First Timers Search Results

News: Roller Derby In a Truck 2 (Prank)

- Prank either 3 to 5 members of the jackass crew. (any members) - Tell them there was a poll on asking for people to vote on which stunt they want to see revisited the most. Making Roller Derby In a Truck (from the first jackass movie) the winner. Only this time they have to do it in only thong like speedo's or completely naked (whatever you can get away with for tv.)

News: Naked Airsofting

get pistol Co2 air soft guns two for each person get thongs one person is standing by the back door and the other person is at the front door then when they say go you load your guns and run in the house and look for each other and you get point from how many times you hit them. this goes on for 3 minutes you get a total of 4 thousand airsoft bullets points:1. butt check 5 points 2. back 2 points 3. arms 1 point 4. stomach 1 point Warnings

News: clear eyes or clear stomach

I know some people have seen or have heard about a few drops of visine in drinks can make anyone puke and the Jackass crew is always looking towards that epic vomit moment especially for the camera man. So i think having a couple of rounds of drinks and a good meal and some drops of visine on that one lucky Jackass memeber would be killer!

News: Absolom Recreation - hung by hair in Tree

For those who haven't read their Bible, this is how one of Kind David's sons died. His hair was too long, and as he was riding a horse under a tree, his hair became entangled and he broke his neck. We need a jack-ass volunteer with long hair to ride a horse under a low hanging branch. Hopefully, his neck won't break, but I'm sure the pain of hanging by your hair would be fun for the viewers to watch. Perhaps we could tie the person's hands by their side so they couldn't grab the branch to rel...

News: Mumblety Peg

Google Mumblety Peg and you'll realize this is a real game our grandfathers played in the schoolyard. The object of the game is to throw a knife at the ground by your foot. Whoever gets closes wins. Sticking the knife in your foot also wins. One variation is to throw the knife at the other person's foot. This would be the jack-ass version and of course, it wouldn't end until a knife was stuck in someone's foot.

News: One on Three

Fill three glasses with coke, water, beer or stuff like that. All the members of the cast have to spit into two of those glasses and (who wants to) sneeze in them two... to make it really disgusting! Then, one blindfolded member of the cast has the three glasses in front of him, if he will be lucky he will drink the normal glass with the normal fluid in it, if he's out of luck he will drink one of the shitty glasses with all that poo in it... The guy must drink it all until the glass is empty...

News: zombie streets

zombie suit make up ok the jackass crew walks the streets as zombies then goes door to door knocking on the doors and then when they answer the door one of the jackass members scares the person opening the door and also after the jackass crew is done being zombies a jackass member runs up to another jackass member and kicks him in the nuts by suprise

News: Irving Zismans gas attack

Have Johnny disguised as IrvingZisman and turn him loose on the general population armed with "The Pooter" ( one of the most realistic fart making noise gadgets available ) to release a gas attack like they have never heard. Let him visit crowded elevators, office buildings, crowded buses, shopping malls, taxi cabs, restaurants, movie theaters, job interviews, grocery stores, churches or what ever target he chooses. This joke would even work with the entire cast of Jackass but Irving would mo...

News: No need for a paternity test for this one. The prank that lasts 9 months.

Well the title kinda expains the main idea for this. Theres no need for a paternity test for this one. Pretty simple, but funny idea. You need to find somone thats having a baby, it would be awesome if it was one of the Jackass guys, but anyways when they're in the delivery room the doctor will say they're having complications and the father has to wait outside. He'll wait for a while and then the nurses and doctors will walk out with their heads down with like a oh shit look on their faces a...

News: mace minicylce mayhem

X amounts of bear mace , 5 mini mini motorcyles , 1 bam , 1 danger , 1 knoxville , 1 ryan dunn , and the one and only steve-o ... now in an enclosed area or a busy Los Angles street (rodeo dr.) whatevers easier , each member must be sprayed with ther bear mace while trying to slalom through a verity of objects (i.e people , cars , traffic , wee man equipped with a can of mace in each hand , crocidiles etc.) for each time one of he player miss they must start again ... the winner chooses the 4...

News: Mad Cow Meat Joust

Build wooden horses for the boys to joust on. The horses are built from the shoulder up so they can be ridden low rider style, (and a fall won't totally take out a cast member. But if you feel like making scale wooden horses, be my guest.). The horses must have some sort of hard to control motivator on them, like a sheet of thick ice, casters, or I suppose regular skate board wheels would work. (but skateboard wheels would offer maybe a bit more control than I had imagined).

The Recursive Pizza: A Pizza Made of Lots of Tiny Pizzas

What if you had a pizza made up with tons of tiny, little pizzas (20 to be exact!)? For all pizza lovers out there, that would be one magical, delicious work of art. And for all the art lovers out there, if you're looking to get into what makes this piece heady, check out the interview with artist John Riepenhoff.

News: Reverse Submarine

Simple concept, hillarious results.One of the members of the Jackass crew (or several) are all outfitted with scuba gear and climb into a large SUV which is modified to be completely filled with water.Then, after everyone is settled & the car is full, they drive to a 5 star resturant or hotel and wait for a valet to approach. As he/she approaches (from either the front or back of the vehicle to prevent them from getting knocked over by the water), all doors are opened & water (and maybe fish)...

