Finding Experiment Search Results

Solidoodle: Cheap 3D Printing at Home for Under $500!

The possibilities are endless for 3D printing. With your very own 3D printer, you can make spare parts, circuit boards, inflatable balloons, duplicate keys, Minecraft cities, and even tiny replicas of your face. From a more artsy standpoint, you can make complex sculptures, like this cool mathematical sculpture of thirty interwoven hexagons by Francesco De Comite:

Red Wine: The Secret to Superconductivity

We've all heard of the power that red wine holds. It can help lower risks of heart disease, boost your brain power, and can even recharge your car battery. But last year, a group of Japanese physicists made headlines when they announced that they could induce superconductivity by soaking metals in red wine. But why red wine?

SUBMIT: Cell Phone Photo of a Silhouette by January 9th. WIN: SuperHeadz Wide and Slim 35mm Camera

In this week's Phone Snap Challenge, we would like you to experiment with lighting and mood setting to create a silhouette. A silhouetted photograph contains a subject that is defined with an outline, appearing dark against a bright background. The subject generally appears dark, without any detail, while the background is bright and more exposed. Silhouettes in photographs appear to be simple, yet they can convey a sense of drama and emotion. Before you get started, check out this guide on h...

News: Get Inspired! 20 New Year's Eve Photos Taken with Cell Phones

For some, the end of the year is an opportunity to turn over a new leaf and create a new beginning. For this week's Phone Snap Challenge, take plenty of photos on your cell phone this New Year's because we want to see how you're going to ring in 2012. Or show us what the start of the new year means for you. Post your image to the corkboard by Monday, January 2nd at 11:59 pm PST for a chance to win a Fotodiox Thermo Lens Mug.

News: Get Inspired! 20 Captivating Double Exposure Photos Taken with Cell Phones

The technique of creating double exposure images allows viewers to peer into a unique world, away from reality. The results of combining multiple images into one can really be quite amazing. In this week’s Phone Snap Challenge, we want to see your own take on the double exposure effect. Create your image with your cell phone and post it to the corkboard by Monday, December 12th at 11:59 pm PST for a chance to win a paper pinhole camera kit.

How To: Deep Fry Your Thanksgiving Bird

Looking for something a little more exhilarating this Thanksgiving? Something with a bit more kick? Forget traditional roasted turkey. If you've got the stomach for it, try turducken, a wonderful triplex of turkey, duck and chicken with sausage stuffing and Cajun seasoning. Or go for good ol' American fried food, the deep fried Thanksgiving bird.

Oatmeal: Creative Ways To Consume Besides For B-Fast

Many people consume oatmeal for breakfast since it fills you, is a very healthy option (better than a certain egg sandwich you can get at fast food restaurants) and can be very delicious if you put the right stuff in it. What many people don't know, though, is that you can incorporate oatmeal in other areas of your meals and are very delicious ideas, take my word for it.

News: 11.3 Million Video Game Deaths Visualized

Nope, it’s not the McDonalds menu, but close enough. Jim Blackhurst has mapped 11 million deaths onto a 3-dimensional point cloud for video game Just Cause 2. The result is an amazing virtual heat map of a world where every white dot represents a death on impact: The millions of deaths formulate a detailed outline of major structures and roads in the game, visually mapping "extractions" at every square inch. In most traditional games, this would not be possible—players more often than not sta...

News: Compose DIY Meditiative Music with Otomata, an Online Audio Toy

It's more addictive than Angry Birds, perhaps as relaxing as transcendental meditation, and satisfyingly simpler than GarageBand. It's Otomata, a newly programmed generative sequencer designed by Batuhan Bozkurt, a Turkish sound artist, computer programmer, and performer. But really, it's best described as an audio/visual music toy that anybody can play online—with beautiful results.

How To: Control a Movie Plot with Your Emotions

Not in the mood for a sappy ending? Well, strap in because "Emotional Response Cinema Technology" lets your own body physiology control the movie music, the special effects, and even the movie ending. A collaboration between BioControl Systems, Filmtrip, and the Sonic Arts Research Center at Queen's University Belfast, the technology was recently showcased at the SXSW film festival in Austin, TX, where the newly minted horror film Unsound interacted with the audience through wires connected t...

News: What kind of camera do I need?

Choosing a camera, perhaps one of the most difficult decisions there is when it comes to photography. But being a great photographer on a budget isn't as hard as you think. It gets a little intimidating when you're looking at all these DSLR Canon and Nikon cameras. (By the way "DSLR" just means "Digital Single-Lens Reflex") But you don't NEED a big, bulky, expensive camera like those. Granted they are amazing cameras and you def. get what you pay for. But let's face it, the normal "just as a ...

Do Not Try This At Home: The Human Torch

PopSci's Gray Matter demonstrates again and again what the layman should absolutely Not Try at Home. Which is precisely what makes Gray's experiments so fun. Remember when the mad scientist fully submerged his hand in liquid nitrogen? Today's demonstration also plays with what is (quite reasonably) assumed to be extremely dangerous and painful: torching the human hand.

News: If the World Were Made of Pixels...

Texas based artist Shawn Smith brings the digital world to reality with his woodcut pixelated sculptures. The combination of a traditional material (wood) with a contemporary concept results in surprisingly fresh work. Plus, the craftsmanship appears to be impeccable. Check out his artist statement below.

News: The Green Kitchen

Alice Waters and The Green Kitchen So what, yes I admit it I am drawn to all things Alice Waters. So sautee me. A new discovery was made today while walking through my local bookstore. I found a sweet looking cookbook with Alice on the cover. Naturally I stopped. The item of my interest was a sort of "how to" cookbook called In The Green Kitchen

News: Anal-Retentive Miniscule Pencil Tip Carvings

Dalton Ghetti has been carving teeny, tiny pencil tip sculptures for 25 years. Mr. Ghetti, who owns about as many possessions as a monk, is aware how unusual his craft is. He started carving tree bark when he was a child and experimented with everything from soap to chalk before settling on graphite. It's second nature now, and for 90 percent of his work, all he needs is a sewing needle, a razor blade and a carpenter's or No. 2 pencil.

News: John Bonham the Innovative King of Rock Drumming

... Describing the style of John Bonham's drumming instantly conjurs up visions of the thunderous power he created. His contributions to rock music were revolutionary, and his talent unmatched and irreplaceable. You can only imagine Jimmy Page's reaction to first seeing him in 1968, ending his search for a new drummer to form a new band, the New Yardbirds (later renamed Led Zeppelin.)

News: Hackers Hijack Jeep, Taking Almost Full Control of the Vehicle

Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek conducted an experiment earlier this month that ended up with a Jeep in a ditch, although the driver didn't drive it there. The two remotely hijacked the car, controlling it through a laptop and a cell phone. FCA says vehicles from the 2013 and 2014 model years with 8.4-inch touchscreen are affected. That includes Ram pickup trucks, the Dodge Durango, the Jeep Grand Cherokee and the Viper. Some 2015 Chrysler 200 sedans are also affected.

News: 1,000,000 Spiders Weave Rare Silk

A rare textile woven from the silk of more than one million spiders is currently on display at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. The incredible textile measures 11 by four feet, and is the largest piece of spider-woven textile in the world.