First Timers Search Results

How To: Fix a Bricked iPhone or iPod Touch After a Failed Jailbreak

I can't believe it, but I've actually read about dozens of people getting their iTouch, iPhone, or iPad stuck in a bricked recovery loop and then going out to buy a new one. This is overly unnecessary. When it gets stuck in the recovery loop, some people mistake themselves by thinking that it is impossible to get the device back into DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade) mode. Getting the device back into DFU mode would at least allow us to jailbreak the device, essentially bringing it back from its ...

How To: Make Icosahedral Planet Ornaments

In honor of the new Astronomy World, I thought we should look at a few planetary icosahedrons. The icosahedron is the most round of the Platonic solids with twenty faces, thus has the smallest dihedral angles. This allows it to unfold into a flat map with a reasonably acceptable amount of distortion. In fact, Buckminster Fuller tried to popularize the polyhedral globe/map concept with his Dymaxion Map.

SUBMIT: A Photo with a Nostalgic Theme by December 19th. WIN: JOYSTICK-IT Arcade Stick

It is always a bittersweet moment to find yourself looking back on the fond memories that seem to have taken place in the distant past. When your favorite song from 10 years ago comes onto the radio, or when a sudden scent reminds you of the summers you spent as a child—these types of moments tend to trigger the fondest of memories. For this week's challenge, we'd like to see a photo that captures a nostalgic feeling, whether it be your favorite childhood food, meaningful memorabilia you've s...

News: Mathematical Quilting

I got hooked on origami sometime after Math Craft admin Cory Poole posted instructions for creating modular origami, but I had to take a break to finish a quilt I've been working on for a while now. It's my first quilt, and very simple in its construction (straight up squares, that's about it), but it got me thinking about the simple geometry and how far you could take the design to reflect complex geometries. Below are a few cool examples I found online.

Scrabble Bingo of the Day: GRUYERE

Scrabble Bingo of the Day: GRUYERE [n] One of the most famous types of cheeses made in Switzerland, made from the milk of a cow. It's a hard yellow cheese named from its town of origin, Gruyère. The cheese can be spelled with or without the grave accent (`) on the è, though in the United States it's usually without.

How To: Find and Observe the Garradd Comet

If you haven't seen one, a comet is one of the most spectacular astronomical objects in the sky, partially because it is so close to Earth. At the closest, it is only 1.3 a.u. (194,477,400 kilometers) away from Earth. Comet C/2009 P1 Garradd was discovered by Gordon J. Garradd on August 13, 2009. It never comes closer to the sun than Mars's orbit. Usually, a comet moves fast, but it has stopped moving so fast recently, making it really easy to observe. It can be observed by a telescope or wit...

News: Exercise Makes Me Tired

I just got my first Christmas gift to myself today. I have to say I do often just get myself a few items. It's the only time of the year I buy anything. So to myself I gave a pilates dvd. I did it this morning and now feel like taking a nap.

How To: Build a Water Elevator in Minecraft

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. Getting up and down in Minecraft can be extremely time consuming without the assistance of fly mods or speed hacks. If you're a pure player looking for a safe and effective way to travel vertically, why not try the Minecraft water elevator? It's a simple to use device that neither requires neither expert know-how or miles of redstone wiring. It's even faster than many piston elevators.

How To: Get the 'Who You Gonna Call?' Achievement in Metal Gear Solid 2 HD

To understand how mind-blowing this achievement is for me, it should be known that Metal Gear Solid 2 is one of my favorite games ever made. Like, in the history of video games, this is probably my second favorite game of all time. I know every where secret, item, and Easter egg is in this game. So when I saw the footage for this achievement in the video below, you'll understand why I screamed like a girl.

How To: Revert to the Old Netflix App on the New Xbox 360 Update

By now, most of you have updated to the new Xbox look. Just as expected, it's got some great new features. The dashboard looks great and Bing integration is awesome, but I'm very unhappy about the new Netflix interface. It's awkward, slow, and half of the items don't even load correctly. I can't even play some movies. And the instant play feature is kind of annoying. When I first chose a video, I was hoping when it instantly started playing that it was a trailer, à la Zune. Alas, no.

How To: Get the 'Pay Your Respects' Achievement in Batman: Arkham City

This has to be one of the most heartbreaking achievements to get in any game. In Batman: Arkham City, there's an area of the city where you can visit the place where Bruce Wayne's parents died. Not only do you have to go to the alleyway and see the chalk outline, but to get the achievement, you have to watch Batman bend over and mourn for a full minute. During that time, you get a real sense of who this dude is: a lonely guy trying to do the right thing.

How To: Find a Bunch of Easter Eggs for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

The latest in the Legend of Zelda series, Skyward Sword, released a few short weeks ago to very little fanfare. I have no idea why that is, because the game is absolutely gorgeous and pretty darn good. Maybe it was the fact that Nintendo forced motion controls in to this one, or maybe it was because everyone is busy playing Skyrim/Modern Warfare 3/Battlefield 3. Whatever the reason, if you even remotely like the Zelda series, give this one a whirl.

News: Proof of Water on Mars

Since the first time we've been to Mars, the question was 'Did there used to be life here?'. That all changed for the better when NASA told us that the Opportunity rover found signs of water- the essential part to life. NASA officials on Wednesday said the rover discovered a mineral vein of gypsum running along the rim of a crater called Endeavor. The gypsum was deposited by flowing water billions of years ago. The vein is about 20 inches long. They found it while studying a rock called Tisda...