJ if you are disabled. First you'll need a second sound card option for the headphones. Cheaper headphones can be used also until you're able to get the proper ones. The software you will be using supports microphone input which is called Virtual DJ. It's a fantastic kit made especially someone with a disability with all the same things that you would find in other decks and a mixers. Then you would want to just experiment with the controls until you...

How To: Walk on cornstarch with this non-Newtonian fluid trick

Walk on water? Impossible. Walk on cornstarch? You bet! Check out this video to see what happens when you mix up a tub of cornstarch and water. It's goopy cool fun. Mix cornstarch and water in this classic experiment to form a gooey liquid and solid material that behaves like quicksand. Some people refer to this as the Oobleck recipe, others call it a Non-Newtonian fluid. After watching these video segments, you'll call it a great science lesson as your students learn about the amazing proper...

How To: Create a super dramatic red and plum eye look with burgundy lips

We've been told most of our makeup-applying lives that you either emphasize your eyes OR your lips, but never both to avoid overload. And while this rule of thumb works for occasions like your sister's wedding and work, there comes a time when a girl must rebel and allow herself to experiment. By breaking the rules, you'll learn what dramatic colors and looks go best with your skin tone and particular facial features.

How To: Braid your hair into a simple fish tail

Fish tail braids are basically the grown up version of the braids mom used to put in your hair every morning for school. With less of an uptight, "braid-y" look and more of a loose, touseled appearance, fish tail braids offer us a fun way to experiment with hair without looking like an 8-year-old.

How To: Turn pennies into silver and gold coins with zinc

One of the most famous and repeated chemistry experiments involves money. Some would say this is more of a trick than an experiment, but you can be the judge of that. No one can just turn pennies into silver or gold coins, but someone with a few chemicals can. So, if you want to cooler cents in your pocket, try out this chemistry trick yourself. Nurd Rage (Dr. Lithium) shows you how to turn pennies into silver and gold coins using zinc.

How To: Make your own volcano model

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make a volcano. The materials required are: baking soda, red food coloring and vinegar. For the base of the volcano, users will simply need to use a cup and cover it with some dough in a shape of a volcano. Now add 1-2 tsp of baking soda into the volcano. Now add in a few drops of red dye into the volcano. Then pour in 1 cup of vinegar into the volcano. This video will benefit those viewers who are interested science, and experiments and would like...

How To: Make "hot ice"

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make "hot ice". Users will need sodium acetate. Begin by putting the sodium acetate into a pan. Add a small amount water to the sodium acetate. Heat the mixture on a stove until the sodium acetate has dissolved. Pour the solution into a container. Do not pour in any undissolved crystals. Put the container into the freezer or refrigerator for a while. When the solution cools down to room temperature, take it out. Touch the sodium acetate and it will...

How To: Make neat "hot ice"

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make "hot ice". Begin by adding water into a pan and heat it until it’s simmering, but not boiling. Add the sodium acetate to the water. Keep adding the sodium acetate until the water cannot dissolve it anymore. Stir constantly. Now pour the solution into a glass or container. Do not pour in any undissolved crystals. Place the solution into the refrigerator for 45 minutes. Now pour the solution into a container. The liquid will instantly turn into ...

How To: Draw Japanese waves for a tattoo

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to draw Japanese waves for a tattoo. In this video, viewers observe different ideas and elements for wave designs. Viewers learn different techniques. To draw a design for a tattoo, viewers should sketch out their image and experiment different designs. The materials used in the video include: tracing paper, pencil and a Micron 08 pen. This video will benefit those viewers who enjoy sketching images, art and would like to learn how to design tattoos.

How To: Break a yardstick with atmospheric pressure

This video shows you how to break a yardstick with atmospheric pressure. The instructor first lays a ruler halfway on and off of a table. He then covers half the ruler with newspaper. The instructor states that you can chop the ruler in half with your hand because the air holding down the paper will keep the ruler in place. The experiment does work correctly and he did break it in half perfectly. This instructor seems to have many similar videos on the subject.

How To: Perform a rocket manual on a BMX bicycle

BMX: Catch Some Air If Ernest Michaux, inventor of the modern bicycle, could see what people are doing with his creation, he'd freak out. The art of creative biking has never been more challenging and rewarding than it is now. Check out the tricks for a guide to BMX mayhem. Watch this video tutorial to see how to perform a rocket manual on a BMX bicycle.

How To: Construct a vinegar battery and power a calculator

Using only vinegar and a few simple materials, it is possible to construct a working battery. This science video tutorial explains how to construct and use a battery like this to power a calculator. A good science project as part of an introductory electricity course. This project can be used as a science fair project or merely for fun. If you've ever wanted to make your own battery, know is the time, this science experiment will show you how.

How To: Construct a model windmill and calculate its power

This science video demonstrates how to construct a model windmill and then calculate its power output. This tutorial also includes a discussion of Energy, Work, Power, Joules and Watts. If you know anything about electricity, you'll be fine with this science experiment. If you know how to be constructive, you'll be fine too. This science lab is not only fun and educational, but you'll have your very own windmill at the end.

How To: Make bio diesel

Make your own backyard biodiesel with the help of Kipkay. It's easy to make a small batch that will work in any diesel engine. You won't need any special equipment--an old juice bottle will serve as the "reactor" vessel--and on such a small scale, you can quickly refine your technique and perform further experiments. Thanks go to Rob Elam for the original article in Make Volume 3To download Making Biodiesel MP4 click here or subscribe in iTunes. Check out the complete Making Biodiesel article...