News: Ice Rink Half-Pipe

Build a 10-12 foot high half-pipe in the middle of the ice rink. Everything is normal about the ramp with the exception that the flat area is not wood, it's ice. So, essentially it is two quarter-pipes facing each other to make one full half-pipe. Get a bunch of skaters and BMXers to try it out. It's a little like the gauntlet . . . perhaps have hockey players fire pucks at them while they are skating.

News: HairCut Tantrum


News: Port-O-Dominoes

Here is prank that's fun for the whole family! Each Jackass guy except for Wee Man gets their own Port-O-Potty, completely filled with all kinds of poo and filth. Wee Man gets one of those Human Hamster Balls that you get into, also filled with poo and whatnot. All of the shitters are lined up one after another, like a row of dominoes . . . but they are not on the ground, they are all on platforms that are 6 or 7 feet high (just so when it tips over, it REALLY tips over). Now, back to Wee Man...

News: She Man

This is the she man ok what you do is get a make up artist to make one of the crew to be dressed up like a 35 year old woman and make sure he looks very good looking and go to a club or a restaurant somewere were there men and hit on him so he or you will ask you out or ask him out and when you go out act very manly even go to the mens room when you come out have toilet paper on your foot and be very loud and laugh real loud eat like a pig it will be the funnyest thing. (optional) and then ju...

News: Golf Course Funeral

This is a prank on the public by the Jackass guys, not a prank on the Jackass guys. This would take a bit of planning and pre-production but could be pretty funny. Start skit a par 5 golf hole, preferably one with a dogleg so you can't see the green from the tee box where an unsuspecting 4-some comes up to tee off. Right in the middle of one of their swings, a hearse cruises by them on the cart path and goes down the fairway. The players will obviously be take aback and wonder what the hell i...

News: Backwords Shoping Cart Down a Hill

Well, heres whatha do.First, you break out the good old shoping carts.Next, you find a hill, (the bigger the better!)Then you get a blindfold.Place the blindfold on your face, covering your eyes.Spin around at least 50 times.Then you try to RUN up the hill as fast as you can.Once you've made it to the top, jump into the shoping cart, (with blindfold still on) and have a friend push you down the hill backwords!Sounds Fun!

News: FarmVille Crafting Job Co-Ops

Crafting Co-Ops let you and your neighbors work together to grow crops for your crafting buildings! There is a job for every recipe in the Winery, Bakery and Spa. Your reward for completing one of these co-ops is 3 bushel sets which you can use to help you craft goods in your crafting building.

News: Blindfolded Tattoo

Exactly what it sounds like. Have one of the guys stare at a picture, try to memorize it . . . then out on a blindfold and give another guy a tattoo. He has other guys there to give him verbal instructions like "OK, a small circle and to the left a triangle) or whatever, but he can't see a damn thing. Make him drunk and it would be ever better.

News: Elevator John

Take a normal high-rise building and transform one of the elevators into what looks like a bathroom stall. Then, place cameras on the elevator and on various floors and catch peoples reactions when the door opens and sitting right there a foot away is one of the guys reading the newspaper and taking a shit. You could also split the elevator and have 2 stalls with 2 dudes taking a plop. Make the thing stink to high-hell, add flush sound effects, maybe a toilet overflowing and one of the guys p...

News: Final Fantasy 14 First Impressions

These impressions are coming from a person completely new to the Final Fantasy Online world. Never played FF 11 or the FF 14 Beta. This game is not friendly to new people. The account creation is a Kafka like experience in things that don't make sense. For the game itself, the beginning tutorial is awful and does not really teach you the basics of combat. Here is a small breakdown of my opinions, with the good points first so that they don't get overshadowed by the negatives.

News: Man Builds Camera as Big as His Dog

Gil Adam, a student of Industrial Design in Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem, Israel, has created a 3:1 scale model of his favorite plastic camera, the Holga. While the camera is just a model (non-operational), it's pretty fun to see the oversized object next to Adam's face, and his dog.

News: Hot Poo-Tato

Picture the game hot potato where you pass it around to each other because the thing is steaming hot. Well, in this version you get the whole crew and some kind of a rubber ball - maybe those ones that they keep in the giant cages at grocery stores - poke a hole in it and fill it with poo and pee. Seal it back up, get an M80, make a hole on opposite and stick it in there and light her up. Play the game . . . whoever is holding it when the M80s are lit and explode gets covered in crap.

News: The Semen Salon

In a follow-up to Terror Taxi, Ehren would be singled out to perform some kind of "stunt" or "prank" . . . which everyone is in on except for him. They get him setup in wardrobe and makeup and when it is time to do his hair, the stylist pulls out a bottle of hair gel. ONLY THIS IS NOT HAIR GEL, it is a bottle of all the guys semen, much like the box of all their pubes in Number Two. The hair person applies it then sits him under one of those giant helmet things you would see in a 1970s Beauty...


one guy gets on his knees with a catchers vest on his chest and a bucket on his head, we load up the picthing machine and shoot it at the bucket on the guys head making a loud and head banging noise.